:: Wednesday, August 31
uh.. i ended up staying home on thurs but going to work on friday.. which was a bad idea.. i felt horrible the whole day.. then went home and slept and coughed for another day or two =p

:: sunday
the Hills Hoist was on.. i was feeling about 80% so i decided to still go.. after running for about 2mins.. i felt about 40% =p it was a very fun and very exhausting day.. i had a slightly stacked team.. but i still got more of a run that i needed. it was 3x 45min games.. then 2x 1hr games.. we got knocked out in the semis so we didnt have to play an additional game after that (phew).

:: monday
i lost in the semis again.. this time in div4.. grr.. we came up against a massively stacked team for div4. they had at least 2 guys and 2 girls who'd been playing longer than me. im not really sure what they were doing in div4 actually. anyhoo, in some up and down wind we struggled to throw anything but we still put up a good fight and i didnt realyl do anything =p

.. since then ive been working on a bday card for kallie.. i drew this pic for the card.. but im not sure ill use it, since i made this awesome card which cant fit the drawing on it anywhere =p im quite proud of the pic.. i managed to "ink" it using a pencil.. which is a bit of an oxymoron.. but basically heres what i did.

i drew it once with pencil,
then i scanned it and cleaned it up a bit..
then printed it out as light blue.
then i "inked" it using pencil,
then photocopied it to increase contrast and removed blue
then i filled in the lil gaps that photocopying results in
then i scanned it again
then cleaned it again
then colored it
then shaded it

.. and thats it.. no ink invloved.. no photoshop pen tool.. no graphics tablet..

and here it is::

- ian, 10:43 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, August 24
roll on
yesterday i woke up feeling a lil sick.. but i went to work anyways.. i think i caught a cold at frisbee.. unusually for us, we had lots of subs, so i was on the bench more than i normally would and it was rather chilly out.

work has been pretty sketchy lately.. heaps of "omg what do we do?" cos we're like replacing all this stuff. ive been doign a lot of building servers and configuring.. and not much coding. i had to deal with Active Directory as part of a proof of concept.. and i have to say it is heaps suck =p

.. i went over my max RDOs like 2 weeks ago.. so i took a day off today.. but i woke up horribly sick and wouldnt have gone to work anyway. i spent most of the day in bed.. and um.. not much else. my head feels like its full of water.. its quite unpleasant.

i managed to watch Mr and Mrs Smith.. it was pretty cool, considering how everyone was saying it wasnt that good. Angelina Jolie was pretty hotness in it.. and i dont usually rate her that much.

.. id say im about 65% chance of going to work tommolo... ill decide in the morning.

- ian, 10:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 22
the winter is long in the city
:: friday
we had a "reunion" of compsci ppl.. which was cool. i had like 2+ hours to kill after work.. and i luckily bumped into matt who was going to some Westpac grad drinks.. so i lurked around with them for a while. i knew quite a few of them from basketball or from uni so it was totally awkward.. jsut partially =p they seemed nice though.. it was cool how their grads like actually hung out.. whereas my work tends to like go home and study economic trends after work on a friday =p

the dinner was fun.. some ppl i rarely get to catch up with. we ate at this place called Baia.. which was like ok-ish. not great.. but not terrible. it was a lil geeky with me talking about games.. or past uni assignments most of the time =p but still wildly amusing all around =) dinner was followed by my horrible singing at k.. and tenny's totally awesome singing.

:: saturday
uh.. i totally mixed up my times and missed out of julias housewarming due to me being an idiot. i thought i could go beforehand cos rockclimbing was at 4:30.. but it was actually at 12-ish.. so though thoguht id go after.. and it was like over by then
*sigh* .. rock climbing was a lil intense, my arms are still sore. i forgot how much it hurts =p

:: sunday
i went to see Jo captain the Thornleigh Thunder to a open womens soccer championship at meadowbank =) it was pretty cool even though i quite dislike soccer as a whole =p they won 1-0.. in Jo's final game. she is retiring to play in a comp closer to her new place.

next we went to Jo's local trendy cafe for a coffee and a bite. it seemed very trendy and a bit too cool for me =p i had this weird butterfly sponge cupcake.. it was a lil dry.. but looked very impressive =) hehe

we went to Jo's church in drummoyne (or there abouts) it was this small nite service which was cool. the sermon was about the Lords Supper and how we should fit it in.. like how often.. and how it works.. and who does it. something ive sorta always done.. but never heaps thought about. there were like heaps of Credo ppl there from days gone by.. so i did know a couple of ppl =) we went to dinner at some small thai place which was fun .. i havent really hung out with church ppl in a long time.

i crashed at Jo's place and we watch the James Bond movie that was on tv.. it was much less good than i remember it being.

