:: Monday, August 22
the winter is long in the city
:: friday
we had a "reunion" of compsci ppl.. which was cool. i had like 2+ hours to kill after work.. and i luckily bumped into matt who was going to some Westpac grad drinks.. so i lurked around with them for a while. i knew quite a few of them from basketball or from uni so it was totally awkward.. jsut partially =p they seemed nice though.. it was cool how their grads like actually hung out.. whereas my work tends to like go home and study economic trends after work on a friday =p

the dinner was fun.. some ppl i rarely get to catch up with. we ate at this place called Baia.. which was like ok-ish. not great.. but not terrible. it was a lil geeky with me talking about games.. or past uni assignments most of the time =p but still wildly amusing all around =) dinner was followed by my horrible singing at k.. and tenny's totally awesome singing.

:: saturday
uh.. i totally mixed up my times and missed out of julias housewarming due to me being an idiot. i thought i could go beforehand cos rockclimbing was at 4:30.. but it was actually at 12-ish.. so though thoguht id go after.. and it was like over by then
*sigh* .. rock climbing was a lil intense, my arms are still sore. i forgot how much it hurts =p

:: sunday
i went to see Jo captain the Thornleigh Thunder to a open womens soccer championship at meadowbank =) it was pretty cool even though i quite dislike soccer as a whole =p they won 1-0.. in Jo's final game. she is retiring to play in a comp closer to her new place.

next we went to Jo's local trendy cafe for a coffee and a bite. it seemed very trendy and a bit too cool for me =p i had this weird butterfly sponge cupcake.. it was a lil dry.. but looked very impressive =) hehe

we went to Jo's church in drummoyne (or there abouts) it was this small nite service which was cool. the sermon was about the Lords Supper and how we should fit it in.. like how often.. and how it works.. and who does it. something ive sorta always done.. but never heaps thought about. there were like heaps of Credo ppl there from days gone by.. so i did know a couple of ppl =) we went to dinner at some small thai place which was fun .. i havent really hung out with church ppl in a long time.

i crashed at Jo's place and we watch the James Bond movie that was on tv.. it was much less good than i remember it being.

:: monday
i caught the ferry to work!! it was totally radical.. yes radical.. like ninja turtles! it was so nice and fast and uncrowded.. and soo very much not like cityrail. it jsut nice to cruise thru cydney harbour in the morning on a lovely day like today =)

frisbee.. yay!! we won div4!! only our second win of the season.. but it puts us into the semis!! we played well.. i think the other team was a lil annoyed that so many of our points were from me launching the disc long.. or me running long. and we probly did do it too much considering i saw Woody hold back on a long throw a few times when he probly couldve thrown it. but in my defence i didnt make any ridiculous catches this game.. they were all wide open cos of bad defence.. as opposed to be beating div4 players with really good plays.

we lost div3 though.. im ok with it though.. cos we sorta expected to lose to mac uni. they heaps nice to play agaisnt though.. cos theyre like fun. i also dont mind cos theyre probly the best chance to beat team STARK who are this team that everyone hates cos theyre jerks.. and not jsut my team.. all the other teams. its jsut a consensus that they have bad spirit cos they jsut try too hard. they dont cheat as such.. but theyre often a lil dubious with the "self refereed" aspect of ultimate. they are good though.. so they get slightly arrogant.

*yawn* sleep time

- ian, 11:18 pm ::

hihi asl. Haven't seen you in about a billion years, let's do dinnar.
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