:: Sunday, December 31
but if you love me, where have you been?
well .. ive been busy.. (no seriously). bah humbug, even with 2 weeks between posts i still update more than almost anyone else i know who blogs =p

despite being busy.. i dont think ive even done anything interesting in that time. i've mostly been trying to accumulate driving hours and working on this website which ive been doing on the side (i can show you cos its secure). and also xmas shopping ^^;

a couple of weeks ago i went to jen's house to watch Brick on her projector screen. and i just realised that thats where id seen that girl from Heroes before =p the one with persuasion "skill". anyhoo the movie was pretty enjoyable.. it was pretty clever (which i like) but then at the end they tried to shove the ending in your face. like throughout the movie there was subtle hints linking the story together, then the movie finishes with the protagonist jsut doing like a monologue of the explanation. it was a bit condescending.. like the director was saying "look, you're probly not smart enough to figure it out, so ill just tell u what happened".

i also caught The Departed which is a remake of the HK movie Infernal Affairs. it was ok.. i dont think its the 80th best movie of all time as imdb says. or maybe im jsut not impressed by "drama" anymore. i dont really enjoy movies nowadays unless they are original, clever and well made. and this movie was only one of those 3.

:: 17.25 driving hours remaining


- ian, 7:46 am :: 3 comments

:: Wednesday, December 13
not a gay cowboy
so reckless layouts have finally caught up to me. im more injured than ever before after getting cleats to the hip .. and finishing the game with ambulance-worthy knee to the back. gah! normally i bounce right back up from such collisions, but my old bones dont spring back like they did when i was young =p

after waiting a million years at the hospital.. the doc says i should be fine with a lil bit of rest and a lot of bits of Nurofen. she says i can take nurofen 3 times a day along with panadol 4 times a day.. mm druggy. moni was nice enough to give me a ride home at 1am.. cos my parents accidentally left our home phone off the hook and my brother was too busy playing Zelda to answer his phone.

anyhoo im at home today.. not doing much get taking drugs and grimacing every now and then. also playing some guitar hero, which i suck at. you would think that spending all my days typing at a keyboard would make my fingers just a lil bit nimble, but theyre all just unco =p

.. earlier this week i went to see the new Bond movie with the work peeps. I was skeptical at first, but the trailer looked good and it started out ok. then they reached the texas-holdem scene.. or should i say river of endless scenes. once they reached the casino (which you can imagine happens quite early in a movie called Casino Royale) the movie spiralled into a hole of cheesy acting and long winded "drama" if you can call it that =p theyre were some limited action scenes not very subtled squeezed in, but frankly all the best bits happen at the start of the movie. the best scene involved some jackie-chan-like parkour scenes at a construction factory.. but even that wasnt the best ive seen =p it gets 6/10 from me only because ill probly watch it again and think it "wasnt that bad" as i tend to do with bond movies.

on a related note.. heres my list of fav bond movies =)

  1. Goldeneye

  2. Live and Let Die

  3. Goldfinger

  4. Moonraker

  5. From Russia with Love

notably absent are bond movies with roger moore or timothy dalton =p

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- ian, 2:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 10
its a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll

so thursday i went shopping in burwood and then Outback Steakhouse.. it was way too filling and i wasnt even hungry at all. at the shops i bought a 320gb external HDD for leeching onto at the LAN party.. i mean xmas party next week =p

friday was the rba xmas party! it pretty much as drunk as it usually is. but a few notorious individuals were conspicuously absent. my boss who normally gets quite involved.. was out of town.. and nathan famous antics were subdued by his self induced sobriety. it was an ok party this year.. better than last year i think. the theme was "music", which i possibly coudlve dressed up for.. i was at all organised. i couldve done my much anticipated Flava Flav costume but there were already 2 guys who did that at this party.. and neither did it all that well =p so costumes of note were Hi-5, Devo and the winning costume was Boy George. it was eerily accurate.. enough that you'd want to hide your kids from him =p

afterwards i went onto to retro for khanhs bday thing.. for some more bad drunken dancing to songs that most of you are too young to remember. i was fairly intoxicated already by then.. so i didnt really care.

this weekend i managed to do a bit of driving.. 6.5 hours to exact, most of which was driving to the hunter valley and back. driving on a highway is soooo tedious, especially when im driving 80kmph and everyone else is going 110 =p i was also driving in my sister's mazda 323 which is incredibly uncomfortable. for some reason the seat causes me to have a horrible pain in my left leg if i drive it for more than about 20 mins.

