*wakes up still and sore*
got home from camping at about 11-ish.. tired and sore.. but still feeling good =) the camping trip was ever so much fun, although the walking pace was a tad slow for my liking.. im used to hiking with fast ppl.. in fact im often the slowest.. but with these ppl i was close to twice as fast as them over some of the difficult sections. I just find it a bit hard to walk at someone else's pace.. makes me more prone to snapping my precious ankles in two =p
brr twas very cold cold in the blue mountains.. mental note: bring 2 jumpers next time .. and maybe a wind breaker of some kind.i was rather frozen during the nite.. while sleeping i was wearing allt he clothes that i brought along on the trip.. and i was still pretty cold =p
campfire food was good as always =) a tin of spagetti and some toasted mashmallows for dinner =) two fo they guys had these expensive dehydrated meals.. and they basically ate an hour after me.. as they all waited for their water to boil while i just opened my tin a bit, chucked it int he fire.. and less than 10 mins later i was eating a nice warm meal =)
the last hour of the last day was the worst.. it was basically walking up steep stairs for one hour carrying a 15Kg pack, apaprently it was 600 vertical metres.. gah.. my thighs!! they burn!! then we got to the top and i had to wait an hour for the last guys to get up to the top too.. then another hour till the taxi came to pick us up..and twas freezing brr..
we finished up with a trip to the ivanhoe hotel for some hot gourmet pies... mmm.. everything warm tastes good when uve been standing in the freezing cold for 2 hours =p then we jsut caught the train home.. got home stupidly late ..