u better be home soonso we jsut had a long weekend.. and i achieved nothing =p tenny came over really late to watch the French Open final on sunday nite/mon morning. and federer didnt even win =p in the morning we managed to play virtua fighter for a few hours.. and play some frisbee obstacle course with nige. which is basically like disc golf, but u have to like go around and thru overstacles instead of towards the goal. not particularly suprisingly, i came last in both games! i suck so much at the throwing.
the next nite i stayed up to watch the socceroos (like everyone else in Australia), i was so about to go to bed at about the 70th minute.. lucky i stuck it out 15 mins more =p but i didnt manage to get 2 nites in a row with sub 5 hours sleep.. yay =p
today i had lunch with julia, who happened to be in town from the ever remote adelaide. she is like a doctor now almost.. i wonder if they all act like the ppl on Scrubs =p
lately ive been having a craving for raw carrots. like all the time. i had a few ont he weekend.. and theyre like totally tasty, i cant get enough. mm.. *turns orange*