:: Friday, December 31
inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
someone like asked me for some advice about something today.. and then i got chewed out cos some1 disagreed with me.. i means its just an opinion and it on some subject which i couldnt care less about *shrugs* .. i guess i should stop helping ppl, it seems most ppl are ungrately chumps.. i may as well jsut lay back and let whatever happen.. i mean why help ppl who dont want to be helped?

in other news: i suspect i may have become bitter in my old age.. =p

- ian, 2:08 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 29
ba boom ching
its was pretty deadness in the city today.. my office was real quiet.. i did a bit of work but not much really..

anyways when i got home i found my garage full of what appeared to be a band set up. my brother had bought a full drum kit and he and his friends were over practicing.. well they werent actually there at the time, they were out getting pizza .. their band consists of 4 guitars, no bass and no drums =p my brother says i can learn drums.. cos he is busy learning guitar and piano. apparently judy wants to take bass guitar.. so drumming might be the go for me.. for a while id been thinking of getting into Drummania anyways =) ... now if only i had some rhythm =p

- ian, 11:24 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 28
whatcha waiting for?
um.. today was pretty tiring.. it involved some skating, rock climbing and basketball =) none of them was particularly interesting though.. i was attempting to teach david to skateboard, but he has the wobbliest skateboard ever made. we played basketball with david at some random high school basketball court in parramatta. it was like jsut some miscellaneous ppl who were there.. some guys some girls, msotly jsut kids. it was pretty funny, cos me and dave had just come from rock climbing.. so we couldnt shoot. i totally didnt feel tired, my legs were fine and flick of the wrsit on release was fine, but there was no real push .. so the shots felt good out of my hand, they jsut had no kick on them.. so they go straight and then just fall about a foot short =p

afterwards we went to wagamammas for a dinner for judy.. who is in sydney for the holidays, after being in New York for 2 years or so. there were quite a few ppl there.. so in the end i only got to talk to judy for about 2 mins =p she seemed pretty unexcited about living in NYC.. she actually thought it was cold in Sydney today (even though she jsut came from a city where it was snowing).

in other news: i forgot a jumper or an umbrella.. so i walked home in the rain and cold... brrr.. achoo .. achoo...

- ian, 10:50 pm :: 1 comments

R.I.P. Reggie
im pretty sure no one who has ever read this blog has any idea who Reggie White is, but now is a good a time as any to hear about him. he was a Gridiron player, maybe the greatest defensive player ever in the history of the NFL (he won a superbowl with Brett Favre, my fav player), but even more important than that is that he was a very devout and outspoken christian (not all that common in the NFL). he died on Boxing Day, from unknown causes.. he jsut went to sleep on xmas nite and never woke up.. he was 43.

um.. i dunno what else to say...
death is totally teh suck... the death toll from that earthquake is up to 22,000.. thats heaps scary.. and humbling.. *hugs* out to those families...

- ian, 1:41 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 26
i love you, is that ok?
im thinking of getting a unicycle.. im not sure why, it jsut seems like itd be pretty fun. im also thinking of getting a tattoo *gasp* .. but not like what you're thinking.. its much more geeky.. i wanna get a tattoo like the bruise/scar (depending on which translation u watch) that Sasuke gets from Orochimaru in Naruto. the one which sorta looks like a sharigan on the back of his neck. id post up a pic, but i totally cant be bothered.

.. in other news: my dad gave me these socks today, cos he bought them and they dont fit him. they come in 6 different colors.. and they have the day of the week printed on them ... like so you know which ones to wear on monday.. i guess u had to be there... ill show u sometime =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, December 25
its not for the money and its not for the applause
i got a call from cecil today.. i havent seen her in like forever .. and i guess technically i still havent seen her =p anyways she mentioned that judy is back for a lil while at least.. and she wants to take her bass guitar back to america.. so it appears the dream is over.. i guess im sorta glad i hadnt wasted money on an amp =p im thinking of purchasing this .. its something i can practice alone and would be fun even if i never play any music.. and we need a drummer more than a bassist anyway...

