:: Friday, March 14
..woke up with hope and only found tears...
gah!! i passed on a whole day of overtime (at double time its worth probly $600) to go to regionals this weekend.. but it looks like im not going to be able to play anyway =( at training on tuesday i layed out and landed badly on my right shoulder.. and now my right arm doesnt work properly anymore! gah!!! i think i might be doomed never to play in major tournaments. before mixed regionals i had minor tear in my quad.. before mixed nationals i managed to tear a ligament in my left knee.. and now its open regionals.. so ive apparently pinched a nerve in my right shoulder.. which doesnt sound that bad.. except it means that my right arm doesnt really do what i tell it to do. which makes it quite hard to throw and/or catch. not to mention to ridiculous pain everytime i move.

*sigh* welcome to my life..

in other news: i went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show last nite at Starcity. it was pretty cool, but the sound engineers kept making stupid misakes like accidently turning off a mic.. or doing something which resulting in heaps of feedback .. bleh.. we had pretty awful seats but it was still pretty cool cos we were close at least.

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- ian, 1:00 pm ::

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