:: Wednesday, September 29
uprockin beats
gah.. today at work i was asked to make a java applet. soudns easy enough.. but it has to let the user upload photos.. then scroll and resize and crop them.. eep! if u havent heard i totally hate AWT like poison.. its such hell to use.. its not logical at all.. some maths geek somewhere found the trickiest way to layout things and handle events and put that into java. i have trouble jsut making GUIs with it.. not i have to make this dynamic fancy sliding, zooming thingy .. trouble times.. *sigh* =(

in other news: my next thing is bboying.. i ldo like hip hop and it seems like something i should be good at.. although im heaps beat up atm.. carrying lots of niggling injuries.. so ill start in a coupla weeks =p

- ian, 11:38 pm ::

Hey Ian...
How's it all going?
Bboying ey? Umm... what exactly is that?

Oh, and congratulations on all the injuries!
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