:: Wednesday, September 29
uprockin beats
gah.. today at work i was asked to make a java applet. soudns easy enough.. but it has to let the user upload photos.. then scroll and resize and crop them.. eep! if u havent heard i totally hate AWT like poison.. its such hell to use.. its not logical at all.. some maths geek somewhere found the trickiest way to layout things and handle events and put that into java. i have trouble jsut making GUIs with it.. not i have to make this dynamic fancy sliding, zooming thingy .. trouble times.. *sigh* =(

in other news: my next thing is bboying.. i ldo like hip hop and it seems like something i should be good at.. although im heaps beat up atm.. carrying lots of niggling injuries.. so ill start in a coupla weeks =p

- ian, 11:38 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, September 28
i just know what to do with myself
work work.. zug zug..

anyhoos.. today was pretty crasp.. i didnt go to basketball cos my hamstring is still heaps deadness... i went home and watch Ghost in The Shell 2: Innocence. it was jsut like the first movie except without the action and with a less good, more confoosing story.. =p it did look cool though =) but overall it was rather disappointing. oh well .. that seems to be a bit of a trend with movies of late =p i feel like watching more anime but seems Mort has still got my spindle from like a half a year ago.. *sigh*

in other news: i cut open my hand on a slinky.. i dont even know how thats possible cos it was a plastic slinky. i have a bad habit of bleeding all over the place =p

- ian, 11:32 pm :: 1 comments

:: Monday, September 27
a blister in the sun
gah.. my arm stings like you wouldnt believe.. ouch =(

monday is normally sporty day.. but not so much today. i didnt go to indoor soccer cos my hamstring was heaps painful.. and we got ownz0red 0-5. eep! i did decide to go to frisbee though.. and it proly wasnt the greatest idea ive had. i couldnt really run or anything it was pretty horribles. we lost the first game 2-9 and won the second 5-1. our team is seriously lacking girls so we sorta have a big advantage over some teams, as they usually let us play with extra guys. .. anyways.. my hamstring hurts like hell.. i can barely walk atm.. *sigh*

earlier that day... i traded in two gameboy advance games (golden sun + doom) in exchange for Puzzle Fighter 2. im suprised for one that i managed to get $50 for those 2 games.. and even more suprised that Puzzle Fighter was so expensive.. but at the end of the day i traded a crap game and a broken game for a decent used game =p

:: late breaking news ::
oh i was talking to my lil sis LiNg-Y the other day at her bday about how we have the same last name. she is a Tan and im a Chen.. but theyre written the same way in chinese.. cos theyre actually the same name. if u have chinese characters enabled it looks like this: 陳 .. otherwise ill insert a graphic of it here later. turns out that Chen is mandarin.. and Tan is the same name but in Hokkien.. it could also be Chan which is cantonese. so maybe me and ling really are family... although it is also the 2nd most common chinese surname (behind Wang or Wong.. same same)

- ian, 11:05 pm :: 3 comments

:: Sunday, September 26
tommorrow, tommorrow, i love ya tommorrow
uh.. yeh.. i should probly like write a blog post or something here..

:: friday
i was in fear of being a loser at home on a friday nite again.. but i forgot that i had ling's bday dinner thing on.. unfortuantely it was in parra.. *sigh*. i turned up at 7pm (about half an hour late) but i was about the 5th person there (out of about 20+) so i didnt feel too bad. it was a rather strange group of people (mostly cos i didnt realyl know any of them) but i managed to find some people to talk to about snowboarding and japan n stuff =) hehe. i later realised that we'd jsut had a bday dinenr without having a bday cake... hrmm..

we ended up being at the restaurant for more than 5 hours.. which is maybe the lognest dinner ive ever been to. we jsut never seemed to want to leave (well i suspect thats what the restaurant ppl were thinking). afterwards we were trying to teach lingy to skate cos hoa apparently bought her a skateboard for her bday. she was doing ok for a first timer (at least she didnt break an ankle =p). i did the two biggest ollies ive ever done that nite.. and i thought i totally had it down (but sadly later attempts disproved that theory)

needless to say i got home ludicrously late...

