:: Sunday, August 7
prisoner of society
so on thursday i went to frisbee training.. it was pretty cool. im still a bit of a lemon.. my lungs are positively shafted. i went ok-ish though.

friday at work was a write off as usual. nothing much really went on till drinks at 4. i sorta got a bit stuck into it this week.. i normally dont, but i didnt have anything better to do really. Just as the conference room started to clear i got a call from Tomoko who was catching up with some ppl for drinks.. so i tagged along for a bit. i dont oft go for drinking outings much nowadays.. but this was rather quaint and civilised conversation over way too many drinks =p it went something like RBA->Metropolitan Hotel->Giovannis->Belgian Beer Cafe. it was like some ppl we both knew from uni.. and some of her frens from other places. they were very colorful characters to say the least =p Tomo is so hilarious.. but not like cos she tells jokes or being bubbly.. but she has this very unique character .. theres never a dull moment. hehe

.. needless to say i got home at some ludicrous hour. but at least one of tomo's frens lived out my way (sorta) so i wasnt totally bored on the horrible train ride home. i awoke with a start, and proceeded to Summer Hill to help shelly with the apparently extensive task of moving out of home for the first time. i was quite suprised to see that she'd decided to purchase like a new everything. i spose u gotta buy things from some place... but i guess i try to avoid buying new things at full price wherever possible =p Summer Hill is pretty awesome.. theres a basketball court and a skate park within walking distance.. so tempting...

.. afterwards i went to Lane Cove to this Persian restaurant. me and some fellow workers went to dine with Haleh and her family (if i havent mentioned it before, Haleh is the girl from work who was in a car accident.. and she is persian). id never had persian food before so i was a lil tentative, but it turned out to be quite tasty and filling =) there was the one exception of this drink they had.. which was supposedly made out of water and yoghurt.. apparently its an aquired taste.. it was very salty and sour.. and altogether difficult to put down =p

the entertainment for the nite was these dancers (who Haleh says are actually not persian but arabic) .. and then later on was this guy who got up and sang persian pop music whilst old persian ppl danced the standard old peoples dance.. hehe.. it was a very different experience. and i also scored a ride home.. w00t!

- ian, 11:16 pm ::

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