:: Monday, June 2
no rest for the weary
i had a rather quiet weekend.. well considering i did a lot of things.. but i was jsut really tired and couldnt really get up and do anything.. just felt like sleeping.

anyhoo.. back to the story.. the weekend started with me being lazy and sitting around watching the regular Saturday morning Simpsons marathon... when i get a call from Lynch, and old school friend.. asking me how im getting to Brendan's engagement party.. and i said nige is picking me up at about 7pm.. and then he informs me that the party actually starts at 1pm =p gah.. that nige .. so i rang nige and he came over asap (3 hours later =p)

the party was alright, although it was ratehr freezing outside unless i was standing 2 feet from from the fireplace.. it was a good chance to catch up with a few old schools who i see about once ever 10 years =p seems a lot of them have been married or engaged lately.. eep.. im getting left behind.

meh.. anyway next was the uber-long trip from Cherrybrook to Alexandria to join the "LAN" party.. i actually forgot that my weekly had expired, but luckily.. it was 11pm.. so all the ticket gates were void of any sort of authority to stop me from getting in and out of train stations =) i was told that it was close to Green Square station.. so im walking down Botany Road for about 20 mins.. and im thinking "gee this isnt close" hehe, but finally got there after a bit of a hike..

phil's work r0x my s0x.. seriously.. it was like a mini warehouse.. with all sorts of toys like fake guns, and trampolines.. and a basketball ring indoors and soft padding on the floor for stupid antics =p in the end there wasnt really much gaming.. they played some wofenstein mod which made it liek battlefield cept cooler.. but not much else other than simcity =p we jsut mucked around for a few hours before i got tired and went to sleep on a bean bag =)

apparently Cally and Mendel's place (just up the road) got robbed that nite.. eep.. they have the worst luck.

onwards.. to sunday: got woken up by tenny.. and my legs were frozen.. he very nicely gave me his sleeping bag.. so i de-frosted a lil bit.. but then got up to go to Anne's bday party at sunny bicentennial park =) got there.. and met some of Anne's rowing buddies.. a few of which i suprisingly knew already =p tis a small world after all.. hehe =)

we kinda hung out and played around in the sun and had snacks n stuff.. i hadnt realy eaten in about a day so i was a bit peckish.. i did eat too much in the end though.. mostly chocolate popcorn.. =) .. we ran off for a lil while to go to DFO.. it was a lot less excitign this time =p mainly cos there was nothign i wanted from the Converse Store =p but i still managed to pick up a few items =) a pair of 3/4 shorts from Giordano's for $10 .. and a white short sleeve Mooks shirt for $20.. which was a lil big, but for $20.. meh =p

after that we played some Ultimate Frisbee.. which is kinda like netball.. but with a frisbee instead of a ball.. it was incredibly tiring.. we lost rather badly =p mainly cos we suck.. and cos they had an extra player.. i was completely exhausted after that.. so i jsut lay down for the rest of the day .. ppl started leaving.. but we kinda hung around and rested.. the kids wanted to go dinner in the ct.. but i was buggered.. so i went home.. and basically fell over.. went to be at 8pm.. thats the earliest ive been to bed for a long while.. slept 10 hours.. and still woke up tired =p

- ian, 10:55 am ::

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