EXP required for next level: 30.25 hours

- ian, 9:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 6
catching up..
gah! its been almost 3 weeks since my last post.. i doubt ill ever catch up.

a few interesting things have happened in that time.. ill summarise below.

:: family bday dinner
on my actual bday we had a combined bday for me, my dad and my sis. we went too this random chilli crab place in surry hills.. it wasnt that fantastic, but ill take any chance to get some singapore chilli crab... mmm. unfortunately they didnt have that fried bread stuff which i like so much.. boo

:: bday lunch
on the 19th i had a small bbq do out at strathfield park which was awesome =) great thanks to all who attended and boos to all who piked. the story of the day was baked goods. khanh brought lemon meringue and berry cup cakes, annie had her highly popular green tea cupcakes, tina came with a series of personalised cupcakes bearing a bday message, jodi had soft coffee cookies, mon had crispy pastry things which i dont know what theyre called and lastly but not leastly andrea baked a chococake complete with frisbee design. in all the commotion of the day the cake somehow ended up upside down, but you can see it pre-ruining here.

it was a long day with much frisbee, basketball and general tomfoolery. i was pretty exhausted afterwards... but it was all in good fun. the turnout was really good =) i always like roping new ppl into my bday celebrations each year.

i dont really like to talk about presents.. but i did receive a most awesome homemade card from my lil sis lingy^^; if i havent mentioned it previously i do like such cards ever so much =)

some pics of the day can be found here

:: pantomime
i went to a pantomime of treasure island, but for reason i thought it was pirates of penzance, so when i arrived and found out it was treasure island i was a bit disappointed. the show was ok.. it was a bit too kiddy for me.. and the singing needed work, but it got a few laughs out of me... and i guess thats all u can ask from a local production.

:: melbourne hat
from the 1st to the 5th of dec, i was in Melbourne for the hat =) i hadnt been to melbourne since i was about 10.. so it looked pretty different =p we stayed at this backpackers which was literally across the street from albert park (where we played) so it was all pretty convenient.

the tournament itself was ok. good cos the level of frisbee was high.. but bad cos i caught a cold on the saturday. good cos it was a day in the sun with fun ppl.. but bad cos it was hella windy and my knee hurt.

my team went well, but ultimately missed out on the semis. we went 5-2 in the pool games, winning 4 of those games by a single point =p personally i started out playing really well.. getting lots of d's and scoring and even throwing hammers into the wind. but as the day went on my level of play went down.. and due to the high number of subs (6 guys on the bench) i spent a lot of time shivering in the winds of the sideline.

most of the rest of the time was spent wandering around the streets of melbourne eating at local cafes, shopping at local shops and cramming into local trams. at Myer i discovered this rather awesome tshirt store, which happens to have a branch at bondi which i intend to visit some time. ill probly get the one which looks like theres converse all stars hanging around your neck =) Speaking of which, tina bought some keds at this small shoe store called "1917" named as such because it only sells keds and all stars. which by some strange coincidence, were both first sold in the year 1917. hehe that was a good year for shoes. another amazing stat is that there have been over 750 million pairs of converse all stars sold worldwide! .. only about a dozen of those are me =p

on monday nite we ventured to Crown Casino to check it out.. and play some free unlimited arcade games thanks to some coupons we acquired. it was all pretty silly, i found out i cant play DDR anymore.. and wasted a lot of my time on point blanc and time crisis (both of which i own on playstation). i won both our races of sega rally.. and lost badly in both our games of daytona =p

:: frisbee again
i flew back to sydney late on tuesday afternoon, and went straight to st leonards to play even more frisbee =p to be honest it wasnt the best idea ive had, i was tired and so were my knees... as a result i didnt play at hills tonite. also my vespa is apparently broken!!! whilst i was away it leaked all its petrol onto the garage floor.. never a good sign.

.. im sure some other things happened too.. but i cant remember what they are.. i may mention them in later posts if i remember by then. but for now im too tired.

- ian, 9:08 pm :: 1 comments

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