:: Sunday, July 16
all i know is im lost without you
ive kinda been going out a bit this week.. although i dont heaps feel like im busy, i never seem to be at home nowadays =p

on wednesday i bought a new monitor. a 23" widescreen lcd. its pretty sexy.. well as monitors go anyway. i got it for a bargain cos i know a guy who knows a guy who hooked me up. ive been told its awesome for playing WoW.. but i still dont think i can do it =p

on thursday we went to the belgium beer cafe for ridiculous amounts of mussels and overpriced imported beer. mm so tasty. i got to catch up with some of the old uni peeps again. everyone is like so grown up and moved out or whatever, so its rare to all catch up again. but it was a ratehr silly night.. i think mostly cos bunny is back in town =p

friday i went out to drinks with work ppl and then dinner with not-work ppl. it was an ok night out. this guy from work was celebrating 13 years .. gah.. im only 8 years away from that =p

saturday was supposedly a LAN party at shellys.. but since i didnt have a puter to bring, i was sorta left sitting around eating candy most of the time. i managed few games of CS, watched some singalong Sound of Music... and managed to leech 2 whole seasons of House =) everyone was a lil bit high from chocolate fondue, so the night was quite oft filled with impromptu laughter for now particular reason. i missed the last train (gah) so i ended up getting home at about 3am. which would bother me if i had anything importantt o wake up for .. which i dont =p

- ian, 1:10 pm ::

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