:: Tuesday, January 22
raindrops keep falling on my head
so.. im down another $10k just today... so i guess its too late to short sell now. i just need to wait it out.. gah! any tips on whats a good buy?


- ian, 4:48 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, January 19
sugar we're going down swinging
this year ive managed to lose about $20k in the share market. gah! thats like a year's worth of savings. boo hoo. and its not just me the whole market is down cos people are panicking. i dont think i makes that much sense to sell when things are down.. if i had more money id be buying more while the prices are low. grab a bargain while u can =) ppl forget that the name of the game is to sell high and buy low =p

in other news.. my BMI indicates that i am overweight! 0.o
apparently there is a different scale for asians where a BMI over 23 is overweight! gah.. i guess i should actually stop eating carbs after lunch and continue with the Coke Zero. *goes to throw up last meal*

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- ian, 5:32 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, January 18
something's in the air
so most of this week has been work and frisbee. i played 3 games over tuesday and wednesday which went ok knee-wise. although i did get sandwiched in div3 on tuesday and took a rather hard bump to my left bad knee. i had to sub off, which was probably better for our team, cos i was sucking badly that game. pretty much every forehand i threw was a throw away.. or ended up going to the wrong person. *gah*

wednesdays games went a lot better. i scored a Callahan in the first game.. and in the second game i was on a totally stacked team so i didnt really need to do much to look good. i played in the cup for msot of the game and my knees seemed to handle it pretty well, although we didnt have many long points so i cant say it was a really good test.

in other more exciting news... ive pre-oredered a Macbook Air! yes it is an impulse buy.. and there are already problems with it.. but it is sexy.. and i never buy stuff =p

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- ian, 9:24 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, January 14
one step closer
today i found out that ive got an interview for the JET Programme.. so im one more baby step towards japan.. yay me. it also makes me scared of being returning home to some kevin rudd created recession.. instead of in a comfy govt job in 2 years (meep)

on the weekend i was quite busy. saturday involved yum cha at eastwood with some frisbee ppl.. it was ok. frisbee ppl are very white.. and they didnt really know what they were doing at yum cha.. which is kinda hilarious sometimes.

the rest of the day was futilely trying to depend a few patches on the Domain for the Jazz that was to be there later in the day. we were trying to retain a spot for about 20 ppl but for the first 4 hours we only had 4 ppl to hold off neighbouring picnic rugs who were slowly encroaching.

during the actual show we were squeezed in due to lack of rug space.. and i was too wasted thru most of it to know what was going on. i had this rather horrible drink which consisted of red wine, apple juice, coke and port. i dont recommend it. we also stopped for one of Harrys famous pies. mmm, good for sobering up a lil bit.

sunday involved waking up with a hang over.. and frisbee training. at the start of training it was painfully hot.. but later on it was pouring rain. so in the end it was not a very productive training session at all. the good news is that my knees are feeling better.. not quite ready for high level competition yet.. but theres a few tourneys in 1-2 months which im feeling good pretty good about now.

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- ian, 10:04 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, January 10
another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
gah! time for a life changing decision! ive got 12 days to choose.. the clock is ticking.. oh the pressure! high road? or low road? Its time to pick a career path.. theres current job (which i know im good at) or new job (which i might suck at and/or hate) but gets me back into the city.. and looks better on my resume. but pays less.

.. although i cant help but feel fortuante that the most stressful thing in my life atm is choosing whether to take "senior position number 1" or "senior position number 2".

in other news: here is an amusing image..

- ian, 8:14 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, January 9
why do you build me up buttercup
bleh.. im exhausted from a day of oversleeping and slowly vegetating on the sofa during my first RDO of the year. i have no energy to do things nowadays.. and im eating lots of crap.. resulting in a rather roundly new look to the 2008 model.

last nite we had a frisbee team dinner at some jap place in Crows Nest. twas a good turnout for a frisbee thing, usually everyone just pikes =p the food was ok, cept the tonkatsu was a tad overcooked. we had about a dozen people and got a bunch of various dishes.. but our ordering pattern was very ad hoc and we werent really sure if we'd over-ordered or under-ordered. im always quite suprised how little japanese food people have tasted.. some people have never tried it! how does that even happen?

it seems to be tradition to end a team dinner some sort of ludicrously late finish due to sitting/standing around talking about stuff which may or may not contain a D&M. luckily i had an RDO today since this one made it till about 6am. it was mild on the intensity scale although i almost cried at one point. i wont go into the details here because itll be a story thats been too may times on this very blog =p

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- ian, 9:55 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, January 8
another long day in the coal mines..
boss is out.. so not much is going on...

over the last few days my life has been consumed by SimCity Societies. Its basically the same, but like way easier. Most things just handle themselves, all you need to do is balance your production of the six "energies", and u can pretty easily do this by constructing more buildings which either produce or consume an "energie", this works even if the building performs no function and is placed in the middle of the desert.

when my simtown (Simdianopolis) gets big (like 20k+ ppl) my puter lags itself to death. i think thats a sign i might need more than 512mb RAM.. but unfortuantely my puter is so old that i cant even buy the memory for it in stores.

in other news: it is so great being able to sleep in an extra hour. i dont really get more sleep, but at least the extra hour is in my bed at home, instead of contorted into some grotesque shape in the corner of a cityrail train.

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- ian, 1:03 pm :: 3 comments

:: Monday, January 7
Lost and Running
so after a long hiatus, the blog is back. this guy at work spends most of his day writing a diary in MS Word, which is so 1989.. so ive ressureccted my blog to show him how modern i am... that being said, blogs are so 2003 =p

ive also decided to sever the link between facebook and this blog cos theres just too many people on facebook.. not all of whom id like to read my blog. especially the ones which i oft bitch about or whatever =p

on a side note, i wrote my first facebook app! if you have nothing better to do, check out the pre-alpha alpha here.

quite a lot of a things have happened since my last post. probably the biggest thing is that ive been "promoted" to our disaster recovery site, which is in an undisclosed location in the middle of the Australian desert. Which of course makes it closer to my house than head office. the pay is heaps more.. but other than that the job is pretty much the same. i might have a chance to get back to HO in a couple of weeks, but im starting to like it out here...

around this time of year i like to write a wrap up post of the previous year.. but im totally just too lazy for that. instead ill write a few small tasks id like to achieve this new year (in order of probability of success).

also i need to get into shape... im so unfit i can barely move anymore. also i feel bloated most of the time. i need to stop eatign carbs after lunch. this year im planning to devise some sort of ridiculous workout regime to get myself into some state of fitness. Im not sure how it will work yet, since both my knees are fskd, and therefore i cant do any running or jumping.

this just in.. the free gym at work opens on Thursday.. so maybe i can do something fitness related with doesnt involve knees..

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- ian, 3:32 pm :: 3 comments

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