:: Sunday, August 31
gah.. i havent left the house for 4 days in a row now.. ack!.. ill probly head back to work tommolo, im not really feeling 100% yet, but staying at home is really depressing, lonely and boring. im sleepign about 14 hours a day.. and im still so lethargic, i got no strength in my arms (not that there was much there before =p).

watashi no atama ga itai desu!

tommolo its September.. and im starting to crack under stress of my new years resolution last yr.. if i havent told u what it is, i wont here.. in case i fail miserably.. but when i said it, no-one believed i could pull it off =p yet ive made it 8 months already =) i have to admit i am sorta having withdrawls atm.. and sorta regretting certain things.. but i have will power! and i shall prevail..

.. man i need a hug.. *opens arms*

- ian, 7:50 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, August 29
.. after watching a few more episodes, i take back what i said about angst.. there is plenty of angst in Robotech =p

- ian, 11:12 am :: 0 comments

a convertible robot?!?
due to sickness, im stuck at home watching Robotech =) this show is soooo good!.. its like old school anime at its best. although theres terrible voice acting, heres jsut a coupla reasons why its better than modern anime:

  1. to win battles, they use skill and experience to outsmart them isntead of jsut powering up until they win.

  2. no melding of consciousness to giant mecha

  3. no teenage angst

  4. no fan service

  5. no questioning of the meaning of existance

- ian, 10:34 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 28
illness update!
i feel better =) .. cept i cant really breathe!! my nose is uber-stuffy... ive tried everything, lollies, tea, vicks, steam, soup.. gah! =p

*considering goin to work tommolo..*

- ian, 10:47 pm :: 0 comments

perpetual illness
gah.. im sick!.. didnt go to work today. ive uber-sick.. my head feels like it weighs a ton!.. my nose is running like watefall.. and my knees always feel cold, even when i have them 7cms away from the heater.. its quite disturbing.

.. i finally had some work to do at work too =p i heard that i got another half a gig of RAM for my puter at work too =) mmm i got a gig of RAM now.. hehe. but seeing as im a Java developer everything will probly still run slow =p

- ian, 1:05 pm :: 0 comments

i caught a cold!! argh!!! achoo achoo


- ian, 12:05 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 25
an unexpected gift at an unexpected time
i had a pretty sketchy weekend.. was sposed to go out, but decided against it.. basically sat aroudn and watched tv all day.. and played stupid amounts of cs online.. most of which i jsut died a lot.

rather unexpectedly, a friend of mine messaged me to say that she thought i was a good friend. its ever so nice to hear something like that, considering ive been a bit off color of late. twas possibly the nicest thing any one has said to me all year. i guess i kinda forget how little things can affect ppl. but it kinda made me feel alright for the rest of the day.

- ian, 2:38 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, August 23
sketchy memories
*recalls why he quit drinking* .. went out to Nick Agnew's bday party last nite.. which was alright.. saw some ppl i dun normally see.. the problem was that i was tanked before i even got there.. it was some1's bday at work .. so i got peer pressured into drinking at lunch... and then on and on and on .. it wasnt pretty =p although i held together ok-ish. but when we got to nick's i had a few more drinks.. and that kinda put me over the edge.. eep!

in other news: ling and andrea said i was fat! .. grr... *runs off to throw up dinner* .. yeh my snob of a lil sis was there... she's such a cutie.. its a pity that she's too cool fer school.. =p

anyhoos.. i was sposed to go to another party afterwards.. but i wasnt really feeling up to it.. so i headed off home.. with a suprising number of ppl catching my train! seems the years below me were packed with hills ppl.... unlike my year.

