:: Sunday, March 30
ian's beach trip
went to mac masters beach for the weekend..
um.. ill update this tonite. when i get back from gus'

im lsitening to Simple Love by Jay Chou~~ omg its jay *sigh* =p

- ian, 12:36 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, March 27
get well to helena
i went to visit helena today at the royal north shore.. fudge that place is big. its like a lil village all by itself. =p
bought her a card and some flowers..but i forgot a vase =p luckily this must happen alot, cos they have spares lying around =)

her post-operation condition was quoted as being "satisfactory". she seemed ok when i saw her.. she was pretty sick, but thats to be expected.
she could talk fine and sorta move her upper body fine which is a good start.. she was sorta pretty heavy on morphine though. not quite eating solids yet, but getting close to that sorta point.

her momma and her sister were there to look after her which is good to know..
she is gonna be in hospital for at least a week, probably two..

hopefulyl she'll be better soon
make sure to pray for her

- ian, 9:08 pm :: 0 comments

momma, i can write
went to the second part of the learn to write course. it was incredibly good again..
the guy knew all this weird obscure stuff about the english language.. like the origin of why ppl use apostrophe's and such..weird

he knew the language ridiculously well.. which was good..
he coudl spot a grammatically error in tone from 100 yards =p

- ian, 8:40 pm :: 0 comments

walked to darlinghurst to go to an info session fer a film festival..it was sponsored by nsw health and the theme was "getting smashed" and it was about showing consequences of drugs and alcohol.. felt as a stright edge this was right down my alley.. got some good ideas already..

i went with khanh.. and she didnt know the way and we got lost =p
legs sorta sore.. we couaght the bus back =)

- ian, 12:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, March 26
burger king ..
gah.. we left the game 2 mins before half time to beat the rush... but we got woe-ed up by burger king gheyness..
i got in a line and beat hunt to the coutner by about 10 mins.. unfortunately it took about 20+ minutes for my small cheeseburger meal to come out..
although hunt had to wait for his vege burger with no-mayo =p it was a lot less post-order waiting..

on the lighter side, i got a upsize for free..
on the downside, there was no ice for my giant coke..
also we were in line so long we missed the first 6 mins of the 2nd half..

hunt got woe-ed over too, mayo-style. he specifically asked for no-mayo
and he got his burger, it had a no-mayo mark on the wrapper.. unfortuantely it was covered in mayo.. gah.. by that time we coudlnt be fsked goign back to line up for 20 mins and complain..

- ian, 11:43 pm :: 0 comments

can any1 say choke?
the streak goes on.. last year i saw a swans game where they won, for the first time.. unfortuantely i couldnt break the trend with the kings.. im still yet to see them live where they win a game.. gah. im a bad luck charm. they choked from the 3-point line.. and the had way too many no-look passes to no-one. nielsen ripped up their interior defence though.. scored about 12 of sydney's points in a row..

a good day for bumping into ppl today .. or at least seeing them.
saw minh, ken, angela, this girl from my old work (forget her name), some anime ppl too..

- ian, 11:37 pm :: 0 comments

got a bad taste in my mouth
boo.. day feels bad..
anyways went to training today. a technical writing course.. at kirribilli
was suprisingly incredibly good.. to use bad english =p

the guy was like a walking dictionary/thesaurus.. but she knew his stuff.. and also how to make it interesting..
i ate a lot of candies ont he table =p minties and redskins and fantales ..

learnt about active and passive verbs.. that grammer thing in Word always annoyed me, but i never knew what it was ..

