:: Wednesday, February 15
im a little bit tired of fearing that i'll be the bad fruit nobody buys
gah.. japan is but a few days away. im mildy excited about it now. we had a unexpectedly productive meeting about what we're doing and such. i was getting slightly frustrated at the indecision, but it seems to be all sorted. it might fly after all.

in the planning i managed to save myself much dollars with jsut minimal effort =p i saved $35 by walking down to Jalpak to buy by JR Pass instead of buying it from flight centre. then i saved $88 by finally going to check what the RBA health fund travel insurance was like. and man it is heaps cheaper =) those two things partially make up for the fact that i forgot to exchange my dollars for yen when the going was good.

in frisbee it was semi-finals time. in div4 we were 3rd ranked, playing 6th. and we lost.. grr. but to make up for it, in div3 we were 6th ranked, playing 3rd. and we won =) i had a bit of a blinder in div3, totally unstoppable if i do say so myself =p

in div4 i had a bit of a scare when i accidently kicked tenny in the knee whilst running full pace. i didnt see him cos the frisbee was about to hit me in the face =p anyways.. i hit the deck with a horrible "oh no, i hope i can still go snowboarding!!". but it seemed ok. its bruised a bit and kinda tender and stiff. no major traumas though =)

gah.. and nige didnt make it this week. so i had to catch the train home.. or more accurately, i had to catch two buses and a train home cos of trackwork. grr. i got home well after midnite.. it was pretty hectic =p

.. so valentines day came and went... sigh .. *continues playing solitare*

in other news, someone who id had a rather unpleasant falling out with, randomly called me up the other day to apologise. it was quite unexpected, because whilst i was pretty cut about it.. id sorta given up on reconciliation, cos i have lost faith in mankind. so i guess this gives the humans a bit of hope =)

- ian, 9:52 pm ::

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