- ian, 1:25 pm :: 0 comments

wake up!
i got caught asleep by my manager today.. eep! he came in and threw a juggling ball at the back of my head =p i was reading soem documentation about messge queueing and it was hecka boring =p

he told me i should take some of my holiday leave.. since its a slow period atm.. and i have a stupid amount of leave.. since i never take any days off. i have no frens so i never go on holidays or go out anywhere.. *pout*

- ian, 1:25 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 21
are wa nan desu ka?
jap class last nite.. twas ok.. the classes seem to be getting shorter and smaller.. like we dont seem to learn as much in each class. im learning stuff.. but i still kinda suck, like im really slow to remember things even though i know them. if my brain were a computer, itd have a huge harddisk, but have some stupidly slow bus.. i need more RAM.. or better yet some level 2 cache..

i know all the answers, but theyre jsut really slow to get out of my mouth.. gah! i need to like look everything up using a search engine written in java with a swing interface =p

.. before class jel bought some underwear, which she had a habit of smelling every now and then.. quite unusual =p .. actually it had pot pouri in in..hrm.. must be a girl thing.. =p

- ian, 12:13 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, August 20
hrm..2 days in a row without a post.. if u didnt know better, u might think ian was like busy =p

not much goin on really, in my notoriously uneventful life =p monday, wen tot work, and pretty much just went straight home at bummed in front of the tv till i fell asleep... tuesday: had cell group, which was pretty good after a week off.. and then i went home to do nothing again =p

today i played volleyball, and we won (as usual) still undefeated, with only 2 rounds left, one of which is a bye. we jsut found out that the 2nd placed team is the only team without a bye, which means that they, in effect, play an extra game than us... we havent played them yet, but theyve had 2 draws so far.... and if they beat us, or draw with us.. then theyll leap-frog us into first place!! grr... only cos we'll have 8wins, a loss .. and a draw (the bye).. and theyll have 8wins + 2 draws.. also, the team we dont get to play (since theres 10 rounds and 11 teams) is the last placed team, a game we'd almsot certainly win . they really shoudl extend the season to 11 weeks if theres 11 teams.. to make it even... i.e. putting us at 9wins, 1 loss... and them at 8 wins, 3 draws (incl. a bye).

<< insert bitchiness >>

- ian, 4:43 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, August 17
so anyways.. im surfin the net, and i stumble across this website: http://asiansinsydney.blogspot.com/
i look along the side links menu, and i spot only one link which is highlighted as visited... and to my suprise, its a link to my own site! wtf?

someone somewhere has gotten to my site, and somehow figured out that im an asian person in Sydney, and felt like adding me to this ~*aZn_c0mmu1ty*~~ or however they spell it =p

every1 on the site spells weird.. like seXc, grllz, baybee and aZn.. and they all have names like sweetangel.. and cutiedoll .. cept in some uber-korean l33t speak where they use characters that u need to hold down alt to access =p (they kinda sound like fake pr0n irc names =p.. yuriko14tokyo)

i wonder how long ive been linked? curiosuer and curiouser.. pretty amusing though.. maybe i can hook up with some hot jap chick thru this? =p

- ian, 10:57 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, August 16
lazy lazy
chances of ian doing anything today -> 0;

i feel terrible today, got up and watched Simpsons.. then died 5 times in LOTGD.. eep.. *sigh* .. might crawl up in front of the fire and sleep.. cept i dont have a fire, so ill crawl up in front of the element heater.. and vegetate for a lil while...

we bought my parents a weekend away at Forster for their Silver anniversary.. so the house is empty.. i probly shoudlve had a party! cept i thought id be camping this weekend.. grr..

- ian, 2:58 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, August 15
black friday
grr.. im so sick of ppl.. i always thought i was one of those ppl who got along with everyone and was just generally nice to ppl.. but i think now i may be one of those ppl who hates every1 and just crawls up in a corner.. and lives with a house full of cats. humans are so selfish and arrogant.. grr.. if i was jsut a tad more egotistical id say ppl were purposely jerking me around to get a reaction..


