:: Sunday, March 9
strike a pose
after the bank hotel we went to darling harbour to do... um.. nothing much really.. just hung out and enjoyed a really ncie nite in this fantabluous bity of ours =) Hunt went and bought a disposable camera and we ran around darling harbour area taking a bunch of stupid photos like an Abbey Road photo.. and me climbing a tree..and phil with his head in a fountain.. the most amusing nite ive had in a long long time =) ill put up scans as soon as theyre developed..

also.. at one point a drunk guy asked us if we had a light.. and hunt said we'd give him a light if he sung the "im a little teapot song" .. being as drunk as he was.. he agreed.. unfortuantelly he found it necessary to drop his pants before singing this song.. there were heaps of ppl around.. and it was rather creepy =p

jsut went home after that.. caught the last train.. eep

- ian, 10:29 pm ::

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