denwa bangoo wa nan desu ka?
today in jap class we learnt to say "what is your phone number?" hehe.. thats all i need, now i can go pick up jap chicks =p hehe altough i wont have anything to say when i do call =p
ian: hello
jap girl: hai moshi moshi
ian: um.... *hangs up*
also kallie left the class =( but jel joined =) im suprised how big the class was actually, most ppl stayed on... which is kinda odd for these sorta classes, my mandarin class started with about 20 and got down to as low as 4.
in other news: we won volleyball to stay undefeated. we almost lost to the 3rd bottom team.. who only had 5 players =p it was quite embarassing.. =p we tailed the whole time.. but won the first set.. and then ran out of time and didnt finish the 2nd or 3rd. we were behind 1-9 at one time in the 2nd (first to 11) eep!