- ian, 11:48 pm :: 0 comments

the goonies
i finally got to watch my DVD of the Goonies.. hehe that movie, as the pirate JK Rowlings would say, rox0rs my sox0rs.. its still a kids movie.. but its still fun to watch. its not "3 times in a day" rewatchable.. but its still good entertainment =)

the Cyndi Lauper music video on it is a classic.. omg u have to see it!!

it stars the guy who played Samwise Gamgee and the guy who played Cypher.. hehe

- ian, 11:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 14
icchan-san wa baka desu!
jap class was last nite, and we did a few exercises to help remember hiragana (which id been furiously studying all week) .. and i sux0red.. gah.. i spent so much time learning.. but in the end i coudlnt remember them.. grr...

we also learnt how to ask what time a library opens.. toshodan wa nanji kara desu ka? .. i also suck at telling the time.. =p

sumimasen sensei, wakarimasen! mo ichido itte kudasai!

- ian, 4:05 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, August 12
i was looking for my name in the paper today under results for the city2surf.. and im listed as running it in 89:31.. which is rather odd.. since i didnt =p also it made it rather hard to find myself since its in order of what time u finished.

anyways.. i came 16,417th overall.. not too bad i spose.

- ian, 2:16 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 11
full ian panic
i took an RDO today.. cos i had too many again =p anyways.. when i woke up this morning i could feel which muscles i didnt stretch out enough, cos when i tried to stand up, my legs caved in and i fell all over the floor. if i didnt take an RDO, i probly wouldve taken a sicky, cos i also caught a cold =(

i spent the day watching eps of Full Metal Panic, which i still havent finsihed =p only 4.5 eps to go though =) ive been told the ending is a lil dissappointing though.. but that seems to be pretty common in anime nowadays =p

- ian, 9:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, August 10
shout to the Lord
after the run i heard that twas Hillsong thing goin on at the entertainment centre. ive always meant to go, but never had the chance. i thought it was like a live CD recording, but it was actually a 20th anniversary celebration. it was quite odd, certainly the first service ive been to which had fireworks and break dancing, and hip hop and confetti and balloons droppin from the roof =p

- ian, 11:28 pm :: 0 comments

do do run run
ran the city2 surf today... i found 14km a lot easier than i thought it would be. i ended up doin it in 85:44 pretty good since my target was 120 mins =p .. im 35 mins fitter than i thought i was =) i reakon i could do it a good 10-15 mins faster though... if i paced myself better and had shoes tthat fit properly. i used about 1/2 roll of strapping tape on my ankles and they still are sore... also cos my shoes are too small, my feet are riddled with blisters.. ack.

its so much easier to run with some1 else.. cos u pace ursef better, and are also less tempted to stop and walk when it hurts. i ran with julia first, then donald and bobby, then eli and bobby.. then just bobby for about the last 6kms. he runs about my pace so it worked well. i pipped him at the post on the sprint down the home stretch though =)

twas freezing the whole way, im soo glad i wore a long sleeve tshirt. i was cold even though i almost ran the whole 14kms. i did however, run under a few hoses and such =p

at bondi we stopped and ate some uber-sketchy food at the Splash Cafe. i was pretty sick afterwards, and it was kinda pricey. but it was warm inside and thats all i really needed =p i got a lift back to the city which was good, since i couldnt really walk =p

- ian, 11:22 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, August 9
food, glorious food
so my dad comes home tonite with 3 pizzas, from dominoes.. and for no apaprent reason, i look at the receipt .. to see that the pizzas cost a grand total of $11.85!!! .. thats $3.95 per pizza.. omg! has competition got so fierce that pizzas are this cheap? apparently so.. cos that was the price.. no discount.. hrm..

in other news: my mum made organic pumpkin soup, from a pumpkin she grew in our backyard... mm its soo tasty.. especially on a cold day .. *snuggles up*

- ian, 6:49 pm :: 0 comments

i ran a lil warm up for the city2surf this morning, a little under 4km.. took me about 25 mins (which is pretty slow). Although i was trying to find a good pace, i thought i was a bit faster than that =p

according to my mum's lil measuring thing.. i took 4151 steps.. and burnt 226.6k calories. i dunno if thats a lot or not =p