- ian, 11:20 pm :: 0 comments

i heard today that our beloved helena has been hit by a car =( got a broken pelvis.
im gonna probly take a half day off work and go visit her .. she's having an operation tommolo.. nasty things going in the world =(

- ian, 11:16 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, March 24
ian the poet.. part 2
limericks are teh ghey
write a haiku, u all say;
i try to all day

- ian, 12:04 pm :: 0 comments

i are good poet
ian the poet once said
ive all these ideas in my head
but ive not a clue
how to write a haiku
but ill write u a limerick instead

- ian, 10:58 am :: 0 comments

Sunday: day of rest
woke up rather groggy.. well alot considering i have had a drop of booze for almost 2 months =p as i got up every1 was on the wya out to brekkie.. i had a quick shower and ran to catch them.. linda said she was at the KK cafe.. i though she meant Kinokuniya.. but she meant Kafe Kaz which was across the street from the hotel =p so i walked like 4 blocks and back again =p had half of liz's dry blueberry muffin and an extra choclatey ice chocolate..

after that didnt do much.. cleared out the room.. then went to KK for a lil shopping.. then went home

- ian, 12:20 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 23
wallet rapage.. part 2
after a decent K session a few of the party poopers bailed out and went home =p but we soldiered on!! stayed out and cruised around town doing nothing fer a while =p but settled down in the Ibis Hotel for a lil while.. to just crash out and relax..

khanh stopped by, full of bacardi =p some guy from her work stole her keys.. but she was probly too tanked to drive anyways.. in the end we had to go all the way to Jacksons on George to retrieve the keys.. had to conivince the guy that i was driving too =p walked all the way back to entertainment centre in rain.. boo.. but its all in good fun =) legs tired though..

came back to the room and just fell over and slept ...

- ian, 11:55 pm :: 0 comments

oh how i spend monday, let me count the ways..
spend some ridiculous amount of money on saturday... =p but it was so much fun.. well worth it =)
first i went to the city to do a spot of shopping for various bday presents.. did a hecka heap of walking up and down chinatown.. ended up buying plushies and manga =) ooh.. if only i could keep them for myself =p

afterwards i hiked all the way down to the opera house for a lil picnic in the park with a few anime ppeps for jeadens bday.. mikey made a selection of meringue pies.. mm so sweet =)

walked all the way back to chinatown for dinner at Ippon Sushi.. tasty.. i had one of the special boxes..so filling.. also had a japanese marble lemonade.. in one of those bottles with a marble in it.. like in FLCL or rahXephon..

next was putt putt.. a logistical disaster =p there were 16 ppl for 3 cars.. so me and hunt caught a bus to fox.. unfortunately all the cars got caught in traffic.. and we beat them all there by about half an hour.. and in the end they coudlnt park.. so they went back to the ct =p me, axxe and hunt all played a round of golf.. and i led the whole way.. but hunt caught me on the last hole for a tie =p damnit ..

back to the ct for karaoke at echo point..
had heaps of ppl cramped into a lil room.. and they actually made us pay extra.. nazis =p but it was still good =) probly cos there were a number of ppl there who dont sing at K.. so i got a few songs in =) i still sing very badly.. but thats ok =p

meh.. this is too long.. ill split it up to another post =p

- ian, 11:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, March 22
obscure reference #42
i got a missed call from adam reitsma today.. apparently it was an accidental call though.. but still weird since i didnt even know he had my number.. i certainly didnt have his.. i wonder what he is up to nowadays? i shoudlve asked him =p

- ian, 12:44 pm :: 0 comments

ahh democracy
i went and voted today.. and for once i decided not to do the bail out option on the upper hosue form. i actually went and filled out all the 15 boxes below the line instead of the one above the line =p kinda jsut voted for all the asian ppl =) unity party? who the hell are they anyways? .. reminds me of that song my operation ivy =)

- ian, 11:54 am :: 0 comments

meh.. almost every1 piked on my transformers marathon.. kinda a waste of time, since i think i was the only one who enjoyed it, and ive seen it already =p

*feels snubbed*

- ian, 11:50 am :: 0 comments

:: Friday, March 21
lingy's 21st + 1/2 bday
long-ish day today.. ran around all day lookin for a gift for lingy.. ended up getting a huge Babu toy =) so cute ^^;
eventualy turned up to her party a lil late, but still in time to see most ppl =) caught up with a few ppl who i rarely see.. which is good sometimes.. not good other times
altogether had pretty good time, she had some really sweet speeches.. wish i had some1 to do speeches at my 21st like that *pout*
i dunno if she liked my card.. didnt seem that excited when she saw it..

