:: Sunday, April 1
that boy's not right in tha head
so this week has been mostly filled with java coding and frisbee. ive kinda been tacked onto the end of a few projects at work just because we dont have enough ppl to finish them and i seem to be the best going around at writing dodgey hacks to make horrible projects look like they sorta work =p

we've started using maven instead of ant which is a new build system that no one seems to know how to use properly. theres a lot of "hey it works on my machine" going around when ppl cant use it. a typical conversation goes like this..

slave: i cant get this to compile
ian: uh. it works on my machine. see *points to screen*
slave: well none of us can get it to work, so it must be broken
ian: yeh either that or you all did the same mistake *points to blatantly obvious configuration error which couldve been spotted in less time than it takes to complain to me*

ive also been working on this CRM project outside of work, which seems to be dragging on for longer than id like. but it does give me something to do i guess. due to the rebuild mentioned in last post, i had to reinstall Java and my dev tools. and to test it out i started to write a hello world application, which soon turned into a mini text adventure game about a guy in a dungeon. its pretty fun even =p i might finish it one day if i can think of a good story to go with it.

i played frisbee mon, tues, wed and sun this week. and i considered going on thursday to mac uni training. despite all this frisbee i think im getting worse at it =p my forehands arent going anywhere good, and my backhand is bad as it always was.

on saturday i went to the Reel Big Fish + Guttermouth concert at the roundhouse at UNSW. it was pretty mad, i havent been in a decent mosh/skank pit for a while and this one was not too violent due to it being an all ages gig. one amusing this that happened was these 2 sweaty high school kids who thought it would it be a good idea by pouring the contents of a bottle they found on the floor over their heads. unfortunately the bottle was full of coke =p so the first one got coke all over his face and down his shirt, while the other one ran away laughing hysterically.

it also wasnt as loud as normal.. usually my ears are ringing well into the next day.. but they were fine even on the way home. either the concerts have gone soft.. or im jsut too hardcore.

:: the music of this week has been The Fratellis and the Fort Minor mixtape =)

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- ian, 8:07 pm ::

hey ian! how are ya? i haven't spoken to u in ages! looks like you've gotten back from ur trips! straight back into frisbee i see!!

hope to catch up with you soon on the train (if you are catching trains these days)

oh hey mindyness. whats new? are u still on the same train nowadays?
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