:: saturday
i woke up like in the middle of the day and watch the AFL grand final.. it was good to see those cheating, whinging Brisbane Lions finally not get away with complaining their way to the championship. theyre so crap.. what happens is Jonathan Brown and Martin Pike go around anally raping people then looking at the ref like "what? i barely touched him" then someone blows some air a bit too hard onto Akermanis' pinky finger and then he falls over clutching his eyes as if he has been harpooned by whale hunter... and then chases the ref around for the rest of the game crying like a baby.

anyhoos.. they lost.. so i feel better =p .. later that day... i went out to go to this sushi making thing at annie's sister's house in five dock. my decision to skate there turned out to be not so great.. i had the worst stack ive had since i started skating. i hit this big crack in the sidewalk and went flying head over heels onto the road. i managed to leave a fair bit of skin off my elbow on the tarmac... ouch.. it didnt really hurt that much.. i was just sorta jsut bleeding everywhere.. it wasnt pleasant. i arrived at annie's and sorta jsut bled some more .. cos her sister had only just moved in she didnt really have any medical supplies.. *sigh*

.. the sushi making was pretty fun i spose... we were kinda lacking tables n stuff so we all sat on the floor at watch the ARL on tv. well mostly jsut me and Minh watched.. the others had no idea what was going on =p we jsut sat around and sang karaoke for a few hours before deciding to go home .. i managed to get a ride home fromt he lovely kallie =)

still got home stupidly late though =p

:: sunday
i woke up feeling like not really doing anything.. so i jsut sat around and ate some banana muffins that my mother had freshly baked =) but i thought id better get off my fat ass and do something.. so i went to play tennis with some peeps. it was at haberfield.. and i went ok. if u havent heard im totally crap at tennis.. the only thing im worse at is soccer =p but on this day i was playng ok. i still have no back hand.. and i hit the ball off the frame way too often.. but i hit enough good shots that i didnt feel like i was horribly worse than the other guys. unlike soccer, i feel like i could eventually be pretty good at tennis, i really need to work on judging the ball in the air (like where its going to go) and then moving my feet to get into position to hit the ball. ive got pretty good court coverage.. cos im pretty fast. itd help if i wore tennis shoes instead of skating shoes =p

injury report: horrible grazes on both hands and elbows, suspected hamstring pull
angst levels: temporarily subsided

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, September 23
art imitates life
meh.. im bored. i had to go out to the disaster recoery site today.. we spent about 4 hours there and i only really needed to be there for about 5 mins =p we stopped at Castle Towers to eat on the way back as well.. its been a pretty cruisey day. i shoulda jsut gone straight home =p

anyways.. im stuck in a cubicle.. may as well update my blog.

:: wednesday
i woke up feeling like crasp.. *sigh* .. another day at the coal mines. i didnt really do anything the whole day. after work i had a few hours to kill so i sat at my desk and watched some episodes of Naruto, and burnt some divx movies off the the movie server at work... ahem.. i mean backed up some of my files... =p

next i met up with kallie to go see this play called Betrayal. luckily she was heaps early so she came and gave me a ride instead of me having to hike to sydney uni =p

the play was pretty awesome.. but thats coming from someone who really likes plays =p i thought it was very cleverly written with some witty dialogue and the actors and actresses were all good throughtout the play. the story was this sorta backwards recollection of this affair. kinda scary how humans are so flawed, i sorta never could really get my head around betrayal n stuff before, but in recent times have seen some pretty suck stuff goin on, and this movie highlights some aspects of how people deal with it. anyhoo i highly recommend you go see it if u read this before it closes on saturday =p the only real problems i had with it was they sorta over did the awkward silences a bit... i mean i know in this sorta situation theyd happen a lot.. but it kinda took away from the flow of the dialogue at times.

the guy sitting behind me kept moving around an kicked me in the back of the head.. and also i was sorta sitting behind a pole.. but other than that it was enjoyable =)

i got home at midnite-ish for the 3rd night in a row .. but i had to stay up and attempt to fix my injury riddled computer *sigh* ... so many nights.. so little sleep.

