:: Sunday, March 25
We're finding it hard to break the mould
so my ever interesting life has resulting in the excitement that is reformmating my computer at 3am on a friday nite =p i had a lot of trouble with driver CDs that id lost and CD Keys that id forgotten.. it was rather painful.. and oh so lonely in a nerdy way.

luckily for me my Windows XP CD is so old that the FCKGW key still works =) and shame on you if you know what i mean by that (wiki it if ur curious) =p but my HDDs were all mixed up and the wireless router wouldnt login and msn still wont connect... and im sure all the non-computer nerds have stopped reading by now....

moving on.. -> saturday i had to vote in the state election, but im in a liberal blue seat so it didnt really make a difference. still i cant understand how the government got voted back in. everyone who voted for them must have never caught a train or driven on a road in sydney for the past 12 years.

.. ahem.. i also went to Amy's bday thing at this park in Vaclause. i drove all the way there =) which is awesome cos i probly wouldnt have gone if i couldnt drive. ive never been out that way before, but its pretty nice.. if you can get parking. it was like this park/beach area , but since is in the harbour there arent really any waves. so its good for swimming and theres even a shark net. interestingly though its called shark beach.. so maybe there was a reason why they put up that netting.

at 7am this morning i drove my parents to the airport where theyre going to Alice Springs for a week. so i have a week of microwave dinners and trying to find somewhere to go out ahead of me. on the way home from the airport i thought i should stop somewhere on the way home since im rarely so far from home with transport. but all i could think of was Chatswood which is only sorta on the way home. but since daylight savings has ended overnight, my clock read 9:30 even though it was only 8:30.. and too early for any shops to be open on a sunday morning. so i got a couple of krispy kremes and a coffee to tide me over till i could impulse buy some stuff.

at the end of the day (or morning as it were) i had a new suit and a another pair of pants and a new shirt. all for jsut a touch over $200 =) what a bargain. Myer is gold mine for getting a deal.. i have no idea how they make money. although if uve seen their shareprice lately they arent really making much =p

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- ian, 8:02 pm ::

i think you can do better than microwave dinners! :p
shark beach is nice! theres a little cave there.
Good words.
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