what the helen of troy is that?yay! im going to the snow tonite.. boo! im sick.. gah
im going with a bunch of ppl i only sorta know.. its weird cos i sort know them thru a few diff ppl.. but altogether i dont really know them =p im staying on the snow though.. so i can walk to the lifts and therefore have no need to bother myself with other humans =p theyre apparently pretty good boarders though ..so itll be a nice change from the n00bs and woebags i normally board with =p
my mouth hurts heaps. on monday i tried to catch a frisbee with my teeth (like a dog does) .. and uh.. i wouldnt recommend you try it =p i split my lip open and i think i almsot knocked out a tooth.
i had a meeting this morning with all of the "App Dev" team. who basically build apps on our infrastructure. and frankly they asked me a bunch of questions that they already knew the answers to, but jsut needed confirmation. so i jsut nodded politely the whole meeting but gave off the appearance like i was very knowledgeable =p
.. lastly.. i suspect that ive fried my videocard at home. the fan was (and still is) making all these horrible noises and i dunno why (i tried cleaning it out). so i kept trying to tap it.. but i think i stopped it.. and possibly overheated.. or short circuited my video card =p it doesnt realyl work anymore.. although i haevnt really had time to look at it properly. maybe i should go buy a X800 =)