.. im not sure if you've know, but apparently tis the season to be jolly... or so i heard from somewhere... or maybe i jsut read that in the Telegraph or something =p

- ian, 6:44 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, December 24
worst christmas ever
bah humbug.. i was feeling unfestive all this year.. and this christmas jsut compounded the disappointment. we had an early xmas cos jo is going away tommolo morning.. it didnt go that great really. for some reason i think that if i spend more time, money and thought on a gift that it will somehow be more liked.. and that maybe ill get gifts with as much of those things.. but it never works out. im shopping more than ever.. and buying exponentially more expensive gifts.. all of which my parents dont like and jsut go "oh .. thats uh .. nice" before discarding it to some dusty cupboard and never looking at it again. i could totally buy them a yacht or something and they would just smile politely.

according to my magic 8ball, this was the worst christmas ever.. and also the 8ball was he best gift i got this year. and its like cool and all (thanks daphne) .. but when a $10 secret santa is your best gift of the year its a pretty lean year.

in other news: im starting to feel less angst and more apathy...*sigh*

- ian, 11:00 pm :: 0 comments

the fish was delish and it made quite a dish
we had yet another work xmas lunch yesterday.. at the Slip Inn.. and frankly it was totally death levels of humidity... we stayed around for a while but me and nathan left early (3:30) .. apparently the rest kicked on till 11pm-ish =p

... twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a headcrab... well maybe one... i was watching my brother play HL2 and its like all quiet and he has no ammo and is running around with the gravity gun holding a chair.. when this headcrab jumps out at him... at the exact same instant, a giant moth flew into my hair.. and i totally freaked out.. thinking it was a headcrab clawing at my sweet sweet juicy brains. =p

- ian, 1:41 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 22
small boy icchan appears to be lost
uh.. more catching up of posts..

:: monday
work .. boring
i went to play basketball after work at the ATP.. and i managed to get about 20 mins of game time in before being knocked the the ground and splitting open my elbow.. there was much bloodliness around the place.. ian did not return to the game.

.. next i went to frisbee hoping my elbow had dried up... but on my first play of the game, i made a diving catch.. and split it open again =p some lovely girls from some other team managed to give me some ice and some bandages.. so i patched myself up and returned to the game. .. but i made it about 10 mins before this big english guy ran into me... beating the crap out of my ankle.. its still sore now.. gah... why cant i go 10 mins without injuring myself!! i sat for a while, then played thru the pain.. i went on to play a mad game.. easily my best game this season.. lots of diving catches .. i got hit a few more times, but i got up ok.

:: tuesday
i can barely walk... *sigh*.. i took and RDO to do some xmas shopping... i met up with julia.. who is on loan from adelaide for the holidays. i turned up late.. which i seem to be doing a lot lately.. pretty annoying.. i always thought of myself as a rather prompt, timely person. i guess its partially to do witht he trains.. and partially to do with apathy... =p anyways i got thru most of my shopping.. boy its painful walking all over a mall in all stars ... i wanted to play DDR.. but there was that stupid card swipe thing instead of coin slots, so i totally couldnt be bothered =p

finished up by seeing Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events. it was pretty cool.. i enjoyed it.. but i felt there was a bit too much unresolved at the end... there are apparently 13 books.. and this movie was only based on 3.. so i guess theyll explain the rest at a later time. it was fun anyways =)

.. on the path from my house to the train stn i noticed a car.. an abandoned car.. which had been set on fire =p it looked sorta cool and melted... i was tempted to go get my camera... but was too lazy. i came back this morning with my camera.. but alas it was gone..

:: wednesday
i had lunch with jenny today.. she is doing well.. she gave me a xmas card.. my only one this year *sigh*.. she is a such a sweetie. im heaps jealous of how she looks so far into the future.. i heaps wish for some direction in my life.. like a goal or something. i feel like in a computer game.. but ive forgotten my mission objectives.. so im jsut wandering around pushing the "use" key at everything, hoping something will open =p

- ian, 7:19 pm :: 4 comments

:: Tuesday, December 21
the weekend wrap-up
man i suck at the blogging..

:: friday nite
i have no life.. i totally did nothing

i bumped into julia and we went to get a coffee.. i got a flat white, and she got a cap.. but the guy made the same coffee twice =p jsut one had that choc powder on it .. gah.. coffee is such a rort =p

:: saturday
i woke up n watch the NBA.. and some Simpsons.. and not much else. i popped out for a bit to attempt to do some christmas shopping.. but i didnt really do that well... i think i try too hard to get a perfect gift all the time.. and usually waste too much time and therefore end up with some crappy gift =p

Jo and Jules came over for dinner.. i havent seen those guys for ages.. as always my mum made prawns for Jules =) works out well for me.. hehe.. prawn entree, prawn salad and prawns on the BBQ.. mm.. *rubs tummy*

afterwards me and nige went to Paul Johnstons semi-xmas-semi-bday party. we were the only high school ppl among a big group of uptown anglos =p seems i was the token asian guy.. its been a while since i was at a party which was 90% full of asian ppl =p i also met nige's new gf.. she seems nice.. but as always with nige, her english wasnt fantastic =p she sorta reminds me of cecil cos she laughed a lot at things that most ppl dont find all the funny. i was teaching them both how to play frisbee.. they both seem quite interested in joining .. so hopefully theyll come play next season =)

