:: Sunday, July 30
everything is life is only for now!
so i went to get my pink slip inspection yesterday.. and my vespa battery was dead =p grrr.. i really need to join nrma.. but i jsut havent got around to it. i was worried i was gonna run out of time, since rego expires tommolo. i tried charging my battery with my dad's 200 year old charger and left it for a few hours. and i tried again.. about 40 times and it still wouldnt start, id kinda given up but even though it didnt even seem like it was close to starting, it worked! on the 41st attempt. i dont understand motors at all. i went to get my inspection, which literally took 20s to perform. the guy jsut checked my lights and indicators worked, then look at my tires and goes "ok, u pass. thats $17.40".

at night we had a small dinner party at cams new place in parra. there was like way too much food. but it was the sort of food u cant stop eating.. mm.. the rest of the nite was filled with singstar action and a ludicrous number of rounds of taboo. at the risk of repeating myself.. that game is the win! we went thru almost all the cards though, so itll be while till i can play again =p

- ian, 8:06 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, July 29
little thoughts
this week was like pretty meh. no frisbee and no gym makes ian quite ansty. work was pretty hectic too.. we have this project which seems to be going around in circles.. i have nfi whats going on.. just seems like ppl jsut ignore what the project manager says and does whatever they feel like doing at the time. ive also learnt that if you finish your work on time, that means you'll jsut get other ppl's work dumped on u, so the best thing to do if you finish early is jsut keep quiet till the due date.

in my quiet boredom i make this flash pentago game.
its a simple two player game, where you just place a piece, then rotate one of the four boards. if you get 5 pieces in a row, then you win. but the only part which doesnt work is the checking who won =p you jsut need to check with your eyes.

last nite was chitos going away to japan drinks. it was pretty funny.. but ill wait the photos are up before i explain it =p the venuw had these like lil shelves on the walls.. i assume they were places for ppl to put down their beer.. but it was perfect ly positioned for smacking me upside the head. the first one was int he back of my neck, then thback of my head.. then top of my head (into the cnr) and lastly a right jab into my jaw. i was all shook up =p

lastly, some words to live by.. i believe it was Jay-Z who once said "If you're havin' girl problems i feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

- ian, 11:52 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, July 24
i predict a riot
i was so tired at work today it wasnt funny. we've got another spanner now. basically we're about 8 months into a 9 month project and someone somewhere decides we need to change backend software.. wtf?

i went to thredbo on the weekend.. it was ok. supertrail had pretty good coverage, but the rest of the mountain was mostly woe. the beginners terrain park was tolerable, but there was like a million ppl there. but despite the below average snow conditions, the trip was one of the better ones ive been on .. although thats not really saying much.. any trip without controversy or being left behind at the snow is a pretty good one =p

gus taught me this new game called pentago and i like it a lot. its sorta like go.. and sorta like noughts and crosses but with a twist (quite literally), google it and find out more =p im probly gonna try and make a flash version.. then maybe extend it to be multiplayer. hehe im such a nerd.

.. in other recent events, we went to karaoke last week. we tried to go to ramen kan beforehand.. but it was closed. so we ended up at a some overpriced sushi train. and um.. the rest isnt interesting enough to post about =p

- ian, 9:23 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 16
all i know is im lost without you
ive kinda been going out a bit this week.. although i dont heaps feel like im busy, i never seem to be at home nowadays =p

on wednesday i bought a new monitor. a 23" widescreen lcd. its pretty sexy.. well as monitors go anyway. i got it for a bargain cos i know a guy who knows a guy who hooked me up. ive been told its awesome for playing WoW.. but i still dont think i can do it =p

on thursday we went to the belgium beer cafe for ridiculous amounts of mussels and overpriced imported beer. mm so tasty. i got to catch up with some of the old uni peeps again. everyone is like so grown up and moved out or whatever, so its rare to all catch up again. but it was a ratehr silly night.. i think mostly cos bunny is back in town =p

friday i went out to drinks with work ppl and then dinner with not-work ppl. it was an ok night out. this guy from work was celebrating 13 years .. gah.. im only 8 years away from that =p

saturday was supposedly a LAN party at shellys.. but since i didnt have a puter to bring, i was sorta left sitting around eating candy most of the time. i managed few games of CS, watched some singalong Sound of Music... and managed to leech 2 whole seasons of House =) everyone was a lil bit high from chocolate fondue, so the night was quite oft filled with impromptu laughter for now particular reason. i missed the last train (gah) so i ended up getting home at about 3am. which would bother me if i had anything importantt o wake up for .. which i dont =p

