:: Monday, April 4
money money money, must be funny in the rich man’s world
so anyways.. for the first time in as long as anyone can remember, Nathan got his credit cardback to zero. but this weekend he is off to buy a PSP.. he doesnt even play games really =p *shakes head* ..

um.. so this weekend..
friday i went drinking with work ppl for a bit.. i won snooker..but thats about it.

saturday was daphne's picnic thing and bunny's dinner thing. i got up heaps early, but then left my house late anyways cos i was busy watching LeBron and making this card for bunny. i think it gave me partial RSI =p it jsut had "bunny" written in it like 100 times.

at daphne's picnic there were heaps of ppl keen to play frisbee... which kicks ass. we also played soccer (which is the most crap sport ever). i have officially missed out on the hat tourney (grr) .. so i think next season ill play div3 and div4. ive been working on my backhand a lot in the offseason (cos it totally sucekd last season)

.. onward to bunny's dinner at pancakes. we turned up heaps late =p and like everyone was there.. it was pretty squished up around this rather large table. i dunno why but pancakes always seems to be packed out with asian ppl, theyre everywhere nowadays =p anyways it was cool.. i saw some ppl i see like never.. and some ppl i see all the time =p

.. predictably, we ended up at karaoke afterwards =p we had like 18 ppl packed into a room that was make for about 10 ppl. some ppl were on the floor, some standing and some sitting on table, it was awfully cosy. some of the non-regular karaoke singers had suprisingly godo voices.. david and simon both sung heaps well. i sung horribly as usual, but luckily my throat usually gets sore so i stop singing towards the end =p

.. we left k at about 1am .. and i got home at about 3am... *sigh*. it wouldve been even later, but i had this crazy driver on the night ride, and he was goin hell fast thru those deserted back streets.

:: sunday
yawn.. i was tired.. i went to play basketball at willoughby leisure centre. it was pretty fun, but totally stinking hot inside. i played pretty average. i couldnt make a layup to save my life. and i played my usual terrible defence. my jump shots were going ok though. .. i rather weakened afterward due to the sauna-like conditions inside. after i got home i had a shower and went to sleep at 7pm =p ..

- ian, 12:59 pm ::

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