:: Saturday, January 21
i dont want your money honey
i cant really remember what i did on monday, but ive been out every other nite, so im quite tired and my wallet has lost a lot of weight =p

tuesday was frisbee.. but it was called off cos the field was closed, but we managed to have a practice anyways.. which was basically jsut a throw. my frisbee skills have steadily declined of late, mostly from too much practice and not enough real games. im not sure how to fix that.. hopefully the autumn hat will help ^^;

wednesday i met up with khanh n chito cos she is going away yet again =p beforehand we had to go to the opera house to pick up some tix (more on that later). i basically walked from my office to Myer, to the opera house, back to to my office, then to Super Bowl in chinatown. hectic =p

thursday i went to yet another dinner.. this time in newtown. it was ok .. beforehand i had this rather curious apple tea.. which tasted like hot apple juice =p but i hear that its like a turkish thing that they give to u when theyre trying to get u to buy a rug =p

friday i went to this opera house thing called All Wear Bowlers it was pretty clever and such.. but it was a lil disjointed and no that engaging. it was enteratining still and probly more than i expected considering it was a mime =p beforehand i had like heaps of tiem to kill.. and it mostly included drinking. i met up with Lisa at her office where they were all happily consuming similar alcoholic beverages. i hung out with them a bit, they seemed nice. it was this girls birthday.. so they were having a party of sorts. i wouldnt have minded staying.. since i was mildly tipsy by then. but i went to this mime instead cos i was quite curious about it.. and didnt really know any of these drunkened commbank ppl =p

afterwards we watched a li bit of the Australian Open on this massive screen out front of the Opera House. it was jsut the end of Serena Williams.. and her massive biceps.. losing straight sets. we decided to go look for food of some kind.. and bumped into the back end of the previously mentioned party. although our attempt to join forces proved to be quite futile as we achieved little but standing around on street corners and being indecisive =p

today i went to play tennis.. in Alexandria. which is way far.. so i took my Vespa =) its the furthest ive been by a fair margin, but it was still pretty cool. i went down Victoria road.. and thru newtown. King Street was pretty cool looking from a Vespa point of view =) the weather was really hot.. and my tennis was really woe. but i got to scoot home over the very windy Sydney Harbour Bridge.. so i was quite cooled down.. but slightly shaken up =p

.. today i also had a conversation which went something like this. (may contain blatant exaggerations)

boy: Vespas look so identical to other scooters that only an expert can tell them apart.
ian: not really.. they dont look that similar to me. no more similar than say an Audi or a BMW
boy: wtf? they dont even look a little bit similar. scooters are like clones.

so heres an image to illustrate the point (click to enlarge) which do u think looks more similar?

top: Aprilla Mojito, Vespa ET4 (what i have)
bottom: Audi A4, BMW M3

- ian, 8:17 pm ::

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