so anyways.. im surfin the net, and i stumble across this website:
i look along the side links menu, and i spot only one link which is highlighted as visited... and to my suprise, its a link to my own site! wtf?
someone somewhere has gotten to my site, and somehow figured out that im an asian person in Sydney, and felt like adding me to this ~*aZn_c0mmu1ty*~~ or however they spell it =p
every1 on the site spells weird.. like seXc, grllz, baybee and aZn.. and they all have names like sweetangel.. and cutiedoll .. cept in some uber-korean l33t speak where they use characters that u need to hold down alt to access =p (they kinda sound like fake pr0n irc names =p.. yuriko14tokyo)
i wonder how long ive been linked? curiosuer and curiouser.. pretty amusing though.. maybe i can hook up with some hot jap chick thru this? =p