- ian, 11:10 am :: 0 comments

white benbenben
wed: went to the 3 Bens concert at Enmore. soo good =)
ben kweller: (the ben id never heard of) was really good.. although he seemed like he was a lil stoned in the show =p
ben folds: was good, as ud expect.. but i think mostly cos every1 knew his songs..
ben lee: he sang kinda bad in the middle.. not that i could do better..=p
together: they were hecka good altogether.. sounded really nice..

in the end there was a mad, uts-happy-hour-like rush to get tshirts and EPs.. only one desk and a couple hundred ppl =p
i got a tour tshirt =) i got M the smallest size, but its still huge on me .. gah

- ian, 11:04 am :: 0 comments

server down, try again later
this pretty much sums up my day today~~

500 Servlet Exception

500 Servlet Exception

sirrus.api.client.ShouldNotOccurError: sirrus.api.client.ServerTimeoutException

Resin 2.1.6 (built Fri Nov 8 08:18:18 PST 2002)

- ian, 10:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, March 18
angst is my name
gah.. worst day ever..
i left my wallet, swipe card and my phone at home.. when got to martin palce stn the guy wouldnt let me out..=(
in the end i took the spare change in my bag, and went to waverton and bought a single to wynyard (barely) and turned up to work 45 mins late..

i was spsoed to lunch with lisa today.. but i only had her number in my phone.. and she called it, but it was at home.. so i ended up missing out .. i feel really bad =( then my program at work died.. then i played this new turn based strategy game called disciples2.. and died in about 5 mins =( then i got sick =( then i went to go $2 pearl milk tea at easy way (new store discount) but it was closed =(

.. thats a lot of frowns =(

- ian, 11:46 pm :: 0 comments

sleep is for the weak
i dont think it is possible for me to be not tired.. last nite i went to bed 2 hours early.. and i was still tired when i got to work... gah..

- ian, 12:34 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, March 17
.. and ian was sucked into the comicbook world.. never to be seen again..
omg.. some1 buy me this!!

.. meh ill buy it myself.. =)

- ian, 12:39 pm :: 0 comments

scary dreams
omg i had a nap last week in the afternoon.. and i hadthe scariest dream ever.. i dreamt that i woke up but i couldnt move.. i was in my bed still but couldnt get up.. i was immobilised.. spooky
when i realised i couldnt move i freaked out.. i something pulled me thru my bed and into this weird world which was like the Labyrinth with David bowie.. (eep) i lub that movie btw.. might go get the DVD..

- ian, 11:25 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 16
ian the craftsman
i believe i jsut made the bestest bday card ever made by a brother for his psuedo lil sister..
id post it up, but i havent given it to her yet.. and even though im 99.9% sure she doesnt read this blog, ill wait .. jsut in case =p
its a pop-up card where the guy int he card gives the reader a hug =)

- ian, 6:49 pm :: 0 comments

all the things you said, running thru my head
i just saw the clip for the song "all the things she said" by tatu.. omg.. what genius thought of that clip.. 2 russian teenage girls in their soaking wet school uniforms, running around in the pouring rain.. and making out.. 0.o .. i dunnoif theres words to describe it =p

- ian, 2:15 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, March 15
tonite i was trying to ask my friend shelly what kinda of karate she did, but i accidently asked her what kind of karaoke she did =p... gah.. ive got K on the brain..

- ian, 12:46 am :: 0 comments

went to see the umbilical brotehrs tonite at parra.. lol .. sooo funny =) its not their best ever effort but it was still hecka funny..
i was in the isle seat, and i was almost roffling =p keke ^_^;
i do highly recommned for all. i went home early.. cos im heack tired.. actually fell asleep at my desk today at work =p

- ian, 12:14 am :: 0 comments

:: Friday, March 14
my horoscope
well i found it funny =p

"Unrequited love" makes for great Shakespeare but a sucky sex life. If you've been sending out lurve vibes only to have them get sucked into the black hole of unrequited love, never to be heard from again, then stop already, while you still have a shred of pride left. Instead, focus on your career. Unless you're in love with your boss, in which case we recommend macramé.

