:: Wednesday, September 27
didnt i see you crying?
*yawn* its late.. but i have an RDO tomo (yay me). since my last post all ive really done is play frisbee. tuesday was the hat.. where i think we were much improved, but still lost both games =p also the girl i injured was on crutches for most of the week.. then had an MRI which apparently showed no ligament damage (thats good). but she probly wont playing again this season (gah, my bad).

tonite i was sposed to go to the movies, but someone was a dirty piker, so instead i went to hills training which was pretty fun. i attempted to teach some ppl how to play. i think they learned some things off me, hopefully they dont copy my horrible forehand technique. there was like a million new ppl there (well maybe 40 or 50), it was pretty cool to see =) im not sure how the season will go.. both my teams have a rather long bench. hrm..

in other news: this is awesome

- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, September 25
hugs not drugs
when the Simpsons first came out, i was the same age as Bart. i jsut realised i am now closer to Homer's age than Bart's.. gah!

- ian, 9:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, September 24
if i could paint, id paint a portait of you
this week at work was pretty quiet. we spent most of the time waiting for things to break from last week's infrastructure change. we did have some summer-like weather so we had a few lunches out in the park =) that was quite nice, but it made my hayfever go beserk. even the all powerful zyrtec couldnt help me..

also frisbee started this week, my team is pretty woe and im not good enough to carry a team.. yet =p the first game was till fun cos it had some friendly ppl on it. the second game was mostly pwnage.. and i tried a bit too hard to turn the tide. too hard in the bad way, i jumped over a couple of ppl to snatch the disc out of the air but one of them was my own teammate and i landed on her knee. she was like a beginner too.. and just a schoolkid. gah!

friday nite was the swans semi scaoured the city to find a bar which was showing afl . and the only place we could find was Cheers, where we managed to find one screen out of about 10 which had the game on. the rest has the NRL on.. and one had the cricket on. the atmosphere was very much as i remember Cheers being, but it was ok if u could filter out the middleaged drunken businessmen. we bumped into matt who was out and about with some of his Westpac crew who i think were maybe also watching th game.

i spent most of the empty hours this week making a bday for my lil sis lingy. i forgot to take a photo of it but it looks a bit like this. her bday thing was pretty cool too. she organised a whole day in which ppl came to which ever bits they could. i only went to the first half, which was yumcha at Dragonstar and painting figures at Pottery Barn.. or whatever it was called. both had some ppl there who kinda know but rarely see, so it was nice to catch them. the painting was better than i thought.. i painted an evil bulbasaur =p he is black with red eyes, the glaze stuff they use makes him look kinda cool

.. im sick today *achoo*

- ian, 2:38 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, September 17
im starting with the man in the mirror.
yet another exciting weekend for ian.. it consisted of 15% katamari, 10% YouTube, 5% vespa and 70% of not doing anything at all.

it seems to be a bit of a theme for my weekends nowadays, im not sure what to do about it. maybe i should get a weekend job, at least itll fill in time.. and one day when i find something better to do, i will be able to afford it =p summer is approaching, so i guess i can start haning out at the beach and .. uh.. lie on the sand doing nothing, at least ill get a tan.. or skin cancer.

in other news, im considering purchasing a place.. out in the sticks near Norwest, in anticipation of my maybe having to work there. the houses are way cheap out that way. but itll be even more lonley out there in a big house.. with no Foxtel. gah. im so annoyed i never learnt to play an instrument as a kid, at least then id have music in my life.

*waits for the next pokemon game to be released*

- ian, 11:07 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, September 14
the grass is always greener on the other side
this week i was knocked out the RBA Snooker comp.. by the slimmest of margins.. or the most chokey of chokes. in a best of 3, i wont he first by 27.. then proceed to take the lead in the last two, before setting him up with a series of "almost int he hole but not quite in" shots. gah. and lost the 2nd and 3rd games by a total of about 17 (which isnt much, if u consider the black is worth 7, over 2 games). i think i woudlve felt bad for him if he lost, he was pretty unlucky that it was close, he seemed heaps serious, like snooker was his whole life and he was losing to some n00b who could barely play, but fluked heaps.

but i made it to the 3rd round in a comp where i was almost certain i woudlnt win a game at all =p in a recent rba snooker ranking, i was placed 4th i the bank out of 29 ranked players, roughly roughtly 25 places higher than i thought i would be =p

i cant remember what happened in the rest of the week.. mostly rain i think, but today they announced the plan at work for the disaster recovery site, more specifically how it was going to be staffed. there are 6 developer positions out there.. 2 of which i could possibly grab right now. and 4 more which would be a promotion for me.. and i think i have a good chance of taking due to the lack of java devlopers at head office who would be eligible (theres maybe a dozen, and most of those wont want to move out to Norwest). im seriously considering a move, what do u think i should do? .. heres a rundown..