.. in other angst, i was crying the other nite (no i dont wanna talk about it) so heres a shamlessly plagarised and slightly edited angsty poem from somewhere:
I saw him today.
I saw her today.

It's been a while.
It feels like its been forever.

He looked okay.
I couldn't stop staring.

We talked for a bit.
I've missed her voice.

He kept looking at me and I wondered why.
She wouldn't look me in the eye and I wondered why.

He asked me how I was and I told him about my new boyfriend.
She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told him I didn't.

I pretended like I cared.
I pretended like I didn't care.

He looked different than he used to.
She looked better than ever.

I gave him a friendly hug goodbye.
We held each other one more time.

And then I went shopping.
And then I went home and cried.

- ian, 9:16 am :: 3 comments

:: Wednesday, September 22
ian is a whinger =p
omg.. neck sore.. knee more brusied.. ankles bad as usual.. hamstrings both very sore.. nose runny.... *sniffs*

what in the world is going on?
maybe 3 sports in 2 days wasnt the greatest idea ive had =p nathan has also asked me to play on his basketball team and his ice hockey team.. hrm.. maybe not =p

we also lost basketball last nite.. grr.. i was on fire early.. scoring 6 of our first 8 points =) but then i went to the bench.. and it was all over =p nah actually they got away for a while.. but it was close and we were ahead right near the end.. yet we choked again.. *sigh*

in other news: i bought a new harddrive to replace my corrupt one. i havent realy had time to set it up properly yet. hopefully this one goes better.. grr.. i shoudlve got a SATA one..

- ian, 10:46 am :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, September 21
could you leave me with a scar..
well well well.. my first game of indoor soccer.. eep! its heaps tiring.. i played ok considering i have no ball control skills at all =p we ended up losing 4-5, but we came back from 1-5 down. nathan scored all four of our goals =p he was about 5 times better than our next best player.. and about three times as good as the other team's best player. he is sorta weighed down by us =p

... onwards to frisbee... i was totally feeling crap by this stage.. i sleep for a while whilst waiting for everyone to turn up... but sadly they didnt turn up! we only had 5 players for the first game =( but we only went down by 1 point. i played absolutely horribles in the first game.. my lungs were in pain.

the second game u played heaps better and we won by 1 =) so we were even for the night =p in the second game i did heaps less running.. i was just heaps more selective about when i ran and when i didnt run (although i gave up one score off a long pass by no running =p) it worked well cos i was much less tired.

hrm.. getting home is heaps suck. cos it finishes so late. im glad i brought my skateboard tonite else i wouldve got home at well past 11pm.

injury report:
right ankle: tweaked
left knee: heaps bruised
right hand: sorta bruised

.. in other news: the song of the day is Scar by Missy Higgins (hooray for australian music)
He left a card, a bar of soap and a scrubbing brush next to a note
That said "use these down to your bones"
And before I knew I had shiny skin and it felt easy being clean like him
I thought "this one knows better than I do"

A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle
He tried to cut me so I'd fit

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could've gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?

So the next one came with a bag of treats, she smelled like sugar and
spoke like the sea
And she told me don't trust them, trust me
Then she pulled at my stitches one by one, looked at my insides clicking
her tongue and said
"This will all have to come undone"

A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle
She tried to cut me so I'd fit

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?

I think I realized just in time, although my old self was hard to find
You bathe me in your finest wine but I'll never give you mine
'Cos I'm a little bit tired of feeling like I'll be the bad fruit nobody buys
Tell me, did you think we'd all dream the same?

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?
Could you leave me with a scar?