- ian, 12:19 pm :: 0 comments

its been a hard days night
yawn.. fell asleep at work today.. *sigh* we had a work lunch on today which basically meant everyone took a 2 hour lunch and made bad innuendo jokes cos they drank too much wine. went home a bit early and slept

- ian, 12:18 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, March 13
comic relief
i forgot to mention that i finally bought the megatokyo graphic novel from KK... i lub it... has inspired me to restart my webcomic plans.. although ive sorta forgotten all the storylines, that me and hunt wrote (i suspect they werent that funny anyways =p).

anyways, at least one of my friends i getting somewhere in the comic world.. heres a single panel he drew.. makes me laugh everytime =)
visit his website here

- ian, 9:22 am :: 0 comments

hello world
hey.. does anyone actually read my blog? my tagboard is sorta dead-ness.. say hello if you stop by ^^;

- ian, 12:02 am :: 0 comments

learn to teach?
went to uni to attend a tutoring workshop today.. was quite weird.. they were like trying to imporve the quality of tutoring at UTS by holding workshops to inform tutors better on how to teach.. mostly old guys who been tutoring since before i was born =p free food though =) fruit platters from UTS are always good value~~ i got paid for 3 horus of basically sleeping =p

- ian, 12:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, March 12
catching up
tuesday: caught up with tomoko for lunch today =) i dun get to see her very often.. it was nice to have a lil chat.. she is off to japan soon.. i may go visit her if everythings goes ok.. =) she said she'd show me around tokyo.. jap style =p she was liek uber-tired cos she'd been drinking till 4am that nite =p.. a monday as well ~~

- ian, 11:58 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, March 11
back to the slave labour camp..
monday: back to work.. did some work and such.. "will code java for food.." teehee..

in the morning my long lost friend jelly rang up to see if i wanted to do lunch.. quite the unexpected suprise.. but a pleasant suprise.. she had many a story about her recent globe-trotting. it was really nice to catch up, dun really get to see her as much as id like.. she is kinda busy...

after work it was raining cats and dogs.. apprently there were flash floods in some places.. decided to go stragith home and sleep =)

- ian, 10:51 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 9
parra parra
yawn.. woke up at 11-ish.. at 11:15 minh tells me we're meeting at 12 at parramatta isntead of strathfield.. =p i run around a lot and end being 40 mins.. late.. luckily for me annie was coming to this outing.. and turned up over an hour late, so i didnt look so bad =)

we went to pho at parra.. jsut as bad as pho in ct =p drove to the park and had ice cream.. and talked about our beach trip which is coming up soon =) im thinking its gonna be a tad chilly by the time we get there (3 weeks from now) but i m still keen to get out of town for a lil while to relax and such.

on the way home i fell asleep ont he train and missed my stop =p went to hornsby and bought a box of donuts for $3 =)
came home.. and nige dropped by and i went on his pizza delivery route for a lil while. at one point he was driving while eating a pizza.. and his phone rang.. so he had a phone in one hand and a pizza in the other.. i didnt know whether to grab the pizza or the steeling wheel.. we were going rather fast down penno road at the time =p it was scary.. but i coudlnt stop laughing =p

- ian, 10:44 pm :: 0 comments

strike a pose
after the bank hotel we went to darling harbour to do... um.. nothing much really.. just hung out and enjoyed a really ncie nite in this fantabluous bity of ours =) Hunt went and bought a disposable camera and we ran around darling harbour area taking a bunch of stupid photos like an Abbey Road photo.. and me climbing a tree..and phil with his head in a fountain.. the most amusing nite ive had in a long long time =) ill put up scans as soon as theyre developed..

also.. at one point a drunk guy asked us if we had a light.. and hunt said we'd give him a light if he sung the "im a little teapot song" .. being as drunk as he was.. he agreed.. unfortuantelly he found it necessary to drop his pants before singing this song.. there were heaps of ppl around.. and it was rather creepy =p

jsut went home after that.. caught the last train.. eep

- ian, 10:29 pm :: 0 comments

bank hotel
after marathon i hopped on a train to go to newtown.. on the way this guy on the train asked me about my ipaq.. and then we got onto conversation about his skateboard deck.. which ended up in him giving me his spare deck for free =) w00t...

