:: Tuesday, September 21
could you leave me with a scar..
well well well.. my first game of indoor soccer.. eep! its heaps tiring.. i played ok considering i have no ball control skills at all =p we ended up losing 4-5, but we came back from 1-5 down. nathan scored all four of our goals =p he was about 5 times better than our next best player.. and about three times as good as the other team's best player. he is sorta weighed down by us =p

... onwards to frisbee... i was totally feeling crap by this stage.. i sleep for a while whilst waiting for everyone to turn up... but sadly they didnt turn up! we only had 5 players for the first game =( but we only went down by 1 point. i played absolutely horribles in the first game.. my lungs were in pain.

the second game u played heaps better and we won by 1 =) so we were even for the night =p in the second game i did heaps less running.. i was just heaps more selective about when i ran and when i didnt run (although i gave up one score off a long pass by no running =p) it worked well cos i was much less tired.

hrm.. getting home is heaps suck. cos it finishes so late. im glad i brought my skateboard tonite else i wouldve got home at well past 11pm.

injury report:
right ankle: tweaked
left knee: heaps bruised
right hand: sorta bruised

.. in other news: the song of the day is Scar by Missy Higgins (hooray for australian music)
He left a card, a bar of soap and a scrubbing brush next to a note
That said "use these down to your bones"
And before I knew I had shiny skin and it felt easy being clean like him
I thought "this one knows better than I do"

A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle
He tried to cut me so I'd fit

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could've gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?

So the next one came with a bag of treats, she smelled like sugar and
spoke like the sea
And she told me don't trust them, trust me
Then she pulled at my stitches one by one, looked at my insides clicking
her tongue and said
"This will all have to come undone"

A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle
She tried to cut me so I'd fit

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?

I think I realized just in time, although my old self was hard to find
You bathe me in your finest wine but I'll never give you mine
'Cos I'm a little bit tired of feeling like I'll be the bad fruit nobody buys
Tell me, did you think we'd all dream the same?

And doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could have gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
And so that I do remember to never go that far,
Could you leave me with a scar?
Could you leave me with a scar?

- ian, 9:29 am ::

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