:: Monday, February 6
big city life
on friday was hema's birthday thing, which started with drinks at the Vault. and then dinner at this vegetarian place. it was ok.. cept there was no meat =p half the ppl spent the whole nite trying to do a sudoku puzzle.

i bought her this Lonely Planet book.. but i had no wrapping paper, so i drew a picture and made wrapping paper out of it =p it was pretty sketchy (literally) but i assumed she'd throw the paper out as soon as she opening it. she didnt =p

afterwards i went to cam's house where stay cos of an uber early start for canyoning. it was pretty fun.. cept i was totally freezing to a wetsuit which was too short and too loose. if i wasnt so cold i reakon it wouldve been awesome.. cos there were some fun jumps and slides around. heres a pic of me jumping into some rather chilly water. the canyons were Twister and Rocky Creek, which we had to drive like forever on heaps sketchy dirt roads to get to. cam's audi didnt enjoy it very much =p

sunday i played some basketball at cherrybrook. and watch some skaters and blading ripping up the park there. the bladers were playing horse, where one guy would do a trick and the others got a letter if they couldnt match it. and one guy did this trick which he called the Porn Star grind =p others did 360s n such.. one guy did a huge acid drop where he jumped off a rail. and these were like 14 yo kids =p

.. today i went to the gym.. *yawn*

- ian, 10:47 pm ::

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