:: Monday, June 30
julia finished work last friday.. so im all alone on the trains in the morning again.. *sigh*. the upside is i can sleep on the train again.. the downside is sleeping hurts my neck.. but it sorta evens out.. cos julia's punching hurts my arm =p .. i might start riding in a diffrent carriage to see if ill bump into some other ppl i may have met once =p

- ian, 5:30 pm :: 0 comments


in other news: i finished kingdom hearts today!! .. joy..
i think i levelled up too much, cos the ending was really easy.

- ian, 12:03 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, June 29
frequent training miles
went to hunts place yet again. this time for his and connie's engagement party.. it was pretty good. then went to see Bruce Almighty at Hurtsville of all places. ack =p

angsty analogy of the day:
its like i joined this club cos i worked with some1 who knew the ppl there.. then i stopped working with this person.. so i dont feel quite right going to this club anymore... feels bad... hrm.

- ian, 1:55 am :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 28
its now 12:30pm at the RBA.. and im jsut about to leave. had to get here at 10am to do an install of this application which me and some others wrote. gha.. saturday morning work is teh suck. although i probly got heaps of pay for the overtime, it means i missed the saturday morning simpsons marathon =p also means i have to kill time in the city cos its not worth my while going back home before hunt's party.

in other news: i updated a few posts from this week, which i posted but was too lazy to fill in details of.

- ian, 12:29 pm :: 0 comments

art imitates life
this comic is the story of my life


- ian, 10:07 am :: 0 comments

<< updated >>

went to karaoke with some of the anime kids after work.. my voice sounds so terrible now .. im not sreally sure how bad it was before .. but im sure it was at least slightly in key. but now it sounds really screechy.. like it kinda hurts for me to listen to myself =p

i bailed out early to meet up with some uni ppl for dinner at burwood. we jsut kinda sat around for ages and chatted n stuff.. and looked all over the place for nice cake to eat =) hehe.. in the end the only place with seats had average cake .. so i got crepes instead... still tasty ^^:

- ian, 12:19 am :: 0 comments

:: Friday, June 27
viva life
gah.. actually had to work this week at work.. grr .. basically for some reason they forgot to tell us that our stupidly distant deadline had been bumped up until tommolo.. so im gonna be at work tommolo to install our app on the production server (joy) .. working on a weekend is good and bad.. its good cos i get stupid amounts of overtime.. and bad.. cos i hate work.

in 2 days we have have to go from have a wokring machine on one test box.. to having multiple copies working on different boxes.. with different operating systems.. and different versions of java.. grr.. today ive been reverting all my code back to jdk 1.3.1 which is rather annoying.

in other news: im sick of this job

- ian, 1:02 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 26
just shoot me

in other news: im sick of this town

- ian, 11:23 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, June 25
! Dinner with jelly
< updated! >
in typical jelly-style i met up with her for dinner with heaps of prior notice: she rings me at 4:30-ish and ask if i wanna do something.. =p jsut did a spot of shopping and a quick bite.. i hardly ever see her so its always nice to catch up n stuff. she is also going away.. on a cruise .. and also to the snow *jealous* damn those rich kids ..hehe. although ill probly end up going to the snow 2-3 times this year ^^; w00t me..

- ian, 11:00 pm :: 0 comments

lunch with grace
< updated >

a couple of weeks ago, i bumped into Grace (pete's cousin) on the street.. i havent seen her for about 2 years.. she's had 3 differnet jobs in that time.. and she went to the UK for 7 months too. she did something i wish i could do, but probly wont ever do: she quit her job and flew overseas to jsut see what itd be like.. ahh the adventurous life.. *sigh* im stuck in a really good stable.. but unexciting Sydney job.. where theres zero chance of being transferred overseas.. so i can either quit.. or wait till i retire.. gah!!

- ian, 11:00 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, June 24
presentation today!!
my palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
there's vomit on my sweater already, mom's spaghetti
im nervous, but on the surface i looks calm and ready
to drop bombs, but i keeps on forgetting
what i wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
i open my mouth, but the words won't come out
im chokin, how everybody's chokin now
the clock's run out, time's up over, bl-owha!

- ian, 11:20 am :: 0 comments

omg!! i got free aloe vera tissues at the train station today =)

(thats the most exciting thing to happen to me today.... how sad =p)

- ian, 9:06 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 23
*uses phoenix down on socs account*
heres a recent email i received:

Dear Ian,

Your account 'ichen' on the Faculty of IT computers will not
be deleted this semester.


