:: Tuesday, January 31
Carnival of Fortunate People
uh.. it was basically a long weekend this week (thurs).. but i didnt do anything. actually the most interesting thing i did was finaly sew a button back onto my pants .. which have been buttonless for the best part of 3 months =p

i really need to do something productive with my life =p its just so easy to be lazy. also i think i may have done something terrible to my right knee. i cant really like run on it anymore. it makes this awful clicking noise. i hope its ok for snow in a few weeks.

.. also is it wrong to feel cut if u do something nice for someone and they dont appreciate it? or should i not expect appreciation cos i should jsut be happy with the good feeling u get from helping others? or should i just be like "meh.. serves me right for trying to be nice" and become bitter and jaded (as i seem to have become lately).

- ian, 9:15 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, January 25
something so strong
on sunday i Vespa'd my way to nige's place. i spent most of the time lying down.. but did some baking muffins/bread/buns. it was quite messy =p for some reason i was really sleepy, i sit down to watch something on tv.. but just doze off for a few hours =p

monday i didnt do anything.. i was sposed to go tot he gym.. but i was too lazy, so i just went home and watch anime =p

tuesday was frisbee =) and for the first time since week 1, i was on two winning teams. div4 we played against a hodge-podge of two other teams. we still won quite convincingly though.. im not really sure how =p i think ppl are jsut starting to read the game better. like less rushed throws and bad throws. we also had a bit of luck.. soem of my throws were terrible and still got caught.. and a couple of times i jsut launched it long to beat the stall count and we scored =p

um.. *yawn*
this post is boring.. so im gonna put an end to it =p

- ian, 12:19 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, January 21
i dont want your money honey
i cant really remember what i did on monday, but ive been out every other nite, so im quite tired and my wallet has lost a lot of weight =p

tuesday was frisbee.. but it was called off cos the field was closed, but we managed to have a practice anyways.. which was basically jsut a throw. my frisbee skills have steadily declined of late, mostly from too much practice and not enough real games. im not sure how to fix that.. hopefully the autumn hat will help ^^;

wednesday i met up with khanh n chito cos she is going away yet again =p beforehand we had to go to the opera house to pick up some tix (more on that later). i basically walked from my office to Myer, to the opera house, back to to my office, then to Super Bowl in chinatown. hectic =p

thursday i went to yet another dinner.. this time in newtown. it was ok .. beforehand i had this rather curious apple tea.. which tasted like hot apple juice =p but i hear that its like a turkish thing that they give to u when theyre trying to get u to buy a rug =p

friday i went to this opera house thing called All Wear Bowlers it was pretty clever and such.. but it was a lil disjointed and no that engaging. it was enteratining still and probly more than i expected considering it was a mime =p beforehand i had like heaps of tiem to kill.. and it mostly included drinking. i met up with Lisa at her office where they were all happily consuming similar alcoholic beverages. i hung out with them a bit, they seemed nice. it was this girls birthday.. so they were having a party of sorts. i wouldnt have minded staying.. since i was mildly tipsy by then. but i went to this mime instead cos i was quite curious about it.. and didnt really know any of these drunkened commbank ppl =p

afterwards we watched a li bit of the Australian Open on this massive screen out front of the Opera House. it was jsut the end of Serena Williams.. and her massive biceps.. losing straight sets. we decided to go look for food of some kind.. and bumped into the back end of the previously mentioned party. although our attempt to join forces proved to be quite futile as we achieved little but standing around on street corners and being indecisive =p

today i went to play tennis.. in Alexandria. which is way far.. so i took my Vespa =) its the furthest ive been by a fair margin, but it was still pretty cool. i went down Victoria road.. and thru newtown. King Street was pretty cool looking from a Vespa point of view =) the weather was really hot.. and my tennis was really woe. but i got to scoot home over the very windy Sydney Harbour Bridge.. so i was quite cooled down.. but slightly shaken up =p

.. today i also had a conversation which went something like this. (may contain blatant exaggerations)

boy: Vespas look so identical to other scooters that only an expert can tell them apart.
ian: not really.. they dont look that similar to me. no more similar than say an Audi or a BMW
boy: wtf? they dont even look a little bit similar. scooters are like clones.

so heres an image to illustrate the point (click to enlarge) which do u think looks more similar?

top: Aprilla Mojito, Vespa ET4 (what i have)
bottom: Audi A4, BMW M3

- ian, 8:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, January 16
we aint got a chance
wah lao.. i havent posted in more than a week.. mostly cos posting requires too much brain power and my brain is lazy. anyhoos heres what went down this week.