- ian, 1:10 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, July 14
deja vu all over again
here is a seemingly repetitive conversation

old friend: so where r u working now?
ian: um.. still the rba.
friend: are u cereal? wtf are u still doing there?
ian: *dumbfounded*

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, July 11
i want your girlfriend to be my girlfriend
did u ever hear something and then think "zOMG i wish i didnt know that", not cos its weird or gross.. but cos its jsut one of things that u cant not tell someone.. but at the same time u dont want to tell them. *attempts to simplifies life*

anyhoo.. frisbee today was ok. div2 we had a forfeit so we ran some new drills which were pretty cool. ill show u if ur interested. in div3 the game was the woe, we played a rather unlikeable team.. and only jsut lost.. grr. we probly shouldve won, but i played pretty average. i couldnt catch or throw really. i dropped one in the endzone then they scored off it. and that was enough to seal the game.. grr. also i ate some way sketchy chinese food for lunch... *throws up*.. bleh

in other news: some ppl dont like me.. and im ok with that, but i still dream of reconciliation.

- ian, 12:36 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 9
we're big in japan!
the reviews for the switchable blog werent great.. and it was a bit buggy. and it was a bit of a lame it nerd gimmick.. so ive replaced it with this new template. apologies in adavnce if you're running 1024x768 .. cos this probly doesnt quite fit on ur screen, but maybe thats a good reason to buy a bigger monitor =p

i plan to add the tagboard into the top left, once i debug it and de-spam it, so that big empty space wont go to waste. in case ur wondering, you might recognise the image from here, tell me what u think.

in other news: i went to a 21st last nite.. gah. i feel so old =p in a strange coincidence, i was talking about how my friend (tenny) became a lawyer on fri, and there was a girl there who works with him =p quite random. anyhoo pics here.

- ian, 5:20 pm :: 1 comments

:: Saturday, July 8
some days i wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit
in some random conversation today at a work a lunch, someone mentioned this guy who left about 2 years ago. so naturally we rang him up to see how he is going. he quit to start working on games in melbourne, he has already got one shipped title with another coming soon. and i thought to myself, hey, didnt i once have a dream like that?.. *sigh*. but isntead im stuck in this dead end cubicle with no prospects and no where that i really appear to be going. the saddest part is, im not really sure theres anything else id rather be doing.

- ian, 3:35 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, July 6
reasons why to not move out #123
getting home after a hard days work and everyone is asleep, but finding a note on my desk which reads "ian, there are some "strawberry dipped in chocolate" in the fridge, if you want some."

in other local news: i only had one frisbee game this week, and it was kinda suck. we have too many guy subs now so i barely even get a run. we lost by heaps btw..

gus' bday dinner on wed at some newtown thai place. since i didnt start till 7, i had to kill time by attending the rba gym for a bit, leaving me a bit exhausted before the dinner =p it did feel good to get the gym after such a long lay off though. i think i need more intense physical activity in my life, im getting fat and unfit. a guess gym is a good start till i can think of something more interesting =p

at the dinner it was nice that i got to catch up with some of the randoms who i never see in my regular social routine. its kinda sad how small the circle becomes when everyone ships off to the real world. i guess itsmy own fault though.. its so much effort to catch up with everyone =p

i went to see pirates of the caribbean: reloaded today with some work peeps.. and it was pretty woe. it wasnt nearly as good as the first. the story is less good, the action drags on and the humour is too over the top. id give it about a 5.5 out of 10, but only cos capt jack sparrow is the win. im jsut hoping the pirates of the caribbean: revolutions is better. geoffry rush should increase the chances of that.

- ian, 11:10 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 2
sweet child you're such a princess now
my life is totally not interesting enough to blog about lately =p on friday nite i got a last minute call up to go to Masuya + K, only last minute cos pretty much all email is blocked at my work nowadays.

it was like with old school anime ppls who i see like never which was pretty cool. between dinner and k we attempted to get coffee and cake but failed miserably. the first placed closed right in our faces.. and then at the second place we waited about 20mins for the dood to cut cake up into slices, and finally decided that he was never gonna do it, so we left. and then i had to leave before the group made it to passionflower.. so i was left dessertless *sigh*

- ian, 8:56 pm :: 0 comments

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