- ian, 7:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, June 22
msn 6
i turned to the darkside.. and re-installed the all new MSN Messenger 6.. it now has built in multiplayer games =) like solitare and minesweeper.. but in vs mode!! its such fun hehe.. im owning atm =p only lost one game of solitare so far.. and im undefeated at minesweeper!! .. im ridiculously lucky at minesweeper though, like once i guessed 3 bombs in a row.. jsut by clicking randomly in unexplored space =p

in other news: karate kid and bill and ted were on tv this weekend =) joy be unto the retro movies!!

- ian, 10:29 pm :: 0 comments

i whipped this one up pretty quick.. as u can see =p

just look at the top of this blog this week only!!
after that u can see it here: http://www.eclectical.net/uploads/files/angstville09.gif

- ian, 10:28 pm :: 0 comments

i felt like going to sutherland wasnt enuf train travel for one weekend.. so i decided to go all the way to liverpool to shell'y place.. eep.. thats like from as far north in sydney as u can go, to as far south east.. then back again.. and then as far south west as u can go.. and then back again =p

fudge it was far.. and i slept in too =p i bumped into Minh Tran (the girl one) at Strathfield.. so i had a train buddy part of the way..

basically played a lot of games.. started by getting beaten at pokemon stadium by Boy.. and then went on to be beaten by him at mario party.. and quake 3 =p gah.. im such a gaming n00b nowadays!! .. finished up jsut watching a few dvds.. then training it home very very late..

- ian, 12:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 21
yawn.. im way too lazy to keep updating this blog =p

anyways.. tonite i went to zion .. there wasnt as much semi-naked RnB-dance-partying as the Matrix seems to show there is =p ... but i did play DDR and karaoke with hunt's lil kids.. twas pretty cool.. i havent been to a youth group snce i was a lil kid.. i didnt really get to see much of the ministry going on.. but it was good to see so many kids coming along =)

also i managed to borrow a few ps2 games off hunt hehe.. and a copy of the maxi-single from Anonymous Gift =) which i really like.. especially track number 5: Penny

p.s. Sutherland is a loooong way from Thornleigh =p

- ian, 1:33 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 19
monkey-proof bullet
wednesday: i went to see bullet proof monk.. which is weird.. cos i never go to see movies.. for some strange reason, i thought that this would be unlike every other movie that i dont watch.. so i decided to watch it. sadly it was no different to all those other movies which i chose not to see =p actually it wasnt too bad.. the cinematography or directing..or something was bad.. like the scenes jsut didnt fit quite right or tell the story that well.. i dunno what ti was.. jsut the wrong scenes were long.. and the wrong scenes were missing =p meh hehe

- ian, 7:26 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 16
streaming hot webcam
i was gonna update my webcam..but since both my hands are in the pic.. i had to use the timer, cept i coudlnt figure out how to work the timer on my webcam software properly.. and i ended up taking this uber-time-delay thing.. and thought itd make a nice animated gif: have a look =)

kind looks like im flying thru space or something..

- ian, 9:34 pm :: 0 comments

method ian() has been deprecated
gah i feel terrible today.. been nothing but headaches and nosebleeds for the last 4 days or so.. *clutches head* .. i think i need to go see a doctor.. man now i so regret not going to get my medicare card earlier.. i should go and do that today. =p im still at work though.. cos we have a project due.. and the other guy working on it is taking study leave.. so its me or nothing.. oh the joys of full time work.. but on the upside, ill be fored to take an RDO soon, since i have too many, so might take one next week.. even though i have nowhere in particular to go.

in other news, theres a new comic... have a look up top or here: http://www.eclectical.net/uploads/files/angstville08.gif

- ian, 9:18 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, June 15
as usually i woke up to the fox8 Simpsons marathon.. nothing new there.. but today it was followed by a Futurama marathon, courtesy of Amazon.co.uk =) hehe.. i have no life =p i basically sat at home and watched sports and played SSX Tricky all day.. and then ate too much food. Im getting rather fat nowadays.. i think i need to go on a diet.. *puts finger down throat* =p i shoul start going to the gym as ive been saying i would for ages now..but im jsut too lazy, i did however, sign up for volleyball next season.. so at least ill be doing some exercise..

- ian, 12:39 am :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 14
well yet again.. im home alone on a friday nite.. *sigh*

- ian, 12:25 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 12
its tricky
i bought SSX Tricky at the GBs Stocktake sale for $40 today =)
i still sorta remember how to play =) i unlocked all the characters already =) hehe.. but i use Kaori anyways =p the harder levels are really hard =p like i cant win some of them.. i guess i need to level up or something.. the game still rox0rs though =)


- ian, 11:58 pm :: 0 comments

the best thing ever in the history of things
i just saw the best thing ever in the history of things.. it was the trailer to half life 2.. it has the craziest physics engine ever.. like u can pick up n throw stuff at monsters.. and shoot stuff to move it.. and all sortsa nice stuff... then theres this part where u have these bait things which attract monsters.. and u throw them at baddies.. at the monsters are drawn to the bait.. and go and eat the baddies.. =p ill post some screenies if i can find some