got to the bank and all the kids were drinking their $5 cocktails..looked pretty schweet.. i had a lemonade =p we had the standard thai food dishes and such.. the chillis there are the hottest.. *tongue still burns a bit* mmm =) spent after dinner watching the sydney kings beat up on the tigers.. =p it was a hecka good game.. close till about the last 5 mins =)

went to this cafe afterwards.. there were like cockroaches there and the girls all jumped out of their shoes.. quite amusing.. =p

- ian, 10:18 pm :: 0 comments

soo sleepy..
after staying up till 3am for the cricket.. i woke up early for the anime marathon. i could barely stay awake the whole day...ZZzzz

we watched vandread OAVs.. which were basically the whole series compressed into an hour and bit..quite spectacularly confoosing for anyone who hadnt already seen the series at full lenth =p we also watched Naruto.. which pretty mcuh kicked ass..im in the process of trying to fidn some1 to leech it off =)

- ian, 7:47 pm :: 0 comments

friday nite and im.. at home =p
went straight home to watch the cricket =) saw australia whoop sri lanka six ways from sunday in the first match of the super sixes.

.. also MY DVDS ARRIVED!!!! .. transformers season 1 and season 2 part 1. as well as donnie darko.. i sense the number of outings for ian reducing =p

- ian, 7:36 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, March 7
pancake day or sunnies day??
all over the place i been seeing pancakes.. in this tent set up in martin place and at the RBA cafe.. (two pancakes with maple syrup for 70c =) and this guy at work mentioned that Shrove Tuesday is pancake day.. and im like how does that work? Hunt informs me that cos ppl gave up yeast for Lent. that they made pancakes to use up their yeast.. well u learn something new everyday =)

.. ok now i get out of the train stn today and ppl are selling badges and such for "sunnies" day.. wha? apparently its some new charity.. like jeans for genes.. or red nose day.. or my favourite: daffodil day. i dunno if itll catch on.. ppl wear sunnies anyway dont they?

- ian, 9:23 am :: 0 comments

it begins...
meh went to commencement for a lil while.. caught up with a few ppl.. it was pretty quiet.. even more so since i dont drink.. (im not sure if i mentioned it before, but im like straight edge now)
i left really early and ppl there called me a piker ... obviously they mistook me for brad pitt in Snatch =p (gee. i kinda need the roll eyes emoticon in my blog .. so many uses)

also rikku is back from HK and she bought me Super Metroid Fusion for GBA.. schweet...
rikku: have i told u lately that i love u *glomps*

- ian, 9:10 am :: 0 comments

ankles are ok.. knees not as good
gah.. at some point yesterday i fsked my knee.. i think it was when i was running down the street to KK cos i was late to meet K.. ended up not buying Megatokyo book... cos i wanna buy $40 worth of stuff.. so i can get a discount card =p i might buy a cook book or something... there was an interesting looking cookie book there ^_^

- ian, 9:05 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, March 5
the fat controller
meh i fell asleep on the train today, and at Hornsby i went out to use an ATM and a i come back in the guy ask to see my ticket and my student card. he goes "thornleigh eh?" and im like "yep i just went out to use the ATM".. and he goes "is that why u didnt buy a ticket?" .. and im like "no.. i have a ticket.. ur holding it.." .. and he is like "hrm.." ...


- ian, 10:17 pm :: 0 comments

blog slowly catch up to real life..
in an attempt to catch up my blog im gonna start writing sketchy diary entries and stick to my commentary being slightly interesting =p
last nite i played basketball, i sucked.. left early and had dinner with nins, iria, kanz @ cafe nine.. was good to sit and have a quiet chat as opposed to the huge sorta outings we're normally on..