- ian, 9:29 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, September 19
a triangle trying to squeeze thru a circle
sickness levels: tolerable

im feeling ok-ish.. ill probly go to work tommolo.. and play indoor soccer.. and frisbee. =p

my computer is teh ghey.. C drive, J Drive and K Drives are corrupt. so annoying cos J and K are my divx drives =p so many hours of leeching lost =(

whats most annoying is that the corrupted drives are spread over 2 different physical drives, so i pretty much have to throw out everything and buy a new hard drive.. *sigh*

- ian, 8:47 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, September 18
the saga continues..
captains log: stardate 18092004

i seem to have contracted some unknown chronic virus. it has slowed me down considerably.. i may have to relinquish leadership and put spock in charge. i dont know how much longer i can go on, i must find a cure... but how?

i have a suspicion that the answer lies in the mists of Zytrec 7.. the inhabitants must know something.. but how do i get them to talk? that i still dont know.. but ill wager it involves me fighting their leader to death in one on one combat with only primative weapons and my shirt get torn revealing my muscle-ridden chest..


- ian, 6:03 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, September 17
take me out
does anyone wanna go see a movie?
my mum just handed me this book of buy on get one free vouchers that she got as part of this shareholders program. valid at village, greater union and palace cinemas. she jsut realised she has only seen about 3 movies since 1978, so she probly wont use them all up before december this year =p

- ian, 4:57 pm :: 0 comments

substance abuse
ok im totally full of drugs... panadols, codral, zyrtec... *falls over*
and .. i still feel horribles..

achoo achoo achoo...

why on earth did i come to work today? i have no idea.

although i admit i feel about 1000 times better than i did yesterday =p
man.. coming in yesterday was a mistake.

in other news: its friday.. so far i have nothing planned.. *sigh*
<< insert more angst here >>

- ian, 10:34 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, September 15
whoa.. the drugs are kicking in now.. i should sleep i spose.

i took today off work cos im sick
i feel terrible. i also split my lip.. and bit my tongue.. and jarred my finger.. and my nose is bleeding.. *sigh*

hayfever is totally the bane of my existance... *sneezes* .. *coughs* ..

- ian, 11:43 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, September 14
icchanoland status: defcon crapsticks
oh pardon my french, that shoudl be defcon cr*psticks. i feel horribles.. heres whats happened thus far....

:: monday
went to frisbee.. none of our girls turned up, so we had to to play with less players (its a mixed comp) we ended up winning the first game (i played awesome, i had like 7 intercepts) and we tied the second game (i played ok, and had 2 big plays down the stretch). our teams seems pretty good, our beginner guy is heaps athletic and throws ok.

and now for the suck part.. i got home at midnite! grr.. and i caught a cold. there was some train suckness and it ended up taking about 2 hours for me to get home.. i jsut sat on train platforms and shivered all nite... =(

:: tuesday
for the second time in a row, i took an RDO, only to wake up that day being horribly sick (sick enough that i wouldve called in sick if i didnt have an RDO). meh.. i have too many RDOs anyway =p i tried in vain to fix my dead computer.. i got it going by re-installing windows.. only to have it die again an hour later. im pretty sure the C Drive has some serious problems.

on the upside, i got to watch the Green Bay Packers win today =)

went to basketball.. i felt heaps terribles. the game was a tie! but we shouldve won. the guy hit a 3 from almost halfcourt at the buzzer to tie it. grr. we're heaps suck, i didnt play well at all.. still scored a few points though. we were up by 5 with about a minute to play.. but i stupidly fouled a guy shooting a 3.. *sigh*

also my horrible throat infection means my lungs are in pain all the time.. i jsut missed my train home so i had to sit on a platform for ages more.. =(