- ian, 11:54 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, June 11
today was stressful and frustrating at work.. i was going crazy trying to figure out our split web server stupid configuration.. it was hell trying to do a redirect for this dodgey hack of a website =p but it was all good int he end =)

in other news: jo brought home a borrowed copy of Warren Miller's Cold Fusion.. ooh so schweet.. its that time of year again =) .. to get u excited.. heres what Perisher looked like today (thats the 11th June... damn early snow)

- ian, 10:24 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, June 10
no news is good news
i got some good news and bad news today... the bad news is that i may be working soem overtime in the next week or so, cos we have an urgent project due.. the good news is that i have no life anyway.. and overtime pays out BIG!! last time i got $72 for 1.5 hours work =p and that was at my old pay rate..

in other news: my futurama dvds arrived.. yay.. and dilbert and family guy..

on that note: how come no1 ever tags or comments? its so lonely here..

- ian, 9:44 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 9
*the sketchyness continues..*
ive made a new webcomic.. u can see it above.. or at this link:http://www.eclectical.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1659

its funny.. well i think so anyway =p it is.. as always .. based on a true story..

- ian, 6:36 pm :: 0 comments

*wakes up still and sore*
got home from camping at about 11-ish.. tired and sore.. but still feeling good =) the camping trip was ever so much fun, although the walking pace was a tad slow for my liking.. im used to hiking with fast ppl.. in fact im often the slowest.. but with these ppl i was close to twice as fast as them over some of the difficult sections. I just find it a bit hard to walk at someone else's pace.. makes me more prone to snapping my precious ankles in two =p

brr twas very cold cold in the blue mountains.. mental note: bring 2 jumpers next time .. and maybe a wind breaker of some kind.i was rather frozen during the nite.. while sleeping i was wearing allt he clothes that i brought along on the trip.. and i was still pretty cold =p

campfire food was good as always =) a tin of spagetti and some toasted mashmallows for dinner =) two fo they guys had these expensive dehydrated meals.. and they basically ate an hour after me.. as they all waited for their water to boil while i just opened my tin a bit, chucked it int he fire.. and less than 10 mins later i was eating a nice warm meal =)

the last hour of the last day was the worst.. it was basically walking up steep stairs for one hour carrying a 15Kg pack, apaprently it was 600 vertical metres.. gah.. my thighs!! they burn!! then we got to the top and i had to wait an hour for the last guys to get up to the top too.. then another hour till the taxi came to pick us up..and twas freezing brr..

we finished up with a trip to the ivanhoe hotel for some hot gourmet pies... mmm.. everything warm tastes good when uve been standing in the freezing cold for 2 hours =p then we jsut caught the train home.. got home stupidly late ..

- ian, 2:14 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, June 6
ian is a camper!!
im off camping with some ppl ive never met before.. i hope they dont release me in the woods and hunt me for sport =p
should be an adventure of unprecedented angst .. although i cant possibly have as many issues with these new ppl as ive had with everyone else i go on holiday trips with =p my pack is pretty heavy for only 2 days.. but i guess ill drink the water n stuff... my shoes dont fit as well as i remember which is a bit of a concern.

ill write all about it when i get back sunday nite =)

in other news.. i bumped into Grace today.. havent seen her for years.. she is looking good. hehe not that i looked..

- ian, 10:38 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, June 5
work sucked today.. spend all day trying to fix something.. and got it about 90% at 5:30 int he afternoon.. uber-ghey

in other news: it all comes tumbling down.... tumbling down.... tumbling down....

- ian, 11:04 pm :: 0 comments

i went to the art gallery
then walked home thru redfern

i bumped nto ed chan.. who was with some girl from credo who id never met before.. and the first thing she says to me is "are you jo chen's brother?" =p

- ian, 11:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, June 3
i screwed around with the template a bit.. cos the webcomic was throwing everything out..
im not that happy with how big the webcomic is.. but this is defiantely better than before...

now i gotta find someway to work the web-cam into the template somewhere.. =p

- ian, 11:14 pm :: 0 comments

itchy and scratchy
i think i have fleas.. im rather itchy today.. *scratches*.. that re,minds about when i was in school and there was this girl who used to call me flea-an (rhymes with ian) .. hehe

