nothing says emo like emoticons :(
this weekend was pretty sad and lonely.. although i did catch up on a bunch of anime and pokemon catching.. *shakes head* .. so very sad *weeps*
actually it wasnt as bad as all that.. i pretty much jsut slept thru most of it. im totally lethargic lately.. i feel like i had an encounter with Rogue or something, and i havent quite recovered. i think i need more iron or something... hrm..
i was just pondering while i get so bored all the time.. and i think its basically cos i have no patience .. i like a lot of things.. but i dont like many things enough that i wanna do them all the time. i like to start a lot of things but i rarely carry on enough to get good at them (e.g. learning jap, breakdancing, drawing, ..). and even with anime, i tend to get bored watching it and need breaks.. and i want to get involved in cosplaying.. but i jsut cant get off my butt and make something.. *sigh* ... i guess laziness is part of that =p