:: sunday
went to bunny's xmas party.. it was a quiet lil party but heaps of fun.. lots of donkey konga, singstar and most funly, Taboo.. man that game is such fun.. if it wasnt for the bunny-anita psychic connection we wouldve convincingly won. its like those girls jsut look at each other and they know the word =p my favourite call of the day was bunyn trying to do the word "fence" and saying "in a debate, chito always sits on this".. hehe. in the secret santa action i got a magic 8ball from daphne.. which i coinicidently bought for jules for his bday only one day earlier =p hehe.. i always wanted one of these.. ive given away about half a dozen, but never gotten one myself =p it seemed to work pretty well.. at least a lot of other ppl found it amusing =)

.. in other news: it was totally hot on sunday..

- ian, 11:47 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 16
this is worse, they have Justin Timberlake's DNA!!!
uh.. not much going on lately.. jsut leeching divx's and watching some =p way too many to list here... but heres a quick blurb about the ones ive watched lately..(no spoilers)

:: Napolean Dynamite
this was really fun.. its a comedy, but not really a laugh out loud sorta comedy, its like funny in the quirky/amusing/awkward way. its just so subtle and clever .. although sometimes a bit too subtle =p it gets 8.9 on my arthouse scale.. and about 7.7 on my overall scale. =p

:: New Police Story 2004
uh.. this is the new Jackie Chan movie if u didnt know. it was better than id expected (considering the recent ones ive seen). the stunts and fighting arent the best ive seen, but the story was actually ok. it was well made and the "modern" action is pretty cool. it gets 7.3

:: The Incredibles
this was mad =) id only heard good reviews from ppl uptil this morning where i heard one which said it was average... so i went in with low expectations, and i was blown away. it was heaps of fun, clever and exciting. the 3D animation is totally good.. the texturing and lighting effects looked noticeably better than previous Pixar movies. it gets a 9.3 on my awesomeness scale =)

.. today i was watching Rouge its pretty addictive... there was some conspiracy where the badguys (or bad super hot girl in this case) steal ppl's DNA and plant them at crime scenes to frame ppl. and the Rouge girls stumbled upon the lab.. one girl goes "they have our DNA, they can frame us for anything" .. and another girl goes "oh no, this is worse.. they have Justin Timberlake's DNA!!" .. eep! what could be worse? somebody scramble the fighters!!! =p

.. in other news: the hot girl at the cafeteria made me a caramel latte instead of my regular flat white today.. i dunno if that means anything =p

- ian, 11:19 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 15
all i want to do is be more like me and be less like you
was one of many work xmas lunches today(i mean yesterday).. it was pretty crap and boring =p but that coupled with a fire drill in the morning meant that i spent a total of about an hour at my desk today =p also i left early to do to this LAN thing bunny organised. it was pretty funny when i turned up at 5pm and hatman is like "how long is ur lunch break?" .. i guess time flies when ur at a LAN =p

at this LAN i played *gasp* warcraft 3. omg.. its still pretty teh ghey.. but we played this mod thing coalled DOTA.. it was pretty ok.. since u only have a hero and no units or buildings i actually did ok at it. i was thinking if me, bunny, tenny and hunt play heaps of DOTA with these suanime ppl an get heaps good, then we can play all on the same team vs gus/chito at the next LAN.. and them claim the teams are even (by saying "what? i hardly even play this").. then beat them repeatedly.. then refuse to play any other game.. like they always do to us at Warcraft3.... and then jsut keep beating them till they get bored and start watching pr0n. then sit back with a smug grin calling them chicken for not wanting to play.. and claim whatever else they wanna play is boring.

in other news: i dont think we're having a LAN anymore.. no one seems keen.. i dunno why =p i think the biggest problem with RTSs at LAN parties is that theyre not fun unless ur winning.. so everyone is heaps cheap and plays to win however they can.. even it ifs not fair (i totally shouldve rushed everyone that time we played TA.. i wouldve beaten everyone is about 5 mins.. while they were still trying to figure out where they could build a metal extractor =p) .. whereas something like CS is still pretty fun even when u lose... *shrugs* .. LAN parties are sorta deadness due to ppl playing different games now. maybe we can have a Maple Story LAN .. or a Pokemon Stadium party ... or a Crystal Chronicles party =) .. hrm.. acutally the problem is that no one likes fun games anymore =p ... id say DDR(or dancing stage rather) too.. but that ends up jsut as bad.. "uh ive hardly even played this song.. i can only sorta get AAAs when i play with my eyes closed" .. bleh... we should all play 3rd mix and then u can all feel my ddr ownage =p

.. ahem.. not that im bitter or anything...

afterwards we went and ate.. and then went to play DDR at galaxy (we all got owned up by Annie) .. me and annie were both wearing pretty massive chunky shoes.. she still rocked the house that =) lastly was K-world.. it was pretty cool, cept we kept trying to sing really hard songs which we dont really have the vocal range to sign (cept tenny maybe).. it was fun still =) k-world is so much better than any other K place in sydney right now.