- ian, 4:43 pm :: 0 comments

spontaneous combustion
my spur of the moment decision of the week is to go on a camping trip in the blue mountains with some ppl who i dont know.. and have only emailed a couple of times.. =p basically im pretty desperate to finding camping buddies nowadays.. hanging out with asian ppl kinda means none of my friends like being further than 20m away from the nearest clean bathroom. So if i ever organise a camping trip i generate about as much excitement as night life in Canberra on a tuesday nite =p

in other news: i saw the Governor.. my lift stopped on his floor and i saw him walk past.. i was tempted to run out and ask for his autograph.. and take a photo next to him.... but i decided against that =p

- ian, 4:27 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, June 2
angstville version 6.0: enter the sketchy zone
time to make a fully line-arted webcomic = ~ 6 hours
time to make this one: ~ 1.5 hours (including mandarin-eating breaks)
chance of me line-arting in the future = 10%

hope you enjoy it =)

- ian, 9:23 pm :: 0 comments

.. just little bits of history repeating..
.. its deja-vu all over again...
ive have been known to over analyse and think too much about various things in life.. those things being everything =p but ive kinda noticed that nothing really ever changes with me.. feels like im stuck in a re-run of a bad sitcom that is my life. the same things happen, but with different ppl.. or sometimes the same ppl.. its its like the same.. but different.. considering i used to believe my life was pretty fsked in the head.. thats not always a good thing. Like some really nice stuff comes around around.. like re-meeting a friend who you havent seen for years.. or the joys of buying a new mobile phone.. but i guess im waiting for that big thing.. which will change my life forever .. everything is a means to an end.. but the end for me seems to be getting more blurry all the time.

</ end stupidly philosophically spiel>
.. xml parse error: no start tag

- ian, 2:49 pm :: 0 comments

no rest for the weary
i had a rather quiet weekend.. well considering i did a lot of things.. but i was jsut really tired and couldnt really get up and do anything.. just felt like sleeping.

anyhoo.. back to the story.. the weekend started with me being lazy and sitting around watching the regular Saturday morning Simpsons marathon... when i get a call from Lynch, and old school friend.. asking me how im getting to Brendan's engagement party.. and i said nige is picking me up at about 7pm.. and then he informs me that the party actually starts at 1pm =p gah.. that nige .. so i rang nige and he came over asap (3 hours later =p)

the party was alright, although it was ratehr freezing outside unless i was standing 2 feet from from the fireplace.. it was a good chance to catch up with a few old schools who i see about once ever 10 years =p seems a lot of them have been married or engaged lately.. eep.. im getting left behind.

meh.. anyway next was the uber-long trip from Cherrybrook to Alexandria to join the "LAN" party.. i actually forgot that my weekly had expired, but luckily.. it was 11pm.. so all the ticket gates were void of any sort of authority to stop me from getting in and out of train stations =) i was told that it was close to Green Square station.. so im walking down Botany Road for about 20 mins.. and im thinking "gee this isnt close" hehe, but finally got there after a bit of a hike..

phil's work r0x my s0x.. seriously.. it was like a mini warehouse.. with all sorts of toys like fake guns, and trampolines.. and a basketball ring indoors and soft padding on the floor for stupid antics =p in the end there wasnt really much gaming.. they played some wofenstein mod which made it liek battlefield cept cooler.. but not much else other than simcity =p we jsut mucked around for a few hours before i got tired and went to sleep on a bean bag =)

apparently Cally and Mendel's place (just up the road) got robbed that nite.. eep.. they have the worst luck.

onwards.. to sunday: got woken up by tenny.. and my legs were frozen.. he very nicely gave me his sleeping bag.. so i de-frosted a lil bit.. but then got up to go to Anne's bday party at sunny bicentennial park =) got there.. and met some of Anne's rowing buddies.. a few of which i suprisingly knew already =p tis a small world after all.. hehe =)

we kinda hung out and played around in the sun and had snacks n stuff.. i hadnt realy eaten in about a day so i was a bit peckish.. i did eat too much in the end though.. mostly chocolate popcorn.. =) .. we ran off for a lil while to go to DFO.. it was a lot less excitign this time =p mainly cos there was nothign i wanted from the Converse Store =p but i still managed to pick up a few items =) a pair of 3/4 shorts from Giordano's for $10 .. and a white short sleeve Mooks shirt for $20.. which was a lil big, but for $20.. meh =p

after that we played some Ultimate Frisbee.. which is kinda like netball.. but with a frisbee instead of a ball.. it was incredibly tiring.. we lost rather badly =p mainly cos we suck.. and cos they had an extra player.. i was completely exhausted after that.. so i jsut lay down for the rest of the day .. ppl started leaving.. but we kinda hung around and rested.. the kids wanted to go dinner in the ct.. but i was buggered.. so i went home.. and basically fell over.. went to be at 8pm.. thats the earliest ive been to bed for a long while.. slept 10 hours.. and still woke up tired =p

- ian, 10:55 am :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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