:: travel
its at Norwest business park, which is like <20mins by Vespa. which is about an hour closer than martin place each way. thats 2 hrs of my life that cityrail wouldnt have each day. but i would have to rely on a vespa everyday, very literally rain, hail or shine. although a promotion would also come with the opportunity to lease a car on salary sacrifice.. another incentive to finally get my *cough*ahem* drivers licence *cough*.

:: money
well a promotion would be close to a $10k payrise.. but a move would also bring a $5k post tax lump sum of relocation compensation for ppl who have to move out there. that equates to a lot of difference in my bank at the end of the month.

:: career
well a promotion is generally good, but especially so in the RBA where u can only really get one if someone leaves and that never seems to happen. and even then you only get it if that person is like in your team and doing similar work.. else they tend to plug gaps with overpaid contractors =p i would need to change teams to a less desirable team (my current being the most desirable in terms of type of work done). with maybe good but maybe sucky co-workers. although no one really knows what developers are gonna do out there away from everyone.. im inclined to think a lot of bludging.

:: life
well id be in Norwest, who knows what id do all day. probly hang out at Towers like high school all over again. i would also be way less inclined to participate in CBD-based outings. although it might be cool as well since we'd maybe form like a click with the "Norwest Crew" or something.

hrm.. *thinking music*

- ian, 8:43 pm :: 1 comments

:: Saturday, September 9
why does it always rain on me?
the rains are here.. which is good for farmers.. but not so great for Vespas =p i had a few a difference places i needed to go this week.. but i had to resort to the not so good ole cityrail systems. *sigh*.

nothing much going on at work.. i had my performance review.. it was maybe the best one ive had so far. i think it was easier to say what id done this year because i actually did things this year.. as opposed to previous years where i had to invent projects =p

twas kallie's bday dinner this week, in parra (sigh) but i still went =p and i made her a card, which i didnt take a photo of.. but it looked something like this.

on friday we went out for drinks.. and dinner at the James Squire place in king st wharf. it was pretty tasty.. and followed it up with ludicrous amounts of ice cream at French Riviera. man those serving sizes are almost laughable. the serve for one person was like as big as my head.. it was pretty stupid =p

.. today im rained in.. with nothing but katamari.. and 967,862 roses left to roll up ...
*rolls away*

- ian, 2:30 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, September 4
panic! at the disco
on friday we had 3 ppl leave the RBA.. *sigh* .. if only that was me... ... anyways... we had a rba-length lunch and some drinks after work. i only had a couple cos i had to jet.. to uh.. Blackheath .. to hang out with my family. it was nearly as lame as it sounded when i said it to the drunken work ppl as i left =p

we stayed at this lodge which appearred to be a kit home.. it didnt look too hard to build. maybe i could make one =) it was pretty nice at least.. but the layout of lights and windows wasnt ideal, it left some black areas in the living room and kitchen.. which was mildly annoying.

we sat around and cooked tasty food.. and went for bushwalks.. and watched tv.. and drank tea with cakes.. it was quite pleasant.. a nice change from my normal weekend of surfing the net and playing solitare. we ate dinner at this asian restaurant in katoomba and the ppl on the table next were like staring at us like theyd never seen asians before =p and one little girl was staring at me cos i was using chopsticks properly.. and she was trying to learn .. hehe.

.. today work was a bit meh.. i had some loose ends to tie up and some *yawn* stats to do, most of which i screwed up cos i thought august was the 7th month of the year =p i did manage to sneak out at lunch to win my second round match in the RBA snooker comp (yay). im not sure how i won, i played like woe. the other guy kept fouling though, and i kept snookering him on accident =p mwahaha..

in other news.. yay for alternative rock. if you are bored with yawn pop stars try out some Panic! At The Disco, or Bloc Party =) or Dresden Dolls, or Ok Go, or Futureheads.

- ian, 10:15 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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