:: Tuesday, July 26
find a circus ring with a flying trapeze
snow snow snow! mm. im rather hyped up atm.. i had a pretty good session this weekend =) im progressing ok i think.. i didnt have any bad falls at all.. and i hit the terrain park a fair bit. im seriously a mere matter of degrees away from landing a 360.. frustratingly close =p i saw my cousin there (who i basically taught how to snowboard) and he has surpassed me (grr!)... he was doing 180s up onto the picnic tables!!! dang

me and my brother are considering constructing a funbox in our backyard to work on our box/rail techniques. ive seen a few sites on the net about it.. and it doesnt look too hard to set up =)

.. back to the trip..
we left at midnite on thursday nite.. (crazy).. we drove around cabra for a while.. and um.. tried to organise ppl into cars n such. most of the ppl id never met before.. and some of them i sorta kinda knew as friends of friends.. but they all seemed very nice. they were amusingly articulate considering how frequently they used the f word =p whilst retelling my snow adventures at an rba breakfast.. i happened to mention this f word.. and the doods at work were like "i think thats the first time ive ever heard ian swear, it sounded so out of place" hehe. back in first year i made a deliberate effort to not swear (cos i did so so much at school).. and i sorta weeded it out.. till now =p

..but i digress.. the drive down was ok cept for the driving kept needing to have a smoke.. not by stopping, but by lighting up and opening a window.. brrr. it didnt really bother me that much.. and he was very apologetic. at cooma maccas i think i saw chitos sister.. cept i wasnt realyl sure.. so i didnt say anything =p

.. the lodge was awesomeness =) it was brand new.. we were the 4th group to stay there. it was 2 stories + a loft. and had all heated floor tiles. it was fully decked out with brand new appliances and LCD screens and other cool stylish furniture and a fireplace .. and a BBQ.. and an outdoor gas heater.. it was jsut goodness all around =)

on the first nite we sorta drank a lot.. like heaps.. i was totally spaced out at the end.. im suprised i could stand.. but no one seemed to notice that i was so out of it (possibly cos theyd had so much more than me).. but se sat around and chatted about the world.. and ppl and such.. it was very pleasant.. it was a nice change to hang out with different ppl. we also all cooked dinner together.. we made these tortilla roll things.. we didnt make them well.. but we made them.. hehe

i still managed to get up almost in time for first lifts (staying on snow is so teh awesome).. the others didnt get up quite as well.. but thats cool since i didnt have to wait for them =) these ppl werent heaps good (in fact some were uber n00bs).. but they were all brave .. and tried stuff which is always good to see.

.. im too lazy to fill in this middle area cos not much happened.. cept one of the girls drove a guys car into a ditch =p what was also cool was when these guys made two sets of pasta for lunch.. one with mushrooms and one without.. jsut cos i happened to mention my dislike for mushrooms earlier in the car. sniff *wipes away a tear* .. this a stark contrast to the "well its this or nothing" treatment i always get from my own frens. but i wont go into that here (i might a bit later on) .. not that im bitter or anything.

.. on the last day one of the doods lauched off the rainbow box at merrits.. cos he thought it was a jump .. and needless to say, the landing wasnt that great. he had to be stretchered (spelling?) off by ski patrol and get xrays and all that jazz. thankfully he was ok.. but he was badly limping.. and the nurse said he had a bleeding liver. this sorta freaked us out at first, cos a bleeding liver sounds really bad .. but she was like "yeh itll be fine in a week".

i got a lift home.. which i am eternally gratefull for.. since none of the peeps lived remotely near me (the closest was strathfield).

in other news: this is gonna be awesome. its not online, but the local newsletter has a pic of what it looks like.. its got like a bowl area and some ramps n rails.. not much flat though.

ignore this: http://celeb.improaustralia.com.au/index.html

- ian, 9:53 pm ::

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