fancy meeting u herein some randomness, apparently burwood is the place to be seen nowadays. whilst shopping for some black jeans i happened upon Khanh and Kavita, then Kallie, David and Ken, and then Julia.. and then Gus. almost all right in front of General Pants at Westfields. it was sorta like being at uni again, where u could always bank on seeing someone u knew at the Glasshouse at lunch time.. or happy hour =p
i managed to purchase some black pants (not really jeans) and a singlet from General Pants for the bargain basement price of $30 and $15. although i am now an Element slut like Hunt =p
ive did a fair bit of Vespa-ing this weekend. i went to nige's soon-to-be new house in Telopea (via parra cos i got lost), his place is really nice, it definately was a bargain. i suspect ill be hanging out there a bit when he moves in =p i also went to Berowra skate park, Carlingford Court and Burwood (see above). i should go do the test soon.....
in other news: the further away it gets, the less likely i am to write a wrap up of the japan trip =p .. hrm..