:: Wednesday, December 13
not a gay cowboy
so reckless layouts have finally caught up to me. im more injured than ever before after getting cleats to the hip .. and finishing the game with ambulance-worthy knee to the back. gah! normally i bounce right back up from such collisions, but my old bones dont spring back like they did when i was young =p

after waiting a million years at the hospital.. the doc says i should be fine with a lil bit of rest and a lot of bits of Nurofen. she says i can take nurofen 3 times a day along with panadol 4 times a day.. mm druggy. moni was nice enough to give me a ride home at 1am.. cos my parents accidentally left our home phone off the hook and my brother was too busy playing Zelda to answer his phone.

anyhoo im at home today.. not doing much get taking drugs and grimacing every now and then. also playing some guitar hero, which i suck at. you would think that spending all my days typing at a keyboard would make my fingers just a lil bit nimble, but theyre all just unco =p

.. earlier this week i went to see the new Bond movie with the work peeps. I was skeptical at first, but the trailer looked good and it started out ok. then they reached the texas-holdem scene.. or should i say river of endless scenes. once they reached the casino (which you can imagine happens quite early in a movie called Casino Royale) the movie spiralled into a hole of cheesy acting and long winded "drama" if you can call it that =p theyre were some limited action scenes not very subtled squeezed in, but frankly all the best bits happen at the start of the movie. the best scene involved some jackie-chan-like parkour scenes at a construction factory.. but even that wasnt the best ive seen =p it gets 6/10 from me only because ill probly watch it again and think it "wasnt that bad" as i tend to do with bond movies.

on a related note.. heres my list of fav bond movies =)

  1. Goldeneye

  2. Live and Let Die

  3. Goldfinger

  4. Moonraker

  5. From Russia with Love

notably absent are bond movies with roger moore or timothy dalton =p

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- ian, 2:17 pm ::

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