:: Sunday, March 9
parra parra
yawn.. woke up at 11-ish.. at 11:15 minh tells me we're meeting at 12 at parramatta isntead of strathfield.. =p i run around a lot and end being 40 mins.. late.. luckily for me annie was coming to this outing.. and turned up over an hour late, so i didnt look so bad =)

we went to pho at parra.. jsut as bad as pho in ct =p drove to the park and had ice cream.. and talked about our beach trip which is coming up soon =) im thinking its gonna be a tad chilly by the time we get there (3 weeks from now) but i m still keen to get out of town for a lil while to relax and such.

on the way home i fell asleep ont he train and missed my stop =p went to hornsby and bought a box of donuts for $3 =)
came home.. and nige dropped by and i went on his pizza delivery route for a lil while. at one point he was driving while eating a pizza.. and his phone rang.. so he had a phone in one hand and a pizza in the other.. i didnt know whether to grab the pizza or the steeling wheel.. we were going rather fast down penno road at the time =p it was scary.. but i coudlnt stop laughing =p

- ian, 10:44 pm ::

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