in other news: *sigh*

- ian, 11:04 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, September 13
you got what you wanted, now give these people air!!
gah.. i lost this post after i spent a million years typing it, ill retype it in condensed form =p meh..
according to my counter, no one ever vists one weekends, and i rarely update on weekends anyways.. but this weekend i have a good excuse, my computer is dead. the harddrive is corrupted.. grr. so annoyingness. i need to go buy a new harddrive this week sometime (luckily its a pay week, cos i have no money). whilst trying to fix it, i wanted to boot from a boot disk... but no one in my hosue had a boot disk.. oh.. so i thought id jsut make a new one.. but no one in my house even has a floppy drive anymore =p

the story of my life..
:: friday
went to see the usyd Arts Revue, so i met up with a bunch of people and went to eat at glebe pt road beforehand. we went to this quaint lil pizza joint. it was a nice group of ppls.. seems hatman has the same taste in pizza as me.. i.e. no mushrooms or pineapple =p also the waitress was pretty hot =p

onwards to the Seymour Centre for the revue... and i must say its the best revue ive seen.. maybe i should go to Arts Revues more often =) ive still never seen a compsci one.. i think theyd had heaps of computer geek jokes which id get =p it started a bit slow but jsut got better and better.. my favourite skits were the ones with the hillbillies, Neal's evil one.. and the Arnie one..lol.. so goodness.

afterwards we went to Ice n Slice for some gelato.. i had pineapple, passionfruit and strawberry.. *drool* the pineapple one is to die for =) Usyd anime ppl are so much nicer than uts people. theyre like heaps friendly n stuff.. i guess that has a lot to do with the way the club is run, its more inviting for ppl. although lots of them seem to think im "with" bunny.. probly cos all the usyd geeks are after her =p

were gonna go to K after, but didnt make it that far..

:: saturday
i went to this picnic thing in parramatta organised by hema or kallie or someone.. parra is hell to get to from thornleigh if u dont have a car =p took me 2 trains and a bus .. *sigh* if i drove itd be liek 15-20 mins by car =p. i hadnt been to parra park since i was about 10, but its really nice and quiet round there =) we sat around n stuff.. and i taught all the guys how to throw a frisbee forehand =) then i ate too many malteasers.

next i was heading to the city for michelle's bday thing at encasa. luckily both tenny and khoi were headed that way so i managed to scab a ride =) the fod was awesome there as always.. everyone was awfully full after =p i had to stop with the sangria after only a few =p

we went bowling afterwards.. *sigh* im still crap as always =p the only person i beat in the first game was shelly.. and she was bowling left handed.. (i was bowling right handed) *sigh*. its sjut not my sport i guess.. ive got these puny lil girl arms.

got a lift to the stn from bunny and caught the last train home for the second nite in a row =p

:: sunday
uh.. nothing really. i built this gundam model that my brother bought me like 2 years ago.. its so cute ^^; i also watched some movies.

Dune - 3hr Extended Edition. this was pretty mad. its a whole hour longer than the original edit. although theres some controversy where the director hated it and took his name off it =p its a good movie.. albeit a lil confoosing. i wont be buying the dvd, but it was worth watching.

National Security - this was crap.. Martin Lawrence plays the most annoying character maybe ever.. the "is it cos im black" joke stopped being funny in the 1980s.. and the being a jerk to be tough joke was never funny. this is 90mins of my life i will never get back.

Rope - ok i borrowed this off michelle like ages ago. and i had seen it before.. but i kinda get all those hitchcock movies mixed up in my head =p this one is really good though =) id like to see it in the play version some day, it has some very witty dialogue in it although its a bit more angsty and overacted in a few bits =p

.. i have no computer for a while, so im stuck watching either cable (gah) or DVDs that are at my house that arent mine (cos ive seen mine already).. the options are my brothers (bad kung fu and music dvds) or my sister's (jane austen and foreign language films).. i dunno which is better.. or worse =p

- ian, 1:18 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, September 9
im with you
work work, zug zug...

