you picked a really bad timeso i just found out that i miss a
Bloc Party concert in Vancouver by 2 hours! i now have the option of moving my flight by a day (and reapplying for leave) or instead catching a bus/train to Seattle to see the gig on the previous day.
on a related note you can see their new video clip on
youtube, album isnt far away.
in some other bad timing, i leave Sydney 2 days before Daph returns.. then i leave Vancouver 2 days before she arrives there =p that is if she goes of course.
also i get back to Sydney from Vancouver 2 days after Julia's wedding! so i missing out on things left right and centre. gah!
last nite at frisbee i continued my habit of playing badly in div2 and well in div3. I dont really think the pressure of div2 is getting to me, but it appears to be. i jsut make a bunch of silly mistakes.. and i seem to get tired a lot more easily.
in other news: i desperately need to get my licence ASAP, cos the man is changing the test so its harder to pass. gah! i hate thinking that i was about 4km/h away from having this all sorted out 8 years ago. *sigh* .. and i still have 16 more hours to get before i can sit the test!! seems like its taking forever.