- ian, 1:53 pm :: 0 comments

caught the last train home last nite.. brrr twas a tad on the chilly side, i sorta caught a cold, which is hecka bad since i gotta run the city2surf tommolo.. eep.

anyhoos, i met up with jel for coffee.. but ended up doin dinner and a seeing American Pie 3, and then having coffee twice =p went to this cafe in QVB (i finally found the one which sells max brenner) and i had this weird tea in the coolest teapot ever...i may go back and purchase one =) hehe.. anyhoo the tea was weird but really nice, i had a blue lagoon.. (i think) it wasnt blue, it was deep red.. but sorta fruity and quite sweet and nice..

the movie was ok, it doesnt really rate as well as the others i think.. i have a thing against humor which involves poo... it was still pretty funny though.. i till think the first one was the best.. this one passes the bar just with a 7/10 on the icchan-o-meter. since its better than about 90% of movies ive seen this year =p (but thats not really hard)

had coffee at the sketchy korean cafe in the alleyway next to the Metro.. and it was seriously teh ghey. i havent been drinking coffee long, but it was the most terrible coffee ive ever had.. it was called a "blue mountain" and it was basically really bitter tasting water.. made even worse with the addition of sugar.. eep.. we left quickly, without leaving a tip =p

walked around for a bit.. then had coffee at this place out at east circular quay.. it was cold out there.. and we had to keep rotating seats to even out which side of us was facing the heaters =p

pretty much just went home after that.. soo cold walking home *shivers*

- ian, 1:48 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 7
mew mew
lunched with kallie, hema, tenny and amy today, quite a gathering =p good to catch up.

bumped into one of hema's frens who i met once ages ago at some obscure party. her name was michelle, and hema thinks she kinda likes me =) hehe. too bad i dont know her... she wasnt bad =p

had dinner with kallie and hema after work at Giovannis, twas quite nice.. i see kallie all the time but i dun see hema all that often.

- ian, 11:08 pm :: 0 comments

let me count the ways..
some time last nite my counter clicked over 5000 page views... i dunno why i find that interesting.. =p

- ian, 9:35 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, August 6
denwa bangoo wa nan desu ka?
today in jap class we learnt to say "what is your phone number?" hehe.. thats all i need, now i can go pick up jap chicks =p hehe altough i wont have anything to say when i do call =p

ian: hello
jap girl: hai moshi moshi
ian: um.... *hangs up*

also kallie left the class =( but jel joined =) im suprised how big the class was actually, most ppl stayed on... which is kinda odd for these sorta classes, my mandarin class started with about 20 and got down to as low as 4.

in other news: we won volleyball to stay undefeated. we almost lost to the 3rd bottom team.. who only had 5 players =p it was quite embarassing.. =p we tailed the whole time.. but won the first set.. and then ran out of time and didnt finish the 2nd or 3rd. we were behind 1-9 at one time in the 2nd (first to 11) eep!

- ian, 11:36 pm :: 0 comments

courtesy of cally:

While sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot.

While doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

What direction is your foot going now?

- ian, 9:35 am :: 0 comments

wok up this morning with a sore throat.. grr.. city2surf is gonna be fun with that.. *waves fist* infernal infections.. a pox on thee.

in other news: i dont understand people...

