:: Monday, October 30
honk if you're about to run me over
so we did the 7 bridges walk on Sunday, all 22kms of it. It wasnt all the bad really, it tooks us 6 hours though.. about 2 hours longer than i thought it would =p they gave us these lil passport things with a barcode that you scan at each checkpoint to show you went past there. and we were partially slowed down by the fact that the scanners were a bit sketchy and took about 80 scans to register each bar code. this left a bit of a logjam at each checkpoint which was almost not worth waiting in line for considering the reward is a pdf of a participation certificate =p

my knee held up ok thru both games.. but it was frustrating close to being 100%. there were times where the disc was literally on the tip of my finger, but i couldnt get it cos my knee was holdiong me back jsut that 5% of jump or run. its not painful anymore, but its restrictive, it jsut doesnt work like it used to. grrr
i think i played well in div2 and bad in div3. although i threw the best throw ive ever thrown, a half field hammer to the opposite back corner of the end zone. but it was dropped!! gah... no glory =p

... i couldnt publish.. and im too lazy to figure out how to change the date on this post... so the next part is written a few days later...

on tuesday, i got my Ls .. again. its pretty ghey how hard it is to get a car licence nowadays.. but i guess its all to keep n00bs off the streets. the log book has all these really trivial tasks which need to be signed off.. like "has licence available" and "enters vehicle". i spose someone somewhere needs assistance for those things =p

also played hills tonite.. only one game, which didnt really go that well. the other team was pretty stacked.. and i couldnt run enough to do anything about it. our team has gotten a lot better since i last played though. the beginners are starting the get much more of a feel for the game. stacking is still a bit of a problem =p

i think my knee is telling me not to run tommolo...

- ian, 10:40 pm ::

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