:: Tuesday, September 7
why does it always rain on me?
we took kallie out for lunch cos its her bday. i jsut assumed we'd pay for her, but the others werent keen (*cough* cheapskates *cough*), so i just paid for her myself. we went to that place in centrepoitn on that half-floor area. it was expensive and the service was bad.. and the food wasnt even that good. their so called "Best Coffee in Sydney" was ok, but im rather skeptical that it was the best in sydney =p

after work we went to play basketball.. we didnt have enough players to start, so we were penalised 2 points for every minute till we had enough (or something like that). we actually started playing at 0-10 =( .. and with only 4 players. by the time we had a full team it was something like 1-16. i scored 9 of our team's 22 points and hit a 3, and both of my free throws =) we played ok.. they were a good team and probly wouldve beaten us anyways, so i dont feel too bad. i mean i woudlnt feel too bad if it wasnt for my ankles.

Ankle Status
left ankle: fsked!
right ankle: double fsked!!!!!111

i landed on some1's foot 4 times in this game. i dunno how that happens. i thought they were ok, but as i walked home (in the rain) i realised i could hardly walk.. grr.. feels like theres a party in my ankle and everyone is drunk and spilling booze on the carpet then some idiot's cigarette butt has set the house on fire.

- ian, 10:38 pm ::

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