but i cant do it alone.. i forgot to say last post.. but i smashed an LCD monitor at work =p i was like clearing my desk and i knocked it over onto a stapler. it actually made a pretty cool piece of artwork afterwords, i could still kinda see the web server logs among the multiple fractures =p when i rang help desk to ask for a replacement the lady on the other end didnt seem that impressed .. but at the same time she was slightly a mused by it.
last nite we had our first frisbee practice for the new year. it was crazy hot and flies and mozzies like everywhere.. but the training went quite well. we didnt jsut spend the whole time throwing a disc back n forth, we actually did some organised practice =) i wouldve liked to have maybe done a throwing-to-someone-who-is-running drill .. but other than that it was very productive. its funny how much more organised u seem jsut by bringing along witches hats to mark the endzone =p