:: Saturday, January 20
i must be fine because my heart's still beating
so its been a while since i posted. mostly because ive been way busy with this crm thing im working on. its not even that much work, but i can only work on it at night, and they can only test it in the day. so i jsut make a change (which sometimes only takes 5 mins) then i have to wait a whole day for them to tell me that they changed their mind, or theyd like me to move and image 2 pixels to the left. seems like its going on forever..

anyhoo over that last week ive also been doing other things... last week Haleh left the rba which is all very sad (boo). but me and betty spend a lot of the week running around trying to find her a going away/bday gift. we decided on a digicam, to replace her rather awful 35mm film camera, but theres jsut so much variety nowadays its hard to make a choice. in the end we went to like a dozen stores about like 100 cameras, and ended up buying it from the first store we went to =p

.. from what i can tell she quite liked it. it was a pretty big day which included visits from a few ex-rba'ers who came to catch up. unfortunately very little work was done by anyone in our team that day =p although i jsut realised that im now at the bottom of our team again.. after 4 years of slave labour, im actually going backwards!! *insert generic comments about quitting*

due to wii tennis and the australian open, i decided to go play some tennis. which closely follows soccer as the sport i am the most woe at. it was still fun to get out into the sun though. quite randomly i rang kallie to see if she wanted to play tennis, and it jsut so happened that she was already playing tennis =p so i joined them for a bit if a hit. i always have to play with the girls cos the guys are too good for me =p i had this racquet i borrowed off chito years ago, and the grip has sorta disintegrated causing me to suck even more than normal.. and also get blisters.

on monday i went rock climbing with the guys from work at st leonards. my arms are jsut as weak as they always were, but it was my feet that were hurting the most. the shoes are meant to be really tight, but these were so painful i could barely even climb in them. also my knee was hurting when i tried to push up onto a hold (gah!)

re: frisbee this week, i only managed one game.. but that was enough to end my season i think. My knee could love nothing more than a rest for 4 weeks before snowboarding in Canada. frisbee + tennis + rockclimbing quite a problem for a bad knee, which sucks so so much.

today i had to work (boo). we had a change to our firewall/proxy and i had the option of oncall or overtime. i picked overtime because i figured id probly be in the city anyway for something or other. i had nothing to do today, but i needed to be at work about more than 3 hours anyway, so it was probly worthwhile. that roughly translates to a whole day of pay at double time =)

ive done a fair bit of driving this week, including a trip to see the Big Merino in Goulburn. it is much less impressive than i remember (from when i was about 10). its pretty much deserted now, apparently they are dismantling it to move it down the road. no doubt to make it visible from the bypass which has killed its business =p

ive noticed my posts being quite disjointed lately, i thin i have trouble concentrating.. maybe i actually do have ADD =p .. anyhoo this post is too long already.. time to end it..

driving hours left: 6

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- ian, 9:08 pm ::

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