:: Sunday, June 12
you make me dizzy, running circles in my head
... one of these days ill chase you down....

gah.. no posts for ages.. actually.. meh.. ill catch up..
:: monday
frisbee!! yay.. we lost by heaps in both games.. *sigh*. i semi injured myself iin div4 and couldnt really play. some hamstring thing.. gah. but some div1 guy came and subbed for us =) .. it didnt help much =p

div3 was awesomeness =) we played at some place in marsfield.. it was really eerie out there.. it was like up on this raised field, but it had somehow accumulated a large amount of low-lying fog. we lost .. by heaps apparently.. but it was the most fun game ive had in ages... we played well, but they jsut played better, as opposed to div4.. where they playd bad.. but we jsut playd worse =p

:: wednesday
basketball =) yay.. we won! hrm.. i havent won a game for a while in any sport =p we won possibly the ugliest game ever. in 25 mins we won 13-5.. thats terrible. although a few of their points the ref sorta gave to them, cos he felt sorry for them. i scored 3 points, all free throws.. so i am still yet to register a field goal (although i had 2 in this game that were waived off. grr). we were playing against a team from ebay.com.au hehe, they had like uniforms and a cheer squad. but they were all n00bs. my old west-ryde team wouldve beaten them by 50 probly. our team isnt that bad.. i think we jsut need to play together more, like maybe some streetball, cos the ball movement is horrible.. and no one jacks up open shots, they jsut wait for contested fadeaways... cept me, i tend to go for the leaning left hand scoop shot with 4 defenders on me.. im about 0-8 so far =p

:: the other days
nothing really.. cept solitare, minesweeper and conqueronline. i started a second character in conquer, and i got him up to level 30 in the first day =) hehe. it took me at least a week to get my first character there. i am getting a bit bored of it though.. im considering moving to Guild Wars .. but i dont know anyone who plays, hence making my guild jsut me =p

.. i didnt go to frisbee practice today cos i had no trains.. also my knee is fsked.. it clunks like a rusted bicycle. ill still try and play on it though.. the pain is tolerable, and im itching to do something.

- ian, 9:22 pm ::

Yeh man, that game on wednesday was pretty terrible. I'll ask the guys if they're interested in some after work ball. We've got like no offensive plays =P

Oh, and I play Guild Wars!!! =D

Though I haven't had much time to play, look me up if you're on (Remy Mathieu lvl 6 Elementalist/Necromancer) =D
We should all just play whichever comes out first out of diablo 3 and hellgate:london later this year.
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