i played soccer today at lunch with work ppl.. gah.. im so crap. girls like outplaying me.. twas pretty embarassing. i kept getting wrong footed and almost falling over. it was hot, and i was tired.. and then it started to rain =p so crap

do do do
afterwork i was sposed to meet up with asha to play frisbee.. but she turned off her phone to avoid me or something =p so i went home and ate dinner instead. we met up later cos she was busy or something. jsut went up to my local school and threw the disc around for a bit. jsut a lil practice before the Hat starts next week. part way thru the lights at the oval turned off.. eep! quite off-putting =p

in other news: ive been watching re-runs of old old xfiles episodes (its like on heaps late at nite). and this show still kicks ass.. i was a pretty hardcore file-o-phile back in the day and the nostaglia amazing =) hehe

- ian, 11:24 pm :: 0 comments

tonite's top ten list
hrm.. i finally made an update to my top ten lists. today its my Top Ten Foreign Language Songs. although theyre jap =p

contact me if u want mp3s =)

in other news: if its "I" before "E" except after "C" then shouldnt it be spelt "foriegn" ?? or is there a C in there somewhere im not seeing. =p

- ian, 2:56 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, September 8
im feeling this
i did nothing at work today =p i had stuff to do, but i was too busy drawing stuff.. like this:

some guy at work was trying to teach me how to shade stuff.. that was my first try, so theres lots of contradicting shadows in it =p

hrm.. thats a digital camera photo of it, i need a scanner.. *sigh*.. but alas i am but a poor struggling artist =p

- ian, 11:18 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, September 7
why does it always rain on me?
we took kallie out for lunch cos its her bday. i jsut assumed we'd pay for her, but the others werent keen (*cough* cheapskates *cough*), so i just paid for her myself. we went to that place in centrepoitn on that half-floor area. it was expensive and the service was bad.. and the food wasnt even that good. their so called "Best Coffee in Sydney" was ok, but im rather skeptical that it was the best in sydney =p

after work we went to play basketball.. we didnt have enough players to start, so we were penalised 2 points for every minute till we had enough (or something like that). we actually started playing at 0-10 =( .. and with only 4 players. by the time we had a full team it was something like 1-16. i scored 9 of our team's 22 points and hit a 3, and both of my free throws =) we played ok.. they were a good team and probly wouldve beaten us anyways, so i dont feel too bad. i mean i woudlnt feel too bad if it wasnt for my ankles.

Ankle Status
left ankle: fsked!
right ankle: double fsked!!!!!111

i landed on some1's foot 4 times in this game. i dunno how that happens. i thought they were ok, but as i walked home (in the rain) i realised i could hardly walk.. grr.. feels like theres a party in my ankle and everyone is drunk and spilling booze on the carpet then some idiot's cigarette butt has set the house on fire.

- ian, 10:38 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, September 6
im gonna wash that man right outta my hair..
so who wants to go see South Pacific? like this week.. since its only on this week =p

.. anyways.. i blog on time for once.. weird.. hehe
today was a relatively busy day at work. im like doing things n stuff =p i had lunch with Lisa today, it was the regular her saying "argh i miss snow" and me with the regular "argh i wanna get out of this town". i had a boost juice.. it sorta made me feel a bit queasy.. i suspect i may be over boost juice now =p

after work walked the length of Hyde Park to meet up with jel for coffee. its actually a really nice walk thru the park int he evening =) i havent talked to jel in like months.. i cant even remember the last time. she'd been on a trip to overseas to south east asia doing some hiking n stuff... sounded pretty awesome.. i must go someday. sigh.. so many places to go.. so little time.

in other news: heres my preliminary design for the anonymous gift tshirt. actually i meant it to be a bit more blue.. but it jsut looks funny in photoshop =p

thats the front and there'll be AnonymousGift written on the back.. or possibly the other way around =p whaddya think?

- ian, 8:45 pm :: 4 comments

:: Sunday, September 5
cheer the red and the white
<< rewind >>
mmkay.. heres the weekly weekend round-up..

