i think im a clone nowso we had frisbee on monday.. it was pretty amusing.. we played the team of kids who are cool.. but we played the whole game one handed. like with a beer in one hand =p it was sorta bad cos they were like 15 and had all their parents there.. but they seemed to enjoy it.. they had coke not beer =p we also tried with pizza in one hand .. which was messy. so much fun though =) it sorta ended up being forcings back. and for the last point we played everyone on the field.. so they had like 14 ppl and we had like 11.. lol. i had 4 slices of pizza nad 3 beers during the game =p
we rounded out the nite at the pub for a few more and some pool.. i n00bed it up big time.. we played with some randoms who were even worse than me =p a good nite all round.
.. since then ive been moved out.. sorta.. im housesitting atm in Chiswick.. its pretty cool.. the public transport isnt great though.. ferrys whilst awesome, stop at 7:30pm.. and buses take forever .. and only go to Town Hall..
been feeling pretty apathetic lately.. cant be bothered doing things.. im oft called a snob.. which i dont think i am..but im quite often a dirty piker.. and thats gonna happen.. i figure im not fun at things if im not in the mood.. and im jsut not in the mood that much =p