:: Sunday, September 24
if i could paint, id paint a portait of you
this week at work was pretty quiet. we spent most of the time waiting for things to break from last week's infrastructure change. we did have some summer-like weather so we had a few lunches out in the park =) that was quite nice, but it made my hayfever go beserk. even the all powerful zyrtec couldnt help me..

also frisbee started this week, my team is pretty woe and im not good enough to carry a team.. yet =p the first game was till fun cos it had some friendly ppl on it. the second game was mostly pwnage.. and i tried a bit too hard to turn the tide. too hard in the bad way, i jumped over a couple of ppl to snatch the disc out of the air but one of them was my own teammate and i landed on her knee. she was like a beginner too.. and just a schoolkid. gah!

friday nite was the swans semi scaoured the city to find a bar which was showing afl . and the only place we could find was Cheers, where we managed to find one screen out of about 10 which had the game on. the rest has the NRL on.. and one had the cricket on. the atmosphere was very much as i remember Cheers being, but it was ok if u could filter out the middleaged drunken businessmen. we bumped into matt who was out and about with some of his Westpac crew who i think were maybe also watching th game.

i spent most of the empty hours this week making a bday for my lil sis lingy. i forgot to take a photo of it but it looks a bit like this. her bday thing was pretty cool too. she organised a whole day in which ppl came to which ever bits they could. i only went to the first half, which was yumcha at Dragonstar and painting figures at Pottery Barn.. or whatever it was called. both had some ppl there who kinda know but rarely see, so it was nice to catch them. the painting was better than i thought.. i painted an evil bulbasaur =p he is black with red eyes, the glaze stuff they use makes him look kinda cool

.. im sick today *achoo*

- ian, 2:38 pm ::

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