:: tuesday
we played maybe the least spirited game ever in div4. we played this team that had two div1 girls playing and one of the girls jsut kept makign a bunch of ridiculous calls like calling someone out of bounds from the other side of the field. but by far the worst thing happened at the end of the game, when the scores were 7-7. no one had called timecap or last point, and the other games were still going, then they scored, and she called game over. cos she had to run off to her div1 game. wtf? we argued for a lil while, then they grudgingly argreed to play one more.. but then she has the nerve to say to me that i wouldve done the same thing. fsck that. first she tries to cheat us out of a win, then she tries to justify it by claiming i wouldve also cheated cos i must be as much of a sketchy character as her. who the hell does she think she is? she doesnt even know me..

:: friday
i cant really what happened in the days in between, so it coudlve have been that interesting =p but anyways.. on friday we went out to lunch for Haleh's birthday. we went to this place in circular quay, it was the same place that id been for Vickys birthday a few years ago.. i forget the name of it. the food was heaps good.. i had fish and chips, but it was like super special =) it included deep fried bok choy which was suprisingly tasty..

:: saturday
i woke up early to go pick up my Vespa (finally) from Brookvale. i rode there on the 50cc scooter they lent me and drove my 125cc back in abotu half the time =p after all that time, the repairs only cost me $299 .. i was sorta expecting anywhere from $500-1000.. i mean one of the parts cost $180 by itself and had to be ordered from Italy. so im quite pleased with my money situation after that.. and it was worth every cent, the Vespa runs sooo much smoother now than it did before. its got so much more power than the 50cc, i almsot crashed it at the start cos it took off faster than i had expected. i managed to get it going at 70k/h up some medium slopes and got it to almost 90 on some flats. (even though im only technically allowed to go 80 =p)

its not often i can i say ive been to brookvale and back before 11am =p in the middle of the day i planned to go shopping and watch the NBA game, but i was too lazy to go shopping and the NBA game was on at 2:30pm and i needed to leave about then to go to Jazz in the Domain. which was pretty awesome btw =) it was a lil rainy but that was ok cos it was totally hot. it was fun to get up and jive to some tunes .. even though i dancing like and idiot.. it didnt really matter cos so were most ppl there =p

:: sunday
some doods came over to watch the NFL playoffs and to have some Penguin Waffles =) in fact we had way too many waffles and felt quite sickly afterwards. we also accidently flicked channels and saw the score of the game.. ruining it for all =p

next we moved on to shelles chocolates of death. i was so full of waffles that i didnt heaps wanna eat anything, but when i arrived to see mountains of chocolate, i had to try at least one or ten =p we played a bit of buzz and ddr to work off the calories.. but anymore and i wouldve thrown up =p

next we went to dinner at this secret ramen place in chinatown which is hidden away from dirty foreigners like me. it was so quality.. gyoza was awesome too.. ill take u there sometime =) man.. i cant wait to get back to japan ^^;

- ian, 11:40 am :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, January 8
listen to your heart
i was too lazy to do anything of note this weekend =p well actually i did manage to wake up long enough to go to a family lunch.. it was unsuprisingly yum cha =p it was just my generation of family.. so like cousins from each side. it was cool to catch up cos i rarely see most of them. when i was growing we didnt really have any in sydney.. so this is very novel for me =) it was a bit weird being the youngest and only single cousin there though =p im more often than not the oldest at things i go to nowadays =p

i also went on a shopping spree.. well relatively =p i bought 2 items.. which is a lot for me in one day =p the items included a basketball singlet from the Mooks store.. which sorta makes me a sellout. though i didnt buy it for the Mooks branding on the front, i bought it cos it was cool. ill show u sometime =p

- ian, 10:29 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, January 5
sudoku stole my life force
so i started playing sudoku .. and before i knew it, it was 3 days later and all i can recall is counting from 1 to 9 over and over.

at one point today we were working on one on Evil difficulty, and we had 3 guys all staring at it for 40mins and not getting anywhere =p

- ian, 10:04 pm :: 1 comments

:: Monday, January 2
merry new year
well a rather uneventful new years eve this year. i didnt really do anything. i think ive grown out of partying. i dont even find it fun anymore =p

on friday i went to luna park. this girl at work needed me to go pick up a ticket for her to the Feelgood Festival. but i managed to get a lift home in return =) we kinda spent some time looking around cos neither of us had been there for like 5 years. it was uber hot that day.. so we had very melty ice cream =p

new years day i tried to go shopping, but everything was closed. it was again totally hot, so i went to the local pool for a swim. i think ive forgotten how to swim, i totally suck now. it took my like 5 tries to swim a whole lap, just one lap! and i was totally winded after one lap. i swam a few more, but i had to like rest for 5 mins between each one =p i think its a combination of awful lung capacity and ugly ugly technique. maybe i need lessons =p

- ian, 12:15 pm :: 0 comments

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