:: Thursday, December 16
this is worse, they have Justin Timberlake's DNA!!!
uh.. not much going on lately.. jsut leeching divx's and watching some =p way too many to list here... but heres a quick blurb about the ones ive watched lately..(no spoilers)

:: Napolean Dynamite
this was really fun.. its a comedy, but not really a laugh out loud sorta comedy, its like funny in the quirky/amusing/awkward way. its just so subtle and clever .. although sometimes a bit too subtle =p it gets 8.9 on my arthouse scale.. and about 7.7 on my overall scale. =p

:: New Police Story 2004
uh.. this is the new Jackie Chan movie if u didnt know. it was better than id expected (considering the recent ones ive seen). the stunts and fighting arent the best ive seen, but the story was actually ok. it was well made and the "modern" action is pretty cool. it gets 7.3

:: The Incredibles
this was mad =) id only heard good reviews from ppl uptil this morning where i heard one which said it was average... so i went in with low expectations, and i was blown away. it was heaps of fun, clever and exciting. the 3D animation is totally good.. the texturing and lighting effects looked noticeably better than previous Pixar movies. it gets a 9.3 on my awesomeness scale =)

.. today i was watching Rouge its pretty addictive... there was some conspiracy where the badguys (or bad super hot girl in this case) steal ppl's DNA and plant them at crime scenes to frame ppl. and the Rouge girls stumbled upon the lab.. one girl goes "they have our DNA, they can frame us for anything" .. and another girl goes "oh no, this is worse.. they have Justin Timberlake's DNA!!" .. eep! what could be worse? somebody scramble the fighters!!! =p

.. in other news: the hot girl at the cafeteria made me a caramel latte instead of my regular flat white today.. i dunno if that means anything =p

- ian, 11:19 pm ::

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