:: Thursday, July 6
reasons why to not move out #123
getting home after a hard days work and everyone is asleep, but finding a note on my desk which reads "ian, there are some "strawberry dipped in chocolate" in the fridge, if you want some."

in other local news: i only had one frisbee game this week, and it was kinda suck. we have too many guy subs now so i barely even get a run. we lost by heaps btw..

gus' bday dinner on wed at some newtown thai place. since i didnt start till 7, i had to kill time by attending the rba gym for a bit, leaving me a bit exhausted before the dinner =p it did feel good to get the gym after such a long lay off though. i think i need more intense physical activity in my life, im getting fat and unfit. a guess gym is a good start till i can think of something more interesting =p

at the dinner it was nice that i got to catch up with some of the randoms who i never see in my regular social routine. its kinda sad how small the circle becomes when everyone ships off to the real world. i guess itsmy own fault though.. its so much effort to catch up with everyone =p

i went to see pirates of the caribbean: reloaded today with some work peeps.. and it was pretty woe. it wasnt nearly as good as the first. the story is less good, the action drags on and the humour is too over the top. id give it about a 5.5 out of 10, but only cos capt jack sparrow is the win. im jsut hoping the pirates of the caribbean: revolutions is better. geoffry rush should increase the chances of that.

- ian, 11:10 pm ::

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