:: monday
i caught the ferry to work!! it was totally radical.. yes radical.. like ninja turtles! it was so nice and fast and uncrowded.. and soo very much not like cityrail. it jsut nice to cruise thru cydney harbour in the morning on a lovely day like today =)

frisbee.. yay!! we won div4!! only our second win of the season.. but it puts us into the semis!! we played well.. i think the other team was a lil annoyed that so many of our points were from me launching the disc long.. or me running long. and we probly did do it too much considering i saw Woody hold back on a long throw a few times when he probly couldve thrown it. but in my defence i didnt make any ridiculous catches this game.. they were all wide open cos of bad defence.. as opposed to be beating div4 players with really good plays.

we lost div3 though.. im ok with it though.. cos we sorta expected to lose to mac uni. they heaps nice to play agaisnt though.. cos theyre like fun. i also dont mind cos theyre probly the best chance to beat team STARK who are this team that everyone hates cos theyre jerks.. and not jsut my team.. all the other teams. its jsut a consensus that they have bad spirit cos they jsut try too hard. they dont cheat as such.. but theyre often a lil dubious with the "self refereed" aspect of ultimate. they are good though.. so they get slightly arrogant.

*yawn* sleep time

- ian, 11:18 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, August 16
i think im a clone now
um.. thursday thru sunnday .. nothing to report.. like at all.

monday i played frisbee.. we had a bye for div4 so i picked up in some game.. against the Magpies, who my usual team played last week.. and is also playing next week.. so im gonna play them 3 weeks in a row =p we lost.. but theyre quite good, not sure how we're gonna go next week.. like their 3 best players were missing last week and we had a draw =p

in div4 it was like uber windy.. and i coudlnt throw a disc flat to save my life. but we came out with a good win =) the wind exaggerates the difference between a really good thrower and an average thrower (like me) cos it makes good throws look average.. and average throws look horrible. i still played ok though.. cos there were a lot of stray discs to defend and clean up on.. including one which i managed to let hit me right in the throat.. ouchness. i hit the deck and struggled to breathe for a few mins.. but it wasnt so bad. also there was one which was going out of bounds, so i smacked it further out to get it away from the attacker.. but then the wind blew it back up and over my head into his hands.. grr. it was pretty funny at the time though =p

earlier that day.. i bumped into mindy on the train.. who was with a friend of hers who also played frisbee.. coincidently enuf.. he played on the team i was later to play in div3.. what are the chances? =p

- ian, 10:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, August 10
ive never been afraid of any deviation
im now officially a deviant... whilst i was still uploading pics id already had someone add one of mine to their favourites.. and 4 comments posted =) thats pretty cool.


:: monday
yay frisbee. ahem. in div4 we played these 16 yo high school kids.. and they beat us =p they were heaps good and really nice too. they apparently won the first ever Australian Youth Ultimate Frisbee Nationals earlier this year. it was a muchly fun game, cept i was totally wrecked from havign to chase four year10 kids the full length of the field on every play =p

in div3 we played this team which is way ahead of us in the standings and beat them =) they kept playing 4M/3F cos we didnt have enuf girls and had to field 4M/2F, but it didnt matter.. we beat them with our horrible 6-player zone defence =p i played ok.. i only made about 3 throws the whole game.. and i think only one was a good throw .. hehe.

:: tuesdays
met up after work with matt/bunny/shelly who i dont often see. we went to have tapas and then passionflower.. it was heaps fun.. cept they all had a tendacy to skew the converstaion to somehow involve WoW =p at passionflower we bumped into sid n nancy.. who i had seen in even longer. we caught up for a bit over some tasty tasty iced creams and sorbets =) as matt mentioned in his blog.. the nite had a real uni-feel to it.. beign undecided about where to eat.. jsut hanging out.. randomly bumping into ppl.. catching the last train home .. eep! such amusement =)

:: wednesday
i had lunch with jenny.. whom i see like never. she has quit her job and her new job is in north sydney.. so ill see her even less now. she reminded me of how horribly underpaid i am compared to everyone else my age. even though she is a year younger than me, she got offerd a job for roughly my current salary, and found it insulting =p maybe i should get of my ass and get a real job... hrm.. i dont really care about the money so much.. but im not really going anywhere atm.. so it feels like im going backwards. *sigh* .. time to draw up plans to move to japan again ^^;

