:: Monday, January 29
hungry and foolish
gah! its been more than a week since last post.. and i didnt even realise. wtf have i been doing for the last week and a bit? i cant really remember.. my memory sucks so much lately.

at some point i was at karaoke.. but that was possibly last week, i think. but i didnt mention it my last post, so im not sure when it happened =p anyhoo.. it started with a trip to the bar on a friday after work, and eventually led to the night markets at chinatown.. and then onwards to karaoke at some creepy place in surry hills where id never been before =p the song selection wasnt too bad though, they had Perfect by Simple Plan.. and some other good songs which i cant remember atm (memory still dead)

on the sunday directly following the last post, i went for a drive to kiama with kallie, which all but finished off my 50 hours (yay). it was a rather warm day and a good day to be at the beach. there was some street market going on which we checked out for a lil while and ended up buying some buttons, mine was like an L plate =p we walked all around town (which took like half an hour) and then settle down on the beach for some fish and chips (mm), by which time it was late afternoon. it was still quite warm though so we decided on a swim.. which turned out to be freezing cold (brr). my toes went numb.. (gah) but it was still refreshing to be out in the surf again =)

i dont heaps remember what happened during the week, i didnt go to frisbee, which probably means i spent time working on my CRM project. gah! this is why i used to post everyday.. cos a week later i cant remmeber what happened!

last thurs i went out shopping at broadway for no particular reason. we'd intended to go see a movie but the times werent appealing to us so we jsut walked around like idiots for a few hours then played time crisis.. then went home =p

friday was Australia Day! and so we ventured to Maroubra Beach for the usual celebrations. it was quite the lazy/relaxing day, it went something like sit, swim, eat, cricket, skate, swim, sit, frisbee, home. i came away with a disappointingly pale tan despite being in the sun all day. i sucked quite royally at cricket, which i am normally ok at .. but that was when i was young =p the skating was spent mostly trying to remmeber how to stand on a board again.. and also avoiding millions of lil kids on Razr scooters. it was however i chance to see some ppl who i never get to see normally. there was actually another picnic right near ours which was full of all these ppl who i sorta knew from uni. by that i mean i knew well enough to talk to.. but not well enough to keep in touch with =p

on saturday i went to lisa's bday thing at her house. it was ok i spose.. other than i didnt know anyone there. i mostly tried to find randoms to discus snowboarding with.. she knows a lot of them i spose hehe. other than that i just joined in the odd game of big 2 (with chinese rules). i did have to escape early to go out to Cruise Bar for cocktails with the peeps who'd dropped into Sydney for australia day. the cocktail i had was pretty weak in taste and alcohol.. luckily id had a few at lisas =p we turned back the clock a bit with a visit to City Extra after.. and needless to say i got home on some sort of nite ride =p

phew.. blogging is so much effort nowadays....

in other news: i bought a PSP.. firmware 2.6 .. but im too scared to crack it. someone help me..

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- ian, 10:17 pm ::

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