- ian, 9:34 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, August 5
why does it always rain on me?
another ever exciting day in the trenches today.. i fell asleep at my desk.. and then surfed the net, then every1 in my office spent about an hour talking about this guy's new noise-reduction headphones.

i wasted lunch trying to find a pair of Dunlop KT26's to run the City2Surf in =p but apparently most stores have discontinued them.. grr. i might just have to run in my Nikes.. which are maybe a lil small.

in other news: i walked home in the rain today.. grr

- ian, 10:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 4
ham burglar
so i get home.. and i see my dad fixing the screen on one of our windows.. and im like "what did u do now?" =p and he says "they tried to pry open this window, but coudlnt get thru, so they smashed the back window". im im like "wtf?"..

for the second time ever, our house got broken into. both times they stole cameras and money.. both times i had heaps of cash on my desk, which they missed =p first time my mum came home.. and they ran off. second time my dad was only out of the house for 30 mins.. and apparently heard them running off.

just last week at work we were talking about the scene in Bowling for Columbine where all those canadians left their doors unlocked. and i was saying thornleigh is a bit like that.

- ian, 8:21 pm :: 0 comments

snow snow revolution
do do do.. snow snow snow
went on a last minute snow trip with the Tan family, well half of the family anyways, jel, adrian, tracey and partner (chris). i dont think id ever spoken to tracey before.. although id met her a few times..

so anyway i had to lug all my gear on a bus out to kensington to hop on a bus out to Smiggins.... (the trip was organised by the South Juniors.. which i recently found out was a regular hang out of my parents when they lived out in Kingsford.. back in the day). hopped on the bus and was nigelised out the back next to some old man who couldnt sit straight in his chair =p i basically spent the ride deforming my spine by trying to sleep on the bus... and watch lord of the rings.

for the first time ever, i stayed on the snow.. schweet... and it was good to be able to wake up and jsut walk across the street and hop on a lift. the lodge was really nice and the ppl were cool too. cos i was so late i got stuck in a room full of random asian girls who knew every1 cept me =p they seemed nice though.. hehe. the food was good too.. cooked brekkie .. xmas turkey for dinner =)

the snowboarding action was really good on saturday.. nice powdery snow and nice sunny weather... although i do kinda suck now, i blame my uber-thrashed snowboard =p i think i need a new board.. and pants, and gloves, and goggles.. *sigh*

as always i stopped in mid-station for some $1 hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream =) .. so nice.. cept i burnt my tongue, owwie. didnt eat much, cos i had rather big breakfasts.. but the food up there is pricey anyhoo.

the bus-ride back was pretty much the same cept with What Women Want and Gladiator instead of lotr. My neck didnt come out of it any better though =p we went thru a box of pizza Shapes and teevee snacks between the 5 of us.. mm =)

got back to Sydney pretty late, so i stayed over at the Tan Hotel of Redfern, where everybody knows your name... slept in until 11am, and then headed over to some Jap place in Sydney Uni for some noodles =) nice and rested.. i hopped on a train.. and cruised back to Thornleigh..

i went shopping that afternoon at Chatswood.. didnt buy much, cept for some DVD-Rs... meh.. another productive afternoon =p

- ian, 8:16 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, August 1
pho pho pho
i lunched with jenny today.. was nice as always =) she was looking pretty fine (not that i was looking hehe).. we had pho (bleh) but i was cold, so the hot soup was pretty ok. She got some spicy chicken soup thing which had laksa-like curry soup, and she kept checking evrey 5 seconds to see if she had splashed any on the white jacket she was wearing =p hehe.

in other news: i jsut saw a guy brushing his teeth in the bathroom.. dunno what to say about that =p

- ian, 2:30 pm :: 0 comments

icchan the snowman, was a jolly, happy soul
im going to the snow this weekend .. happy happy joy joy.. last minute organisation.. aahh.. hehe.. i got home and i said to my parents "im going to the snow.. like in 12 hours" and theyre like "wha" hehe... im sick of waiting for trip organisation.. so i figured i should just go =)

luckily i own all my stuff.. although i seem to have lost my snowboard pants =( i may have left them at the snow 2 years ago. i borrowd my brothers but he wasnt happy about it.. he is a spoilt lil brat.. just leeches off my parents, while i have to go buy all my own stuff.. and pay for my own trips.. grr..

i had to lug all my stuff to work today.. *clutches spine* but its all good =)

- ian, 12:26 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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