.. hrm.. i got on the last train of the nite.. i got home like after 1pm... *falls asleep*..

- ian, 10:48 am :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, December 14
round round baby round round
shinji started at the RBA today.. he is in some team over the other side of the floor, ive got no idea what they do over there, apparently .NET stuff.. *shrugs*. he spent all day reading the intranet about the RBA and procedures n stuff =p

anyways.. afetr work i went home.. sorta forgetting that frisbee was on today.. i lsot track of time whilst i was trying to capture pokemon =p anyways the trains were fsked (what a suprise) .. so by the time i got home, i had to pretty much get changed and leave straight away.. i managed to grab a few things to eat as i raced out the door... but i got the station and the trains werent moving anyways =p some delay cos of downed powerlines.. meh..

i turned up like 20mins late for frisbee... lucky they never start on time anyways.. i only missed two points. it was a pretty fun game, we won by 1 i think.. they ppl were more nice than friendly, but i guess thats cool too.. i couldnt really run at all.. my lungs nowadays are dying.. if i was a smoker i would quit now.. =p

.. in other news: some recent divx additions include: Storm Riders, Napolean Dynamite, New Police Story 2004, The Manchurian Candidate, The Village, Yes Men, Garden State, Almost Famous, Gattaca, Elf. and some other misc snowboarding and basketball videos =)

- ian, 10:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 13
full mind f*sk alchemist
holy macaroni.. i forgot to mention ive been watching Full Metal Alchemist.. and i have to say its totally got issues.. its heaps intense. if u havent seen it, its about these alchemists who can use like magic to transform "materials" into other things of equal value. but theres this big controversy of some alchemist using other ppl as one of the "materials" ... and man.. its totally crazy... theres all these serious moral issues about experimenting on other humans and stuff.. argh.. i dunno whether to be angry or sad sometimes.. eep!

- ian, 10:55 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 12
nothing says emo like emoticons :(
this weekend was pretty sad and lonely.. although i did catch up on a bunch of anime and pokemon catching.. *shakes head* .. so very sad *weeps*

actually it wasnt as bad as all that.. i pretty much jsut slept thru most of it. im totally lethargic lately.. i feel like i had an encounter with Rogue or something, and i havent quite recovered. i think i need more iron or something... hrm..

i was just pondering while i get so bored all the time.. and i think its basically cos i have no patience .. i like a lot of things.. but i dont like many things enough that i wanna do them all the time. i like to start a lot of things but i rarely carry on enough to get good at them (e.g. learning jap, breakdancing, drawing, ..). and even with anime, i tend to get bored watching it and need breaks.. and i want to get involved in cosplaying.. but i jsut cant get off my butt and make something.. *sigh* ... i guess laziness is part of that =p

- ian, 9:01 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 9

- ian, 10:53 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 7
.. you went away, now my life is just a rainy day
today i faxed off my booking form for my switzerland snow trip.. i sent it from kinkos.. and it cost a rather hefty $6.60 per page.. wtf? its cos it had to be sent to London .. and that was the cheapest i could find =p the girl at the counter was reading my email (scandalous) so she was telling me how awesome the snow is in switzerland =) .. i cant wait!

after work we went to see off sheralyn.. who is off home for good.. *sniffle*.. although ive seen her more this week than the rest of the year, tis still sad to see her go. her antics will be missed.. =p

its always so exciting at the airport.. its jsut made me even more excited about my trip =) there was a fair sized group of ppl there to see her off.. im sure she was feeling the love =) there was a bunch of anime ppl who i hadnt seen in ages (cos theyre too cool to hang out now). we bought krispy kremes.. and sat around the airport waiting for sheralyns plane to come. it was fun =) makes me remember the old days where anime ppl hung and and were fun.. i think partially cos only the nice ppl would turn up to see someone off at the airport =) .. no troublesomes around =p

anyways.. since her flight was at 10pm.. i got home stupidly late.. gah.. and its annoucement day.. so that means getting to work early for ian.. *sigh*


- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 6
lvl 21 sharpedo
i actually did some work today =p whoa.. weird.. im jsut making some changes based on end user feedback, it wasnt heaps interesting, but it was better than nothing.