:: friday
uh.. whoa.. i wrote some code at work. and it actually works.. reliably. omg. warning.. hell may have frozen over. =p

do do.. afterwork i headed to drinks n stuff for kallie's bday. it was pretty fun to catch up n stuff with those guys. i rarely get to see them nowadays. im sorta too lightbulbed to go to any of their lil get-togethers. those kids are pretty funny though hehe.. we went to wagamamma, so we spent the whole time drawing on the placemats, i drew a happy bday pciture for kallie... which i suspect she threw out, cos it had a bit of chicken katsu curry on it =p eww

afterwards we went for a quiet sit-down at gelatissimo.. it was cool. (no pun intended). blah blah blah.. next i left those guys to go to Yuki's 21st. i tend to not go to parties unless i know most everyone.. it was sorta weird, since i didnt really know anyone there.. and they were like BITs n stuff.. my mortal enemies =p there was some girl there (i forget her name) from Yuki's HS, and she was like heaps obsessed with trying to get a job at the Reserve Bank. she obviously has heard many exaggerations about how good it is there =p (speaking of the RBA, omg a scandal!

anyhoos.. it was still pretty fun =) onwards.. to karaoke at echo point.. and guess what? i was too late.. id somehow wasted too much time at yuki's =p oh well.. heres the crap part of the nite... i left yuki's at 11:30-ish... and i got home at 3am-ish.. thats more than 3 hours.. omfg!! somehow there were no trains on my line after 12.. even though there normally are till 2am. i jsut had to go train, train, bus to get home.. with liberal amounts of waiting at stations in the cold. *sigh*

*whinge whinge whinge*

:: saturday
we went out for an early father's day lunch (cos its the only time Jo is free) went for a pasta meal at the Italian Forum at Leichardt. we havent had a family meal for ages .. so it was heaps nice =) twas a lil bit breezy though =p
afterwards we went to check out Jo's place in Chiswick (its next to Drummoyne). it was small but really nice. theyre literally across the street from the ferry wharf, and you can see a whter view if u lean out of the balcony =p down by the water theres a sign which something like "fishing is prohibited as you may disturb the mercury" .. wtf? =p

:: the rest of the weekend
jsut crashed out.. and did nothing like the bum i am. watches the swannies win their way into the preliminary finals =) w00t.. and did some drawing.. and watched some other random divx's like Soylent Green. nothing heaps exciting. meh, yeh story of my life =p

- ian, 10:21 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, September 2
angsty background music
meh.. i meant to do heaps of things today, but i did nothing really =p

just before lunch we ran out in Martin Place to see Killing Heidi play for a bit. they were doing a sound check for some tv show theyre doing tommolo morning. its pretty cool to get a bit of decent australian live music right outside ur office =)

i had lunch with kallie.. uh.. after work i did nothing really..
wow i lead such an exciting life.. i can hardly contain myself.. =p

.. hrm ..
i was just thinking i need to go see a stage musical. i havent seen one for ages. its sorta hard for a single guy to go see a musical. you cant really find friends to go. no guys ever wanna go to musicals.. and all the girls go with other girls or their bf's. and if u ask a single girl to go see a musical its all like suspicious. *sigh* i might go watch Sound of Music on DVD now...

- ian, 10:37 pm :: 5 comments

:: Wednesday, September 1
if i could paint, id paint a portrait of you
so anyways.. i was at home with nothing to do so i thought id better try and do something with this awfully expensive graphics tablet which id bought and not really used. i tried to use Painter which was the bundled software, and it took about 2 mins before i realised it was crap and i uninstalled it. Id previously made a few attempts at using photoshop but with little success, so i decided to give Illustrator a go. its currently the best program ive used so far for tablet drawing. it basically vectorises as you draw so you get nice smooth lines as you draw. i think im getting better at it too... it is definately different from drawing on paper.

below is something i drew a while ago, but i line-arted using illustrator and my tablet. im not sure it was quicker than the photoshop-paths way but it certainly seemed less tedious.

tell me what you think... im in dire need of more comments =p

- ian, 11:30 pm :: 2 comments

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