:: Wednesday, January 9
why do you build me up buttercup
bleh.. im exhausted from a day of oversleeping and slowly vegetating on the sofa during my first RDO of the year. i have no energy to do things nowadays.. and im eating lots of crap.. resulting in a rather roundly new look to the 2008 model.

last nite we had a frisbee team dinner at some jap place in Crows Nest. twas a good turnout for a frisbee thing, usually everyone just pikes =p the food was ok, cept the tonkatsu was a tad overcooked. we had about a dozen people and got a bunch of various dishes.. but our ordering pattern was very ad hoc and we werent really sure if we'd over-ordered or under-ordered. im always quite suprised how little japanese food people have tasted.. some people have never tried it! how does that even happen?

it seems to be tradition to end a team dinner some sort of ludicrously late finish due to sitting/standing around talking about stuff which may or may not contain a D&M. luckily i had an RDO today since this one made it till about 6am. it was mild on the intensity scale although i almost cried at one point. i wont go into the details here because itll be a story thats been too may times on this very blog =p

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- ian, 9:55 pm ::

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