after work we had the usual after work pool thingy.. it was playing well.. i think i played 6 games and only lost one (and we were both on the black). Nathan was playing this old guy, who claimed to have played Eddie Charlton as a pro.. they played international rules and had to call every shot. i think the guy is possibly the non-credible guy.. i mean seriously, no pro would lose to nathan 3 times in a row.. even i beat nathan about half the time (and im a woebag). he was good.. but not pro good.. *shrugs* he talked the talk at least =p

at frisbee tonite it was uber-windy and frankly we played uber-crap =p no one individually played horrible, but as a team it was pretty average. our opponent wasnt even that great, they just make heaps less mistakes than us. .. BUT.. it was a fun game =) they seemed pretty friendly n stuff.. even if they did thump us 1-10.

- ian, 11:10 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, December 5
whatever, nevermind
on saturday nite i was watching some late nite episode of Columbo.. man i used to love that show. it was so clever.. i mean it was a murder mystery where you always knew who the killer was, but it was still entertaining to watch how he picks it apart. most of the time he cant prove they did it, so he finds some way to trick them into confessing, usually by convincing them he has figured them out and making them panic. the only problem with the show is how he asks ppl questions that they couldnt possibly know the answer to unless they were the killer, and instead of just saying "how should i know" they jsut lie through their teeth. but thats ok.. its old.. and still good tv.

... sunday we had a lil farewell get-together for our favourite lil singaporean sheralyn who is sadly going back home after finishing her degree *sniff*. it went along the lines of yum cha, karaoke, korean BBQ + hot pot .. mmm..

twas good fun to hang out with some anime ppl again, (well these ones anyways =p) .. theyre ever so excitable =p we had 3 hours of K.. and my throat was a lil sore beforehand.. but it was totally wrecked afterwards .. but well worth it.. hehe. sheralyn had this book where ppl wrote msgs and contact details, and annie drew this awesome anime-like pic of her, although it did sorta looked like harry potter too =p annie is such a champ.. im counting her to revive my apparently dying anime club =)

... hrm.. i weighed myself on these scales at sher's place.. and man im totally packing it on.. (i weigh almost exactly double sheralyn =p) hrm.. i guess its cos indoor soccer and basketball are both finished, and ive played one game of frisbee in 4 weeks.. im gonna skip breakfast today..

- ian, 11:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, December 4
i dont belong here
mmkay.. so im like at the RBA xmas party... and frankly it was totally whack.. i dont know how else to put it. im not saying it wasnt fun, it was at some points... but seeing ppl almost old enough to be my parents getting drunk, dancing.. and uh.. getting jiggy.. isnt exactly what id call my kinda scene. and it wasnt jsut the oldness.. there was a lot late-20s, early 30s desperately grasping onto their youth.... trying to still be cool. *sigh*.. thatll be me in a few years =p

also i was reminded why i stopped drinking.. i had one.. or maybe a dozen.. and it felt horrible.. i wasnt even close to drunk.. barely even tipsy actually, but drunkeness isnt that great.. i guess it was sorta cool when i was 17.. but not really any more.

.. do do do.. i spent this morning watching the NBA on ESPN.. man i hate the detroit pistons so much.. they jsut foul the crap out of ppl.. then cry like babies on the other end of the court. .. ahem.. anyways.. Ginbobli played mad..

- ian, 1:37 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 2
take a look at me now
uh.. so its like thursday...

anyhoos.. this week has been totally teh suck.. tuesdays i just went home after work and was sick the whole nite. it was crazy hot in the day.. and the combination of cold trains and air conditioned office made my body jsut give up trying to adjust to the temperature change.

wednesday i had taken an RDO.. but i was too sick to do anything anyways. i just bummed around home and sneezed alot =p it was like 40 degrees today.. but its not so much the heat but the fluctuations that kill me.. i heard on the news that at one point, at some place in sydney it dropped 15 degrees in 15 mins.. wtf? *shakes head*

anyways.. all ive really achieved is a whole lot of levelling up of pokemon and maple story... and using up a coupla boxes of tissues =p .. speaking of maple story.... the other day hunt was saying how easy itd be to write a trainer.. or a bot to level up for me.. and when i got home today, i found my brother writing a bot =p it sorta worked as well.. but he was trying to make it so it was an undetectable bot.. or an intelligent bot. he wanted it to like chase monsters... and use potions when it got hurt.. and return to town to buy more arrows =p

.. moving on.. today was much of the same.. cept i did it all at work. *sigh*

in other news: my nose is bleeding now =p

- ian, 11:22 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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