.. my dvds still havent arrived btw *pout*

- ian, 5:04 pm :: 0 comments

cvs.. the way of the future..
summary of ian's afternoon:

ian: ahh ive finally finished my project and it works, better use my "source control" now
ian: cvs -> compare with repository
cvs: *churn* *churn*
cvs: cvs[server aborted]: cannot find rba/da/beans/LoginFormBean.java: File exists
cvs: fsk u ian
ian: OMFG!! where are all my java files??
cvs: i deleted them!! mwuhahahaha
ian: *cries*
ian: *starts to redo 2 days worth of work*

- ian, 5:00 pm :: 0 comments

hit myself in the eye with a hacky sack.. argh!! why does it hurt so much..

- ian, 12:05 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, March 4
i wanna be like yao ming
*shoots self*

i was about this [ ] close to buying a 12" ibook today... the guy was such a convincing salesman..

- cheapish for what it offers (~$2800)
-- 32Mb radeon
-- DVD/CDRW combo drive
- light-ish (2.2kg)
- small

- its a mac..
- its only light-ish.. not light (similar products from sony or fujitsu are ~1.5kg... but also cost ~$1200 more)
- only 1 mouse button
- its a mac!!

the biggest disadvantage being that it is a MAC!!!
umm.. so what?
im a java developer.. i should be platform independant..

divx - fine
dvds - fine
mp3s - fine
opera - fine
photoshop - better than fine
MS Office - fine... although i tend to not use office wherever possible.

the only thing that isnt really supported on mac is games.. which i think im probly gonna grow out of

wc3 is on mac
jk2 is as well
diablo2 is too..
but NO HALF-LIFE still!! which means no CS.. gah..


- ian, 2:12 pm :: 0 comments

blog lag
seems my blogs are lagging behind further and further behind.. at some point ill compeltely forget what i did some days and stop blogging altogether ..
my blog pings are like at about 3 days now..

- ian, 9:33 am :: 0 comments

iria's bday shindig
saturday cont.. after ice skating went and hug around the ct with khanh while the other went to see The Hours. ernt to KK and the ABC store and considering buying lots of things and never really did =p to kill time i spent a while sleeping under a tree in Darling Harbour.. its so peaceful here... *sigh*

anyhoo onwards to the party... when i first arrived a whole bunch of ppl were walking into the aquarium and kath is like "i think u should go to the bathroom with them" and im like wtf? lol.. they were in fact going inside to sign the card.. weirded me out though =p

we ate at wagamamma the noodle place.. we had a large-ish group so were spread out to 2 tables.. there was this ghey-looking asian guy who kath thought was cute.. and every1 kept going on about it all nite.. rather amusing =p i finally properly met mikey.. he seems like good value.. the sort who says what he thinks =) afterwards we went and walked around darling harbour with no really direction.. not suprisingly we ended up at karaoke .. i was gonna go home at 1 so i could get up for hte LAN the next day, but moni said she'd give me a ride.. unfortunately she forgot to say she was goign at 4am-ish.. meh.. i ran to the stn and got the last train home... *phew* long day.. fell asleep quickly.. and decided there was no chance of LAN-age the next day..

- ian, 9:18 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 2
yawn yawn ice skate
at 2am i ask linda what time ice skating is on.. and she goes "in 7 hours" and im like "fudge cake". i cant believe i managed to drag myself out of bed in time to make it to ice skating at 9 in the morning. was ever so much fun =) i lub ice skating.. morning ice is schweet.. its like regular ice but much more dry, if only i had some sharp skates instead of sketchy hire skates =p afterwards we caugh a bus to the ct.. took ages =p we all fell asleep on th ebus on the way there.. not good for one's neck.

- ian, 8:08 pm :: 0 comments

omfg!! i went to see the milk exhibit at the opera house on friday. and it very well may be the best thing ive ever seen in my life ever. its basically a bunch of photos wich portray humanity and emotion in all its glory, some sad ones some happy ones. there was one about the photographer's best friend who was dying of brain cancer.. i cant believe a still photo managed to make me cry *wipes away tears* . at the risk of sounding like im exaggerating i recommend that everyone and their friends and their families and their neighbours all go see this exhibit.

- ian, 7:31 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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