.. just little bits of history repeating..
.. its deja-vu all over again...
ive have been known to over analyse and think too much about various things in life.. those things being everything =p but ive kinda noticed that nothing really ever changes with me.. feels like im stuck in a re-run of a bad sitcom that is my life. the same things happen, but with different ppl.. or sometimes the same ppl.. its its like the same.. but different.. considering i used to believe my life was pretty fsked in the head.. thats not always a good thing. Like some really nice stuff comes around around.. like re-meeting a friend who you havent seen for years.. or the joys of buying a new mobile phone.. but i guess im waiting for that big thing.. which will change my life forever .. everything is a means to an end.. but the end for me seems to be getting more blurry all the time.
</ end stupidly philosophically spiel>
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