- ian, 9:37 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, August 7
prisoner of society
so on thursday i went to frisbee training.. it was pretty cool. im still a bit of a lemon.. my lungs are positively shafted. i went ok-ish though.

friday at work was a write off as usual. nothing much really went on till drinks at 4. i sorta got a bit stuck into it this week.. i normally dont, but i didnt have anything better to do really. Just as the conference room started to clear i got a call from Tomoko who was catching up with some ppl for drinks.. so i tagged along for a bit. i dont oft go for drinking outings much nowadays.. but this was rather quaint and civilised conversation over way too many drinks =p it went something like RBA->Metropolitan Hotel->Giovannis->Belgian Beer Cafe. it was like some ppl we both knew from uni.. and some of her frens from other places. they were very colorful characters to say the least =p Tomo is so hilarious.. but not like cos she tells jokes or being bubbly.. but she has this very unique character .. theres never a dull moment. hehe

.. needless to say i got home at some ludicrous hour. but at least one of tomo's frens lived out my way (sorta) so i wasnt totally bored on the horrible train ride home. i awoke with a start, and proceeded to Summer Hill to help shelly with the apparently extensive task of moving out of home for the first time. i was quite suprised to see that she'd decided to purchase like a new everything. i spose u gotta buy things from some place... but i guess i try to avoid buying new things at full price wherever possible =p Summer Hill is pretty awesome.. theres a basketball court and a skate park within walking distance.. so tempting...

.. afterwards i went to Lane Cove to this Persian restaurant. me and some fellow workers went to dine with Haleh and her family (if i havent mentioned it before, Haleh is the girl from work who was in a car accident.. and she is persian). id never had persian food before so i was a lil tentative, but it turned out to be quite tasty and filling =) there was the one exception of this drink they had.. which was supposedly made out of water and yoghurt.. apparently its an aquired taste.. it was very salty and sour.. and altogether difficult to put down =p

the entertainment for the nite was these dancers (who Haleh says are actually not persian but arabic) .. and then later on was this guy who got up and sang persian pop music whilst old persian ppl danced the standard old peoples dance.. hehe.. it was a very different experience. and i also scored a ride home.. w00t!

- ian, 11:16 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, August 3
we are fighting dreamers
we lost our basketball semi today vs Mac Bank.. grrr. i played ok.. cept i missed an open layup. i had another layup taken away by a bad call from the ref, afterwards he came up and to me and said "ill give u a make-up call when i can" hehe.. i dont think i ever got that call =p
i got a bunch of steals.. and a good block on this guy who double pump faked me. if only i had a jump shot, id be a half decent player =p

.. earlier that day.. this guy on the street says to me "where are you from?", to which i replied "im from sydney" .. and he goes "no, where are you from originally?" .. gah i hate when ppl ask me that.. i was born in Sydney!! anyways after a bit of to-and-fro i insisted im from Sydney, to which he said "not that that accent" and gave me the finger.. to which i jsut walked off. jerk. why would i make something like that up? and why is he even asking if he's jsut gonna be rude about it? maybe he was waiting for me to say some asian country so he could make some racist remark about it.. and was angry that he never got the chance.

.. anyhoo.. heres snowtrip pics and a video

- ian, 9:15 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, August 2
hai irrashai~
this past weekend twas a long weekend for anyone who worked at a bank in NSW .. yay! but i still managed to do nothing that productive. i went to a snowboard sale at homebush.. which sucked.. but it was a nice day to walk thru bicentennial park =) i went to bunnings warehouse to try and find materials for my backyard terrain park.. and man was it expensive.. i think we're gonna need to find a way to obtain materials cheaper.. cos this is way out of budget.. the grass alone costs $35/m. hrm..

lastly i went to the doctor.. which basically said "meh.. its probly nothing.", how unconvincing. he thought that since its been there so long that is must be normal.. im considering getting second opinion, i suspect this doctor is a bit of a quack.

.. oh and frisbee on monday =) i came away with a draw and a win.. yay! the div4 game was pretty suck. the other team were jsut fat thugs who tried to jsut barge me out of the way all the time. on one play, this guy fuly jsut shoved me in the back to stop be catching the disc. on the last point i threw a perfect hammer to nige in the endzone to tie the game.. and they totally werent happy about it =p hehe.

div3 was a fun game.. i kept getting matched up on this guy who was somewhere in 6'4" area in terms of height. it ended up being a pretty good match up despite his massive reach advantage. it was a fun game cos the other team was cool. i played ok.. i was catching and defending pretty good.. but my throws were rubbish. at the end i was jsut going long and then throwing back to the dump =p

- ian, 10:45 pm :: 0 comments

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