:: Sunday, February 11
wind up
so im posting.. and its only been half a week. mostly cos im bored.. but partially also cos i think ive finally finished this CRM thing. i got paid for it on wed too, so its all done with, as soon as i do the handover on monday.

on friday night we went out for a bit. we wandered around trying to find somewhere which we didnt have to line up for where i could get ribs (mm). in the end we went to the seafood buffet at the Sheraton. it was a bit pricey at $95 a head, and whilst its pretty awesome i dont think its quite worth the price. outside of the seafood, most of the goodies are desserts. so its probly better value to have a nice light snack for dinner, then try the Sheraton for the $22 dessert buffet.

yesterday i had a busy day. i had to wake up super early for the Tropfest volunteers meeting which was at 9am sharp in east sydney. luckily i was driving, cos there were no trains.. and it basically took forever to get anywhere (more on that later). the meeting was pretty much nothing they couldve have jsut emailed to us =p but i guess u have to meet the ppl sometime before its on.

next i drove onto auburn to pick up a new puter for my parents. it was like this warehouse place but it seemed like a reasonable deal, and desperately need a new one. even after we'd taken it home and put it all together, it was still before lunchtime. its pretty weird how much longer a day seems when you've accomplished a few things before lunchtime. everything after that jsut seems like a bonus.

so the bonus for the day including finishing my coding and then later going to Moonlight Cinema to use my bday gift vouchers. the movie was Children of Men, which is basically about a future when all of mankind is infertile. it was a well made movie.. and the premise was original.. but the story was a lil bit bland. even the action in it was a bit generic it was mostly running away from various bad guys and could jsut have easily been in any movie.

- ian, 1:24 pm ::

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