:: Tuesday, May 20
must be toros in the atmosphere
so this past weekend i went to play in the Stampede (v2.0) in Bathurst. at the risk of using a hyperbole it was pretty much the coldest place that any one has ever played any ultimate frisbee. my calves objected to me playing by choosing to cramp up at the same time.

on day one we made it thru to the semis undefeated.. but lost on golden point after i literally crashed out of the game. i managed to run into my own teammate whilst (successfully) attempting a D. it probly wouldnt have been too bad if i hadnt had a similar collision on the previous game. i stopped by the hospital for the usual blaise doctor telling me to take 2 tablets and call him in the morning. useless.

the party was ok. i was kinda floating on a rather toxic mix of panadine forte, sambucca, citrus vodka and melon snaaps. it was pretty fun i spose im still no fun at parties...

day two was the hat. where my team lost on golden point in the grand final. boo. i played pretty badly.. but i did get a big hand block which got a few cheers from some onlookers. the prize for winning was a case of Crownies.. and i ended up sneaking a couple anyway so i dont really care that we lost. there were special rules for this hat, with girls scoring 2 points. as well as layouts and greatests.

i made the terrible decision to play league on monday. my ribs are still sore from the weekend's multiple collisions.. and we won both games so easily that it wouldnt have made a difference if i played or not. especially since the points i played i was pretty much just mucking around and not doing anything particularly productive.

in another amusing story. I sorta had a car accident, where i ran into the back of another car at a traffic light. it was this old lady who was maybe, and we both get out of our cars to inspect the damage.. to which she decides that ive removed a fair bit of paint from the rear of her car. i dont argue, then she goes back to her car .. at which point im assuming she is getting a pen and paper to exchange insurance information. but instead she just drives off. wtf? so i was thinking "uh.. i hit you, you arent supposed to do a runner". i dunno what she was thinking.. unless it was like a stolen car or something, but then why even get out to have a look?

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- ian, 12:30 pm ::

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